Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Negotiates with foreign powers; make diplomatic requests here

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Enrique Portela
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Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Enrique Portela »

As promised earlier, I stated that there was a short-state visit planned ;).

Excellency, Minister:

His Imperial Majesty, Edgard II is pleased to send his warm regards to the people and more over the Kaiser of Shireroth. Alexandria and Shireroth have shared a bond of friendship over the years and have not interfered with each other in a negative way. I remember as if it was yesturday when Alexandria and Shireroth engaged in the Jaris War, only to come out as friends just as they entered the war. Alexandria views Shireroth as a significant community in Micronationalism, and reveres its present and past leaders as great as they were and are today.

His Imperial Majesty has directed me in my capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs to arrive in these fair lands and request for a renewal of relations between our two nations. Nothing would please us more than to be at peace with our Shirerithian friends. We've shared a lot over the years, and we wish to remain as good friends as possible.


HIH Le Dauphin,
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Alexandria

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Jacobus Loki »

My apologies, the Minister and His Niftiness have been unavoidably delayed.

As Steward, I offically and heartily welcome your visit. May the ties of peace and friendship which has long bound us together endure and strengthen!
Jacobus Loki
Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est.
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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

Greeting, and in return, warmest regards to you and your lord.

I see no reason why there should not be a recognized peace between our two nations.

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
Duke of Brookshire
Count of Monty Crisco

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I've been wondering for some time about the fact that Alexandria and Shireroth have coexisted for so long, with such similarly non-evil natures, and yet have done so little together. In a consistent world you would be more like Gralus and Babkha are to us now, or how nations like Treesia have been to us in the past - not just something that we seem to be only passively aware of as the case unfortunately seems to be now...

Luckily, I think I have an idea about how to go about fixing this. If it weren't 4 AM I would even post what it is. In essence, though, it will be somewhat similar to the DiploCorps that we used to have, but more natural, casual, and not preordained but based on the "chuck it at the wall and see if it sticks" principle.

- Ari, your friendly neighbourhood minister of the exterior

Enrique Portela
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Enrique Portela »

Your Niftyness, Excellency Minister of the Exterior:

I thank you for your warm welcome into Shireroth. Alexandria and Shireroth did hold a treaty once and have been friendly to each other i think i negotiated a treaty with Greg when he was Kaiser not sure though. It certainly pleases Alexandria, and i hope it does Shireroth to return to the negotiation tables.


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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

It would please me. I'll let Ari, Minister of the Exterior handle things, as he seems to have some sort of plan.

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
Duke of Brookshire
Count of Monty Crisco

Enrique Portela
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Enrique Portela »

Your Niftyness, Excellency:

I apologize for the inconvenience. RL issues seem to be tying me down and leaving me with little to no time. His Imperial Majesty would indeed be interested in returning to the negotiation tables, as he sees Shireroth as one of the micronations Alexandria would enjoy a strong bond with.

Would you like me to draft a Treaty? or shall the Minister take up the matter?

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h4773r's Herald
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by h4773r's Herald »

YOU ARE CORRECT! Noble emissary . i was a DREADFUL ambassadors to your nation for about a week, than i was constrained with more, um RL matters . . and regretfully neglected to return and continue relations.

HOWEVER, my failings aside (did i mention your nation is fascinating, and i think its nifty, no mean feat to a Shirerothian) Greg as Kaiser . . .*mumbles beneath his breath* did negotiate a treaty, but i can not recall what came of it.

HUZZAH! i say, we should once more seek to strengthen a bond between the two Sovereignties, it would be SMASHING!

I do Bless the concept *lights a small cherry bomb* two . . three . . . *chucks it into the air* B00/\/\!!
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: Greetings from the Empire of the Alexandrians

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

You can draft the treaty if is pleases you. Then we can go from there.

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
Duke of Brookshire
Count of Monty Crisco

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