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Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:27 pm
by Gold Moon Reborn
Hi, this place looked pretty cool so can you give me the lowdown? There is no spoon

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:43 pm
by Solitary Poet 8
Someone new who's not Serapheenx? YES!!!!!!!!!! *does a jig*Greetings! Pleasure to have ya here! Hope you decide to stay. I'm not quite sure how to describe the place at present, so I'll leave that to someone who's been here longer than I. In the meantime, take a look around! Its really the best way to get the hang of the place. Birrrrrrrrrrrd Maaaaaaaaan!!!!!~The Solitary Poet of Goldshire

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:04 pm
by Scott Alexander
Oh, wow, indeed it's not Serapheenx. I never would have believed it...Shireroth is a micronation, that is, a cross between a game that isn't any fun and a secessionist movement that doesn't actually want to secede. We adopt most of the functions of a real country and do something between simulate a government and actually be a government.Shireroth works under a feudal system and is ruled by a Kaiser and a Kaiseress. It's divided into the Duchies and Baronies you see with their flags around the middle of the boards, and each one is a separate "realm" that creates its own cultures, laws, et cetera. They all come together in the federal government, which makes laws, raises a military, conducts foreign relations, declares funny holidays, and all the other things that, say, the American government does (with a few obvious exceptions like giving massive subsidies to the oil industry). If you are interested, we love (disclaimer) new immigrants, and there's a Ministry of Immigration somewhere around the middle with information on how to apply. You can then choose a subdivision (I suggest Hyperborea) and they'll show you the ropes. You can also get involved in all sorts of interesting stuff like the military, the intelligence network, the sports league, the poetry contest, or any of a million things I've proly forgotten

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:11 pm
by Kaiser Erik
Howdy. I'm the Kaiser. Though most just call me Erik. My wife Jadie is the Kaiseress. If you are wondering, we are wed under Shirerithian law. We are not married in real life. Nor are we even dating. It's a political marriage.But indeed, welcome! Perhaps you might be interested in joining the nation... Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:36 pm
by Eriana Moon
*reads that name Gold Moon Reborn*O_o Miew???!*walks up to Gold Moon Reborn*Hi.My name is Eriana Moon. I am the Beroness Of Lunaris. I'd like to invite you to visit Lunaris. We would be pleased to have you as our guest.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:37 pm
by Austi Scot
Ok, never done this before but here goes, Nova Dalmacija invites you to settle there. I suppose everyone else will be inviting you to settle in their Barony or Duchy – but if you don’t settle in Nova Dalmacija I suggest Kildare.Reasons to settle in Nava Dalmacija1)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp um, must be something2)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp let me think now, don’t rush me3)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Oh, we have the coolest Duke … well, he has another Barony too – soooooooo4)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Our Rugby team won its first two games! – HA – take that5)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The founder of ND comes around once in a while and talks to us – 6)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Kaiser likes to point out in Nova Dalmacija7)&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp We have Dalmatians of our own and Kittens from Baroness Moon &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 9)10) 11)12) Baron Von Scot

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:46 pm
by Kaiser Erik
Bookshire is the... a place with lots of Books.. and doesn't exist..BROOKSHIRE, on the other hand.. is the seat of the Imperial Government, has the founder of the nation as a Duke... and has a Barony named Alexandretta.. isn't that vierd!? Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:11 pm
by Mari Greenwood
Welcome to Shireroth!Join us and move to the lovely Duchy Of Elwynn where citizens live in freedom with a joyous voice!Live in the land of the ever young -Elwynn A most Magickal Place!

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:30 pm
by Mattlore Devious
I might as well join in...Come to Lothlaria. Loosely based on a LOTR location we somehow ended up a sancuary to the Kiwi, a bird native to New Zealand. We have lots of lovely native bush and are probably the biggest duchy. We have incorporated several former nations including the Imperium of Akerjborn, Mondeisa and Jaris. And we are possibly the only duchy to have our own emoticon. How cool is that.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:01 am
by ErosDarkstar
Come to Kitanus Fields and be left to your own devices to do whatever you want (within reason). Eros Darkstar al Sylvas ij Qel'AthasLast Son of Night"The Great are Only Great because we are on our knees. Let us rise!" -Stirner"There never was a saint with red hair" -Russian Proverb

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:04 am
by david northworthy beckfor
Come to Elwynn, the home of Me the living god! war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:22 am
by Scott Alexander
Oh, and today is Switching Day, so don't try to make sense out of what you see here. You might as well save your sanity for later.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:32 am
by Phoenix the Risen
Come to Kildare... soon to be RP center of Shireroth!Umm... yeah, I'm bored and don't want to bother going through all my reasons... *considers logic* umm... yeah... Phoenix the Risen- Emissary and Counsel to Duke Gryphon the Pure of Kildare - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:04 pm
by Gold Moon Reborn
Wow, didn't expect such a big responce of promos... The Hamster Knows All!EzCode Parsing Error:] ... eenFromWeb[

Re: Hello!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:49 pm
by Zirandorethy
Come to Ireland, Potato Potato ZirandorethyThe Silver LightAustralian Leprechaun

Re: Hello!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:04 pm
by Zirandorthel
Funny, ya gobsheen...The real Zirandorthel bids you welcome to Shireroth. ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart Edited by: Zirandorthel at: 10/30/03 4:05 pm