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County Decree #002: Local Militia

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:22 pm
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
WHEREAS the County of Norfolk is too far from Shirekeep for the Shirerithian Military to effectively provide tactical aid in times of need,

RECOGNIZING the large concentration of refugee Antican Naval Infantrymen in the region and other retired military personnel,

LET IT BE KNOWN THAT, for the defense of our County, the government of the County of Norfolk does hereby decree that a standing force of guard troops, as well as a county militia shall be raised from the local population. The troops shall be raised as follows:

1,000 Naval Infantrymen (former Antican NI soldiers only) stationed in Tymaria City
2,000 Militia stationed around the county

By my hand, this Ughday, 6th of H'graasreign,
Nick "Foghorn" Leghorn
Count of Norfolk
Knight of the Order of Kuralyov, First Class
Speaker's Award Recipient
Republican Star Recipient
Hero of the Red Antillean Invasion

Re: County Decree #002: Local Militia

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:42 am
by Jonas
I don't know anything what's going on in my Duchy... It's like I'm a real Duke! :)