Do you want Shireroth to Continue?

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Kaiseress Carol
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Do you want Shireroth to Continue?

Post by Kaiseress Carol »

It has become a serious problem: almost no activity on the Shireroth boards. For the next week, you have an opportunity to vote to close it down or to continue. This vote is open to citizens and regular posters. Please state your preference, and if the vote is yes, be prepared to give more time to keeping the State running.

On October 3, we will tally the votes.

Personally, I hope the country can continue, but it cannot survive without your participation. Thank you in advance for your input.
Kaiseress Carol

Gryphon Avocatio
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Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

This isn't bad at all. You have absolutely no idea. It's been far worse then this.

If the nation lives, it lives. If it dies, it dies. It is not in your hands to decide if it does or not, but your actions will certainly effect the outcome.

Have you even tried to do anything to encourage activity? In your relatively short reign I have seen very little effort on your part to try to do anything to get people to want to do things. This defeatist attitude will lead to the demise of this once-hallowed nation long before any vote will.

Do not give up. You are the Kaiser, it is your job to LEAD this nation.
- Gryphon Avocatio
  • Minister of Dance, Pants, and Funny Walks
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Scott of Hyperborea
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I must respectfully disagree with Nick. I have never seen it this bad for this long. And I don't think it's Carol's fault, any more than it was the fault of the two Kaisers who preceded her and faced the same problem.

Erik, you, Fax, Jadie, Zary, Joe, and Bill are all gone, and I am effectively gone since I can get online only twice a week or so at Internet cafes. That leaves Carol, Greg, Ari, Renee, and a lot of well-meaning new people who can't run the nation all by themselves.

My vote goes for a merge with Antica. I was discussing this possibility with some Anticans before I left and they may be willing to give us better terms than we might expect. This would allow Shireroth to continue on and give its people a home while acknowledging that we just don't have the resources to run a whole community by ourselves anymore.

If you express interest, the Anticans will be able to tell you more, and I hope to be back online in late October.
Last edited by Scott of Hyperborea on Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sander »

I agree, it'd be quite amusing to see a nation filled with outspoken anti-democrats to merge with what is possibly the most bureaucratic micronational democracy in existence :)
If the nation lives, it lives. If it dies, it dies. It is not in your hands to decide if it does or not, but your actions will certainly effect the outcome.
I agree, though you can't place the burden of keeping things active on the shoulders of the nation's leader. Nevertheless, I guess it's always good to have someone who stays active when others aren't.
Last edited by Sander on Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

My initial reaction to this thread was


now that ive had some time to calm down

I agree with nick in that it is not your right (realisticly) to say "nobodies playing the game so were not gonna play anymore"

I DISAGREE that it is your fault. I like you and you dont have much to work with.

FUCK ANTICA!!!! i mean that in the most respectfull way. no offense to Braden or any other Antican's who might come through but I am -Shireothian- and I will be so until the day that i either pull a Fax and say bye bye. or Im the ONLY citizen left on the boards.

quite obviously my vote is yes. keep shireroth alive.

dont do this in the middle of site maintanace please, and give it a little more time.

90%+of the citizens have been crazy busy IRL and its just a bad time. At least that is my excuse.

I lament the lack of activity but I can only annoy Knappy, and even then, I know how busy he is IRL.

i dont even know what else to say. Im rather flabbergasted at your proposition your Highness, as well as bewildered.

I serve the Empire first, the Kaiser second,

By My H47
H4773r 3lfs0n
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Post by andelarion »

Can't remember it ever being this bad... People just seem to have disappeared.

I'm a Shirerithian, and I don't want my country to die. But I just don't know how to save Shireroth... What can we do?

Kaiseress Carol
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Post by Kaiseress Carol »

I have been speaking with a couple of long-time Shirerithians, who say this country is done for, and we should just pull the plug. I don't want this to happen, but I wanted to get a perspective from people who care about Shireroth about what they feel we should do, and which direction to take.

There is a rich history here, and a tradition of many interesting and fun activities. We can reclaim our former glory if we all work together to do so. People who have been here a long time can help those of us who are new to micronations to try different things, and to show us the ropes.
Kaiseress Carol

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

The problem is that slow whimpering deaths from inactivity are the worst sort. If there were some reason to believe things would get better, I would be the first person to say "let them", but we've been waiting for them to get better for the past six months, and they haven't. If we don't have some plan to change things, things aren't going to change. I don't have a plan, and I haven't heard one from anyone else.

The history and traditions of Shireroth are strong, but they exist entirely in the Shirerithian people. That's why I don't think merging with Antica would be a disaster. Our culture is too strong to go away as long as any of us are in micronations. It would be like the Greeks...their empire was absorbed into Rome, and a few centuries later you find the Romans all worshipping Greek gods in Greek-style buildings and discussing Greek philosophy over dinner.

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

Nick, you have no idea what your talking about.


And you have no right to tell us to continue when you yourself haven't done a THING since... eh... when? I don't mean to flame you or say you don't care (obviously, you do, and I respect that), but your opinion doesn't count when you have the ability to post in Shireroth and don't.

It's never been this bad. 2 posts per day was the average last week.

2. posts.

Not even in the beginning was it like this.

I've been a part of many micronations of different sorts for a long time, so believe me when I say the writings on the wall. This is *not* the way I wan't Shireroth to go out. In spring, we said we'd have more time in summer. In summer, we said we'd have more time in fall. Well, it's fall, and I want to see people step up. I love all of you (even you Nick. :P), and I love Shireroth, but i've been hearing that for far too long. I vote for death, if only to spur people into action.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

I DEFINITELY want Shireroth to continue. This thread was actually my idea, because mom was so upset about being asked if we should just throw in the towel. I said she should directly ask for people to state their views on the subject, and it seems to be that we don't want the nation to die, but that uniting with Antica would be a decent last-ditch option. I would hate to see it come to that, and that's why I think we need to pull together and actively work on national projects, like rewriting some of our laws and tinkering with the forums, and eventually recruiting.

I agree with Hatter, however, that this debate should be delayed until the end of site maintenence. No decisions should be made before that is over, at the earliest. I know that for me, personally, that has impacted my activity. That and being away from my own computer (with my own bookmarks and logins), away for the weekend, are murder on my activity.

I vote for trying to continue revamping our legislation first. We could also possibly start a recwar in a devoted forum, or via posting in others' subdivisions themselves. Messing with our laws has, in my experience, been one of the most sure-fire ways to generate activity, and I think it could give our newer citizens a better taste for how we work, and more of a feeling for our culture. Recwars are just fun for those involved and are great for showing off the culture you've made.
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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

No offense, but personally, I would prefer that Antica and Shireroth not merge.
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Post by WolvinX84 »

Live! It must live. As it is, on its own.

Times come, and times go, but we must be patient. We may not be active now, but we will be active again, we must just be patient. Shireroth has lasted six or so years, and has gone through rough times from what I have seen and heard. The nation is far from over.

Further, looking back, it would appear that Shireroth has gone through times of 0(zero) posts per week, even several weeks, but the nation is still here, is it not? It is a matter of will. Do we <i>want</i> the nation to live? Yes. Thus it shall live. That simple. No amount of activity can dictate whether we live or die. It is simply a matter of our will. We want it to live? It will live. That simple. If we want it to die, it will die. We want it to live. Thus, it is living. Even if somewhat dormant. According to history, Shireroth has before gone through times of dormancy, months of it, but in the end, here it is. Yes?

Also, perhaps we put to much stock in posts, and activity. While low, the community remains, does it not?
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »


see? i know i anointed him for SOMETHING!!
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Post by Sander »

Do we want the nation to live? Yes. Thus it shall live. That simple. No amount of activity can dictate whether we live or die.
Hear hear. I wish more people would see it that way. The desperation for activity is driving a lot of people away from micronationalism, because it only brings frustration that way.

Kaiseress Carol
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Post by Kaiseress Carol »

The positive responses are very encouraging. This is what I like to see--people all pulling together, willing Shireroth to live and thrive. Now that we know we want it to live, let's get busy again and get things done.

Thank you for all your comments, and let's keep it up.

Long live Shireroth!! May she ever thrive!!
Kaiseress Carol

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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

I wish you all the best of luck. As a token of my goodwill, please accept this pail. And this oar.
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

Braden Indianensis wrote:I wish you all the best of luck. As a token of my goodwill, please accept this pail. And this oar.
you know Braden, for having jumped ship you're still treading the waters nearby.

(wow. thats alot of nautical metaphors w/o getting perverse. im proud of myself) . . . . EE|>:-]
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
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Jacobus Loki
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Post by Jacobus Loki »

As a former Shirerithian (although an unlamented one, I'm sure), I'd like to chime in on the side of continuation. MNs would be a much emptier place without Shireroth. It is one of the few places that can honestly claim to be a culture rather than just a board.

This is against my own interests. If Shireroth does indeed fold, I will most likely move for the admission of Cognito and Lac Glacei to the F.R.C..

But perversely as usual, I hope Shireroth survives.

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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

Well, it's not my nation, but I'd like to see it continue. :)

Though I'd first and foremost move the board back to its old URI - I've kept on waiting for that to happen until I stopped being patient today, heh, hence why you saw nothing of me. Of course, I'm no Citizen, so this is moot, but maybe there are Citizens who are similarly awaiting the board moving back? I dunno.

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Post by Shyriath »

Edit: Argh. Wrong post in wrong forum. Let's try that again.

...I will stand for whichever course seems most likely to keep Shireroth alive. While merging with Antica makes me uneasy, it is best to keep all options open.

But it is clear that some kind of major reinvention is needed here if Shireroth is to remain, in any form. Old ways and attitudes must be reexamined; the pointless and the unusable (or unused) must be found and discarded, painful though it might be. New paths are needed here, and new ideas.

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Post by Conglacio »

I don't want this us to die. I don't want us to die a slow death. I don't know how to make us live...

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Post by shanet »

you need a thomas hubert to keep you on your toes. or is he a citizen of shireroth. six years... my god

Kaiseress Carol
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Post by Kaiseress Carol »

Alright, folks, the consensus seems to be that people want Shireroth to continue, and most do not want to join with another micronation. Also, it seems that we do need to reinvent ourselves to become relevant and vital again. Even non-citizens want to see us succeed.

So, what do we do now to fix the problems? We have had a number of suggestions, but the Landsraad has made no decisions as of yet. Old and new citizens, as well as interested friends of Shireroth, are needed to brainstorm about new traditions, fictional history, holidays, intermicronational activities, etc.

I am pleased to see so many posts today. I hope this is a harbinger of better things to come. Shireroth is a precious legacy given us by our founders, and it behooves us to reinvigorate it in any way possible.

I would like to say a big thank you to all of you for sharing your concerns, your opinions, and your wishes for this country. It says a lot for the character and tenacity of our people that this country, which has lived for six years so far, has caught the imaginations and hearts of its people as it has.
Kaiseress Carol

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

Kaiseress Carol wrote:Even non-citizens want to see us succeed.
Hey - Dark Arcadia would be boring without any foreign connections. :P I speak out of pure egoism here.

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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

To beat a horse that, if not dead, is, at this point, in serious danger of expiring, I suggest that you guys democratize.
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Post by Chrimigules »

Oh leave them be, Braden.

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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Just making suggestions! I'm only trying to be helpful, Chris.
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Post by WolvinX84 »

By suggesting a system that you know to have already been rejected by this nation?
Count of Modan-Lach
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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Rot in hell, punk.

Just trying to be helpful...
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Post by osmose1000 »

lolz democracy is gay

At least in micronations it is. Anarchy is the way to go. Hence why Yardistan rocks.

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