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Proclamation of Intentions

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:30 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
With the ongoing hostilities that exist between the Barony of Elwynn and the elven descendants, and with Yardistan and it's holdings (Amity and Mirioth, respectively) the Barony of Southern Halllucination does proclaim it's intention to side with Baron Ric Lyon and the Barony of Elwynn in the event of war-like actions on the part of Yardistan.The Dragon legions of H alluci along with the existing (to the literal extent) archers, elite infantry, cavalry, etc will be dispatched north of the Elwynese damns to serve under Baron Ozarka Mons in conjuction with Baron Ric Lyon and Militia Leader Ardashir Khan Osmani of Elwynn. The Mage Order will not, at this time be dispatched, but will maintain vigilant patrols. We warn Yardistan that any ships passing by will be taken down by the combined efforts of the Water Mages, Earth Mages, and Fire Mages. 9/22/05

Re: Proclamation of Intentions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:53 am
by Sebastien Alexandre
Move this to Old Hallucination, please. :)
My, the things one can find when you only begin to dig...

Re: Proclamation of Intentions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:54 am
by b3n|<3r|\|

Old school...

Re: Proclamation of Intentions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:05 am
by Jonas
Moved :thumbsup