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Antican detachment massing

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:55 pm
by Maggern
Cheers could be heard around the railway station in York. On the tracks were an infinite amount of carriages loaded with Antican soldiers. Everywhere, their family and loved ones cheered them goodbye once again. They had just managed to be at home for a few weeks before they received word that there was a civil war brewing in the Duchy of Antica, and several top figures in the Republic had asked the people to create expeditionary corps to help their ally in Norfolk, the Count Foghorn.
A whistle could be heard and the carriages started moving. The on-lookers threw flowers at the train as it departed. There was nothing more beautiful than young men sacrificing for their nation and their beliefs. They would be remembered as heros by their countrymen.

All over Antica, the scene repeated itself. Trains packed with troops that recently had volunteered to enter the ranks of the 2nd `Viking Berserker´ Army. The army had officially been disbanded after the War of Mondesian Liberation, but two whole divisions had been filled with new volunteers and Lt Gen Maggern was once again leading them to war. Some of the veterans had joined in as well, still confident of the cause.

Maggern had decided all troops be massed in New Aquilaria, a great modern city long underway in its development. There, the soldiers would be briefed about the secret operation currently under development.