A Proposal That Nobody Will Like

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Harvey the Blue
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A Proposal That Nobody Will Like

Post by Harvey the Blue »

I know that I am not entirely the most well-liked person around here, and I definitely come this time with grim news. But I feel that I have to at least say it, if only for my own sake.

I am proposing that Shireroth officially end its time as a micronation.

Make no mistake, it has already ended the vast majority of its actions over half a year ago. Without trying deliberately to offend the few people that are still here, the government is unfortunately in shambles. The ministries have no ministers and a shrinking list of pipe dream projects that no one is working on. The duchies are all but abandoned by their citizens. The Landsraad lies empty with no debate. The Kaiser has shrunken from someone to safeguards the nation from turning in the wrong direction to a mere rear guard; the last remaining citizen that still tries to maintain a presence.

There is no newspaper. The wiki is collapsing and the microworld is moving elsewhere. The website remains out-of-date and uncared for.

The summer was quiet. But that was okay; people were busy with summer jobs and travel. The fall was quiet. But that was okay; people were busy with back to school stuff. The early winter was quiet. I don´t think anyone bothered to try to find an excuse.

I do not easily discard the actions of the few that remain and still remain. Rather I appeal to them, and to any other citizens that might come out of the woodwork, for closure, and for the realization that this is not a slump that´s a passing phase but rather the painful continuation of a once proud nation that seems to seek rest.

Gone is the drive to excel, to push the borders of the possible. Shireroth has felt it. I have felt it myself. It´s that feeling that there are great things going on and greater things coming soon. It´s the feeling that this place is worth staying up an extra hour or two if it means getting something wonderful ready to show people. Gone are the fights that erupt between groups that disagree on the details but both passionately want to see a better future. Replacing expansion is this shroud of mere survival. Hope for a greater future falls to hope for a future at all.

Shireroth does not deserve this indefinite artificial existence. Everyone has to go. It´s too late to go out with a bang, but it can at least go out with dignity. There have been micronations that haven´t; they too faded in activity until the past person just left one day. Now they are places many older micronations think of with sadness and disdain. I will mention them not. Shireroth does not deserve their fate.

I do not state these things because I desire to be the person to kill this nation! I state these things because of the need for closure! Stories have endings. The main part of Shireroth has passed, clearly, now it´s just an extended epilogue. Pages with unimportant happenings keep floating by, and the few people still paying attention just want to see the ending for their own sake. Everyone watching knows, sad as it is, nothing great will come from here again. This ith, even for me! I had some great, irreplaceable memories from this place.

Now, I know no Kaiser(ess) wants to have to sign that horrible last decree. Bill was terrified of it; even though he knew it had to be done, he didn´t want to be the reason. I guess no one does. So if you guys want someone to blame, hell, blame me. But I reiterate that it must be done before there is not even a Kaiser(ess) to make it official.

I also know that a few people are still on these forums. So I propose that the decree that dissolves the government be a mere formality. Everyone that hangs around here can still hang around here and talk to everyone they like. Shireroth will cease to be a government but remain as strong of a community as has ever been. Because, let´s admit it, the government was a construct to interact with people. The real power behind Shireroth is the people we met. And there´s no reason to stop talking to them.

Essentially, if the government is dissolved, all that will change is that people can stop feeling guilty about the state of the country. And if, stars be willing, a group of people want to take a serious shot at rebuilding the country, everything will still be here, waiting for the new optimistic leader to declare the rebirth.

With that, I´ve said my peace. With this I do what I can to, in my mind, make things right. If you choose to ignore it, I´ll know I tried, and that will be the closure that I need for myself.

At least give it some thought.

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hypatias mom
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Post by hypatias mom »


While I was still Kaiseress, I proposed this very thing to a number of people. A couple agreed this was the correct course, and some thought I should not even take the throne, as the country was a lost cause already. Several former or long-time members stated I had no standing to even consider the drastic step of closing the forums; that I was wishing for the death of a nation I had no part in forming. You and a number of the original or long-time members made a great country, full of life and activity. I came in at the very end of this period, and then was absent due to illness for almost a year. When I returned, things had devolved almost to the present state, and I wondered if the country could survive. To a person, those who were still occasionally posting said they wished things to continue and to improve, but were at a loss to know how to proceed, so I worked to try to reactivate some of the old spirit and energy. It is hard to know exactly how to proceed when one has not had an active part in the country's day-to-day running until it is almost too late. One of the problems I see with Shireroth's present state is that, due to everyone's personal life activities, most of the movers and shakers and nation-formers have decided they wish to spend their time in other pursuits, so Shireroth is no longer part of their lives. They then state they think that Shireroth is dying because there is no one left. We new-comers could use the guidance and experience of some of you who went before us to help us see the path we should be treading.

I do appreciate this concern of yours, and have been in a difficult position during the past months, unable to close down what I was told was not mine to close, yet frustrated, as you have been, by the state of affairs. It is still possible, I believe, however, that Shireroth can survive, if only in an altered manner. We have a few new, and some returning, citizens, and those of us still here wish things to continue and thrive. We will do our best to this end. Please know your post is being considered with the seriousness such a proposal deserves, and I, for one, would like to see you come here a lot more often. Thanks for still caring. We do, too.

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

I called for this a long time ago, and second it again. Give it a proper burial. We had a great time, but no one is around now. Not even me half the time. Let us die with respect now.

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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

Relatedly, but merely an observation of technology used:

This forum is very large and sprawling - for the few posts the forum gets in a day, it's not appropriate. It feels like a desert. That alone is nothing anyone wants to continually return to - it's depressing. It serves only as a reminder of former glory that is clearly (for whatever reasons) not being upheld.

Before anyone considers the closure of Shireroth, I would much rather see the forum structure changed to reflect the new level of activity.

Now that I've said that - please keep in mind I am no citizen here. However, I feel Shireroth in spirit is unlikely to die (something I'm grateful for), no matter how irrational that may seem, and the few that carry it in spirit should not be disheartened. And I think the forum structure itself is a part of that.

(I realise this does not, in the least, address foreign policies or the microwiki - but just those going awry does not a non-micronation make. ...or something like that. The only real statement made is that Shireroth isn't the big name amongst micronations anymore - right?)

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

I don't think that's going to help at this point. Thanks for caring though. 2-3 people a micronation does not make. :(

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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

Gman Russell wrote:I don't think that's going to help at this point. Thanks for caring though. 2-3 people a micronation does not make. :(
Hey, watch it, Dark Arcadia only has four citizens! *grin*

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Jacobus Loki
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Harvey's proposal

Post by Jacobus Loki »

As a micronationalist involved with a small nation, let me just say that Shireroth's situation is no worse than the average micronation today.

In my humble opinion, micronationry suffers because many nations abandoned the ezBoard (or a similar) concept for isolated boards. The security is better, but people get tired of having to make dozens of accounts.

As far as Shireroth is concerned, remember the Roman Empire? When the Western Empire fell in 476 (?) Constantinople was also heavily best. However, Emperor Justinian was able to reconquer north Africa, Italy and a good chunk of Spain. The Byzantine Roman Empire survived for another 900 years. (All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.)

Is anyone attending the Anglophone Conference in Hanover next week?

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Post by Jacobus Loki »

If Shireroth does dissolve, Malabor would be welcome to come and live in the Menet-Mattimeo Forest.

We already have two non-human citizens.

We would be glad to let him consume all of the lost Babkhans & such that might wander by.

JBSK :angel

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Harvey the Blue
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Post by Harvey the Blue »

My lady Hypatia's Mom,

I have nothing but respect for you and your daugther's continued presence here. It is this very respect that prompted this proposal. If you two, who are clearly capable people, don't know how to proceed, then who does? Sure not me! Sure not the older citizens that have fallen away from the nation! There is no deus ex machina hiding in the shadows that will save Shireroth from it's current state. The time for opotomism for the future is over! Someone here has to do something, and if it is to be done, there is no reason not to do it right now, today!

If no one has any ideas today, why would tomorrow be any better? Tomorrow is only one day longer that Shireroth's current zombie state persists. Newbis that joined last week may leave tomorrow because of the lack of action here. The few diehards that still post here don't seem to be preparing any great new projects. I do apologise for the offense, but I said it was a bitter truth.

The bottom line is that a desire to see Shireroth prosper doesn't lead to Shireroth's prosperity. It's a nation that requires a large population to function well and it just doesn't have it and appears that it never will again!

Set a date for the closure. Make it in, oh, two weeks or so. Plenty of time to track down every last citizen that came here. Everyone possible. UEC, Nick, Fax, Jadie, Bill... Scott could probably help with tracking down ancient citizenship lists. Every single person that went here at one point. Have a big reunion. Laugh at the past. Reestablish dusty friendships. Let the nation die with everyone smiling rather then trying to forget.

I'm only an outsider at this point. It really is your call. I'd really love to see it work out for this place but I'm too much of a realist (bordering on pessimist, I'll admit) to believe it possible.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

I will form my own opinion on shutting down shireroth after the next week or two have passed and I can tell how many people are around and at least willing to participate. If there are fewer than, say, 5 people left (that is, CITIZENS, not just well-wishing visitors), then I would be willing to help shut down Shireroth finally. It makes me sad to say so, but even I have to aadmit that Shireroth's time has probably come and gone.
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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

Hypatia Agnesi wrote:(that is, CITIZENS, not just well-wishing visitors)

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Post by dr-spangle »

noooooo shireroth can't die :cry there are nations with you on the map with almost the same land, currently CIS would be a good example...


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Jacobus Loki
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An immodest proposal

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Should the Imperial Republic of Shireroth close, any Shirirthians are welcome to form a province of their own in the Federal Republic of Cyberia.

Many Shirerithians of Good Will were willing to do that for us once. We are willing to reciprocate.

And/or, Shireroth or (any reminant thereof) would be welcome to federate with Lac Glacei and Cognito in a new United Imperium.

Culture is precious! Don't throw it away!

Or give it to little Smeagol!

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Nick Foghorn Leghorn
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Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

Madam Kaiseress,

We in the Republic of Antica have always held your nation in high regard. In addition to our long rapport over these many years, you were the first nation to officially recognize our existence as a sovereign state. And as such, we are sad to see the miserable state which you now find yourselves in.

We in the Republic have offered a solution to this problem in the past, and are offering it again. Just as you harbored our predecessor in its time of need, we offer you the same protection. Shireroth may become a "region" within the Republic.

Regional status merely means that the nation will cede the handling of diplomatic matters to the Republic, and obey our laws. You will still have the ability to function as you always have, with the Kaiseress still ruling over Shireroth, and the Landsraad passing laws within the region, just under the protective umbrella of Antica. And in the event that Shireroth wishes to become autonomous once again, I'm sure that we can separate without any ill effects on either side of the border.

The legislation (found here for such an action is already in place in the Republic if you are prepared to take us up on our offer.

As much as this former Shirerithian noble hates to admit it, this nation has deteriorated to an almost zombie-like state. The nation is not dead, but is unable to conduct regular business as it has in the past. I hope the kaiseress will accept our hospitality as many other nations have accepted Shireroth's similar hospitality in the past.
Count of Norfolk

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

That makes me feel torn alittle. What are your opinions on this guys?

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Jacobus Loki
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Go for it!

Post by Jacobus Loki »

If Antica can help preserve Shireroth, by all means, please take them up on it. Shireroth embodies much of what is best in this hobby.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

In the event that we really do have to shut down Shireroth, I would be grateful to become part of another Micronation. I will consider this, say, next week, after more people have checked in.
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hypatias mom
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Post by hypatias mom »

I think that before we take that drastic step, we might do well to see what the Bergen Convention will decide. President Jacobus seems to feel it would be to our benefit to attend.

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Post by osmose1000 »

If you're going to shut down the nation (A move I think is inevitable and should be done), I'd advise against becoming part of another nation - the spirit of Shireroth has always rested in stubborn independence, and becoming part of another nation, as kind a gesture it is to offer it, wouldn't be right. Let the MCS dole out Shireroth's land if they want to, but don't give it to another nation.

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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

What about non-MCS micronations?
I'm not offering. It's just a thought.

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Post by Jacobus Loki »

If the Union of Anglia (or whatever other name is chosen) becomes a reality, Shireroth could maintain it's absolute indepedence as a member.

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Post by Erik Mortis »

2-3 people a micronation does not make.

That is proly one of the most amusing things I've seen said in Shireroth in some time...

For much of the history of Shireroth is was just 2-3 people.. or less. People look and see 2-3 people and go... "oh woah is Shireroth.. it is dead.. never to return..." and yet.. this is no surprise to me... Shireoth has done this many times over. At one time, I would have not seen this as hard times, just times.

Shireroth is not beyond recovery. Not by a long shot. It's got a funtional government still, with all the key people still in place. That's alot more then it's had in the past.

The only real problems I see, are technical ones. Website and forums. The administration of these have gone defunct. Hell. I don't even have control of the website anymore. I lost the account number in all my computer glitches and deaths in the last year, and email changes... And the forum admins appear to by MIA.

If everyone is so bent on shutting things down.. then pass the Kaisership back to me, so I can do something with this place, or choose to Shut it down. At least that way no one will have the "guilt" of having been the Kaiser to give the last decree.

On a more pragmatic note.. Does anyone have the account information for the site? I think I gave it to someone when I left a while back... But I don't remember. And who as board admin? We need to to consolidate these things so we can fix things...

And yes, this really is Erik. In case there was doubt.

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Post by Jacobus Loki »

Long live the Founder.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

That's really reassuring to hear, Erik. This is by far the deadest I've seen Shireroth, which is to say it's the deadest it's been in about 3 years. I guess I probably came in during a particularly active tme, because I remember many times when I simply could not keep up with all of the posts every day and all of the discussions.

Considering this, I will not be shutting Shireroth down during my reign. I will not succumb to the despair that we cannot recover, because we have recovered in the past.
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hypatias mom
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Post by hypatias mom »

Alrighty then, now let's get back to work and make Shireroth bloom again! If it came back from other lulls, it can do so again. Maybe we can get that rail system going, become more active in our interactions with the MCS, and find out what the people who are here want to bring to the table.

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Post by andelarion »


Now that it's been decided that Shireroth will live, I should volunteer for a job. I don't think we have a minister of the exterior, so I offer my services to our Lady the Kaiseress.

And Erik - it's good to see you again. :)

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Post by dr-spangle »

Shireroth Cannay die!
and if it does... then New-Empire has reasources of uranium, and civil nuclear tech :nuclear :evil

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Harvey the Blue
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Post by Harvey the Blue »

Well. I think you're all being insanely naive. Buuut, I guess if this is what you enjoy, sure. If you want some last advice, it would be to rip down every replacable sticky thread and rewrite them. A lot of them are over a year old now and show just how outdated the infrastructure is. Oh, and if you're going to do the 2-3 person micronation route you essentially have no choice but to shut the Landsraad and open some sort of major democracy. Nobody new is going to join this nation if the Kaiser is still untouchable and the Landsraad dead.

In any event, this *will* be my last post here. It's very approriate that this measure, essientally like everything else I did in Shireroth, was rejected. Barely matters. I did it more for me than for you. You can feel free to delete the account after this; as for me, I'm finished.

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Yes, Shireroth can and will survive if we let it.
No, that doesn't mean that it won't be boring, quiet, and a waste of webspace.

If anyone here has a REAL PLAN for saving Shireroth, I'm all for it. If Erik has a REAL PLAN for saving Shireroth, I'm all for giving him the Kaisership (do it, Renee!) If no one has a REAL PLAN, then for Gahg's sake end the misery.

PS: "Let's wait a while and see if activity picks up" doesn't count as a REAL PLAN.

PPS: You've got about a month tops till I secede Hyperborea and do something with it. Just warning you beforehand.

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Post by dr-spangle »

does move as many posts as possible to archives (although leaving at least one page of threads per borad area) and starting new topics on almost anything, try and link to the outside world some more so they'll post a little here too?

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