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RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:50 am
by Allot
In cooperation with the MoMA and the MiniTrade, the Ministry of Information is organizing its first historical recwar. No troops will be lost. And the war to be fought is...

The War of Jeremy's Nose

Sign ups for commanders are now open! The commanders are:


Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:38 am
by Harald of Froyalan
All hail King Hasan I of Bosworth!! :smashy

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:45 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Ooh, my, well ... do we have to fight like the original people fighted? Or could I fight as Bosworth and actually fight back :document

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:52 pm
by Allot
No, we don't need to fight it like they did (since it was a lame war). We're going to make it a little more interesting. Somehow. This is the planning stage, so if someone wants to help me out with this... that would rock.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:45 pm
by Leo Fenrir
Please forgive my ignorance but how are wars conducted in Shireroth? And where can I look for this information?

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:44 pm
by Harald of Froyalan
Allot wrote:No, we don't need to fight it like they did (since it was a lame war). We're going to make it a little more interesting. Somehow. This is the planning stage, so if someone wants to help me out with this... that would rock.
It was indeed more a war of words and whining.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:01 pm
by Allot
Frankly I searched "war" on ShireWiki and it was the only thing that came up. If there's a more interesting one, throw it out there, I'll change it.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:18 pm
by Andreas the Wise
I'd like to learn more about this famous Jaris War I keep hearing about.

Alternatively, wasn't there a War of the Orchids?

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:29 pm
by Allot
I didn't really want to draw attention to Elwynn after all this... :evil :document

Jarnds cool. Info? Oh wait, that's my job.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:37 pm
by Oroigawa Koreyasu
The Circum-Raynor War could be an interesting one to do. Although, I only vaguely remember that one. And I was on the side that was against Shireroth... :(

On second thought, let's not...

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:40 pm
by Ari Rahikkala
You could try the Jaris war forum :p

I wasn't around for the Jaris war due to being in the army, but yeah, from what I've heard, it was one of the more fun recwars we had. My favourite Shirithian recwar is the one Wylthean Succession, though, because it left behind such a beautiful narrative: Political strife! Kingmaking! Blowing up Musica! Battles named after cities which I've unfortunately forgotten all about :(! The eternal prophet showing up! Plot twists! The discovery that it had all been a big conspiracy all along! Some kind of closure around that discovery! Scott's book about it is excellent, too, and I like the dedication :p.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:56 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Allot wrote:In cooperation with the MoMA and the MiniTrade, the Ministry of Information is organizing its first historical recwar. No troops will be lost. And the war to be fought is...

The War of Jeremy's Nose

Sign ups for commanders are now open! The commanders are:

*Cough* And Elwynn/Imperial Volunteer Forces...

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:04 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
I wasn't around for the Jaris war due to being in the army
Ah, Shireroth, the only country where being in the army is a valid excuse for missing a war.
But on a larger scale...I'm confused! Are we re-enacting famous recwars now? How? Why?

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:52 pm
by Allot
For fun. How? I don't know. That would be the purpose of this thread.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:33 pm
by Rai Avon-El
I was reading through some ancient documents written by Kaiser Los I in 1028:

When the Kaisers built their great city of Shirekeep virtually under the Elwysses, three of their tribes attacked, vengeful at the enemies of their old allies, the Musicans. When the Shirerothian forces defeated them with ease, they were highly impressed and petitioned to join Shireroth of their own free will, particularly since border raids by proto-Machiavellians were leaving them weak and vulnerable. This was just after Kaiser Daniel II had arranged the Duchy system for Goldshire, and he made Elwynn the third duchy. Raids by the Machiavellians continued until well into historical times, leading Kaiser Timothy I to create Fort Francis on the western border. Although currently peace and friendship prevails between Mach and Shire, the fort remains, and a moderate-sized city has grown up around it. It was also instrumental in the defense of Elwynn and Shirekeep from the Cimmerians, who invaded in the reign of Timothy II. The defense of Fort Francis is still remembered as one of the greatest Shirerothian military events of all time.

That last line caught my intention. Perhaps if we reenacted it we could add a story to this one-line reference about the foundations of this very republic,

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:58 pm
by Jacobus Loki
I remember the real War of Jeremy's Nose (sigh).

We fought well. Ardy is unsurpased at military narrative, and many of our other people were/are quite talented.

As Steward, I was accidentally involved in starting it, although I backpedaled like crazy to try and stop it.

The "Kaiser Mors V" fought crucial actions, although burning down the forests of Gascony was not my finest hour.

I'll leave the re-creations to those so inclined, although I'd answer any questions.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:20 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
To paraphrase Dilbert: Ah, a debate over holding a possible re-enactment of a simulated war between fake countries. That's as close as you can get to not being a carbon-based life form.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:47 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Pish Scott - don't be so reductive... well OK maybe being reductive is appropriate under the circumstances but anyway. But anyway - re-enacting a recwar is kinda pointless, as they tend to disintegrate at about the time people start offering different interpretations over whether a certain move is illegal or merely insane and how terribly unsporting it is to wipe out your opponent with a barrage of cruise missiles before they've even finished brewing their first cup of tea for the campaign.

Frankly running a recwar with a view to historical accuracy is nothing but a recipe for a long protracted and soul-destroying argument.

However there is a glimmer of hope for rescuing this proposal. Instead of replaying a world historical event with the possibility of generating a wrong outcome while not focus on a single action on the periphery of the main-campaign, and set it in a time no-body knows much about, say like the First War of the Orchids or the Treesian Crusade. Me and Scott set the scenario and there will be nobody with the historical knowledge to contradict us. Rai Avon-El also had a good idea about the defence of Fort Francis... a better idea in fact... sod it... go with Ric's idea... :p

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:35 am
by Ari Rahikkala
AOL! Best not to fight a war that's already been fought when we can find one that's only been alluded to with little detail, and flesh that one out instead.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:59 am
by Austi_Scot
I say, find something (or someone if you must) you don't like and start a new rec-war!

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:23 pm
by Leo Fenrir
Tensions are running high between Kai-Roth and Nordland as a plot to take back Wolfraven was discovered. Your war may not be too far off by the looks of it.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:19 pm
by Allot
Bah! Enough of you people! Maybe I'll just go attack Leo. >:(

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:22 pm
by Leo Fenrir
May I kindly remind you who I represent?

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:23 pm
by Allot
Seriously, stop trying to lord your power over me. I will destroy you. Let's move this to Elwynn so as not to clog up the MoMA. But seriously. This means war.

Re: RecWar Time

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:08 pm
by Andreas the Wise
SCIRA is ready and waiting ... :thumbsup