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Official Ministry Policy Re: Der Nederlanden

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:30 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea

In the name of Her Niftiness, Kaiseress Anandja II Mita, Keeper of the Apollo Legacy, Grand Mistress of the Orders of the Dragon, Griffin, Phoenix, and Chimera, Wielder of Vengeance, Bearer of the Celestial Barrier, Countess of Shirekeep, Princess of Hvalafell, and Lady of the Golden Mango Throne:

Thank you to both sides for providing information to us poor English speakers. I have combed over the Nederlanden forums with Google Translate and tried to verify as much as I could.

To the best of my knowledge, ex-President Romez is telling the truth when he says he was removed in a coup by abuse of forum powers. On the word of Jonas, Shireroth's oldest friend in the Dutch Sector, I am willing to believe ex-President Romez when he says that Franz and Saladin are the same person. I was also able to find the ex-President's case in the Court and verify the refusal of the new government to try it. Ambassador Vermussen has yet to directly deny these allegations.

The recent elections in Nederlanden seem to have been conducted freely and fairly, but they are invalid if, as ex-President Romez says, the resulting distribution of power violates the constitution.

Therefore, Shireroth has no choice but to revoke our recognition of der Nederlanden for the time being.

We urge both parties to place their case before a neutral mediating body, and we recommend the Small Commonwealth Court. Its three jurists are not from the Dutch Sector and therefore should be as close to neutral in this matter as anyone is likely to find.

If der Nederlanden allows this case to be tried before the Commonwealth Court or an international legal body of similar repute and complies with their decisions, we will resume normal friendly relations.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Ministry of the Exterior if there is any other way we can be of service.


Re: Official Ministry Policy Re: Der Nederlanden

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:06 am
by Jef Vermussen
The Republiek der Nederlanden is disappointed in these actions of the Shireroth Government.

Jef Vermussen

Re: Official Ministry Policy Re: Der Nederlanden

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:12 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
I'm sorry it had to come to this, and I look forward to resuming relations after the Court has sorted these issues out.

Re: Official Ministry Policy Re: Der Nederlanden

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:31 am
by Jef Vermussen

With this statement, the ministery of foreign affairs and the entire government wish to react to the recent demands that have been made by the Shirerothian government.

The ministery of foreign affairs and the entire government do want the complaints raised by sir Romez to be heard before the court. However, in the Republiek der Nederlanden we practice the principle of separation of powers, the government is unable to take the requested actions now without violating said principle.

The case is to be heard before the court of first instance, but there is no judge assigned to this court. The current laws do not permit the honourable justice of the supreme court to hear this case. This judicial mess is due to previous governments.

As there is currently no candidate to be appointed to the court of first instance, the only way out is to change the law. This can be done in two ways:
- to allow the honourable justice of the supreme court to hear the case
- to allow the commonwealth court to hear the case

However, there is currently a constitutional amendement pending, which would establish an Islamic Republic and which would scrap all current laws. The ministry of foreign affairs and the entire government wish to wait for the approval of the constitutional amendement, since any law change would be futile as soon as the constitutional amendement is approved. The constitutional amendement has to be approved by referendum before it can be promulgated.

Untill that time, the ministry of foreign affairs and the entire government urges its international partners to respect the rights of both the plaintiff and the defendant and to respect the current procedure.

Jef Vermussen
Minister of Foreign affairs
Republiek der Nederlanden

Re: Official Ministry Policy Re: Der Nederlanden

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:16 am
by Jef Vermussen

The citizens of the Republiek der Nederlanden have approved the new constituiton. In this new constitution the name of the Republiek der Nederlanden has been changed to the Islamitische Internetrepubliek.
The Islamitische Internetrepubliek is a unitary republic. The legislative power is the Majlis-al-Shoera which is elected by the citizens of the Republic every four months. Furthermore the citizens elect a Sadr, the President of the Republic ,every six months. The power of the Sadr is more ceremonial. The Sadr appoints the Grootvizier, the Prime Minister. The Islamitishe Diwan is an institution that gives advise about the laws. These advises are not obligated to follow.
All international treaties will be remained. A new government will be formed, but I will be the representative of the Islamitische Internetrepubliek.

Jef Vermussen
Islamitische Internetrepubliek