Republic or Autocracy?

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Philip Locke
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

What must be done?1. The Lansraad must be given the power to override vetos2. A Bill of Rights *must* be created (perhaps there already is one, but I cannot find it)3. Create an independent judiciary whose judgements cannot be detered by the Kaiser Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

For Her Light
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by For Her Light »

Can you...kinda hold off on this stuff? I just have to keep this place going for a week since Erik will be away and I'd rather not have to deal with any domestic changes and/or political upheavals on my watch. So I'm moving on... I'll never forget...As you lay there and watched me...Accepting the end...I knew you were scared...You were strong, I was trying...I gave you my hand...I said "It's okay, let it go, time to leave you...And I'll carry on...The best that I can without you here beside me..."...Let him come take you home... Edited by: For Her Light at: 7/26/02 5:48:56 pm

Philip Locke
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

There will be no upheavel, but my protest will continue...peacefully. Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

For Her Light
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by For Her Light »

You may protest, as long as you keep those protests sensible, but know that I do not intend to reshape the political landscape of Shireroth. I'm only concerning myself with maintaining the state until Erik can assume power again. So I'm moving on... I'll never forget...As you lay there and watched me...Accepting the end...I knew you were scared...You were strong, I was trying...I gave you my hand...I said "It's okay, let it go, time to leave you...And I'll carry on...The best that I can without you here beside me..."...Let him come take you home...

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

hmm... i seem to remember erik specifically sayingQuote: To anyone that might use this situation to try something.... Don't. I will be back, I will keep tabs and I WILL REVENGE, fiercely on ANYONE that tries something. You'll find yourself screwed so hard you'll think a train hit you. don't push it philip... Heil Apostrophe! "Some are destined for greatness, but others decide for themsleves."-Destiny, Angel of Light

Philip Locke
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

If peaceful public protest is "pushing it" then RS is an opressive place. :x Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

Philip Locke
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Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

re·pub·lic Pronunciation Key (r-pblk)n. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president. A nation that has such a political order. A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them. A nation that has such a political order. ---au·toc·ra·cy Pronunciation Key (ô-tkr-s)n. pl. au·toc·ra·cies Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism. A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power. ---From our Constitution:The Kaiser: All executive powers of Shireroth shall be vested in the Kaiser. The Kaiser may make any decree regarding the operation, behavior and functions of Shireroth as well as any actions he/she deems fit as long as they do not violate this constitution. The Kaiser shall have Supreme Judiciary power. The Kaiser is the Supreme Commander of the Militia, Military, and/or any other armed force under Shireroth control. The Kaiser before the end of his/her life reign as Kaiser must pick a successor from among all those eligible by birthright. Should the Kaiser die or abdicate the throne, the Kaisership shall pass to his/her successor.In times when a successor is below twelve years of age, a Steward shall be appointed by a majority of the Landsraad. A steward shall be appointed by the Kaiser or Landsraad should the Kaiser take temporary leave of his/her throne.Landsraad:The Landsraad shall be vested, through the good grace of the Kaiser, with the legislative powers of Shireroth. The Landsraad may set it’s own rules for voting percentages and procedures. Any bill, act, measure, dictate, statement or order passed or issued by the Landsraad may be vetoed by the Kaiser for any reason. The Kaiser has the power to dismiss and recall to session the Landsraad at anytime. Should the Kaiser die or abdicate the throne, the Landsraad shall be automatically called to session. The Landsraad is vested with Judiciary powers second only to the Kaiser. The Landsraad shall consist of the Dukes of Shireroth. Dukes may pick their own successor from among those eligible by birthright. Should no heir be available the Kaiser shall appoint the next Duke. The Kaiser has the power to create new Duchies as he sees fit. Only the Landsraad may remove a duchies’ seat from the Landsraad, thereby disbanding the Duchy completely and redefining the lands as necessary. The Kaiser has the power to reshape the boarders of any duchy as he/she sees fit. ---Oh! The republicanism of it all! This is an autocracy...a despotism. Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

Irreverence Brightstar
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Irreverence Brightstar »

Actually, Locke raises excellent points, and whether I approve of our gov't or no, it is nothing without input from BOTH or ALL sides.And he seems to be acting peaceably for the present, so I have no complaints. Irreverence BrightstarThe Dragon of KildareImperial Republic of Shireroth"If there were dreams to sell,Merry and sad to tell,And the crier rung his bell,What would you buy?"T. L. Beddoes, Dream-Pedlary

Philip Locke
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

Thank you, Irreverence.Our constitution is a web of subtle contradiction. The first paragraph limits the Kaisers power, for he can not do anything limited by later parts of the constitution. However, the next paragraph states that anything that the rest of the nation (i.e., the Landsraad) can do can be overriden/vetoed by the Kaiser. Therefore, the Kaiser has no limits, he is all powerul, a benevolent dictator.It is time for a change. Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

Philip Locke
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Re: Republic or Autocracy?

Post by Philip Locke »

In hope of making this a more democratic nation, I have propose several bills and one constitutional amendment to the Landsraad. Take a look. Philip Locke"Life is far too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde

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