I return...

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Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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I return...

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

... to nothing it would seem.I was going to wait until 14/15 May to post this, but here goes. Scott should recognise this, I'm just pasting it and then I'll continue on again."I'm aware that I'm far too late to do anything about it, I don't blame Erik or anyone else. However, I had appointed a Steward... but noone bothered informing me that he vanished... But... it was nice to know that my official leave of abscence has been rewarded with the dissolution of my Duchy. It was nice to know that as I took an official leave of abscence due to 50+ hour work weeks, a car accident, helping a friend getting out of rehab, and having to spend the two halves of my week in places 100+ miles removed from each other... that all those who came to the aid of Yardistan and BAM in their hour of need... stood by and watched Goldshire be dissolved. At least, perhaps, you probably defended me as you so eloquently defended Locke when he was not present to defend himself... though, perhaps, even that did not happen. It was a lovely suprise that a mere week, maybe two at most, before I could return that the new 'Enlighted' Shireroth decided to destroy anything that I had to return to... so I don't even know if I want to bother resuming my citizenship in Shireroth. My ministry was taken, but that I understand... my Duchy was dissolved, but oh well ... who cares about leaves of abscence and the fact I had plans to bring new citizens to my Duchy. I assume my Judiciary has been destroyed, or at least taken from me as well. It is good to know that as I sit here... a week away from when I could have returned, everything I had to return to has been stripped away and destroyed. I'd post this in Shireroth... and I likely shall in one week's time... but it is nice to know that I was so well liked that whilst I was away anything I had to return to was taken and dissolved. -Ruzareh, Former Duke of the Late Goldshire."And do not even dare to deign, like Bill, to bring up the 'you went inactive' or 'its a meritocracy, earn it back' arguements. I had an official leave of abscence, I don't care if I was the last remaining Goldshirian, the right and privlege of my rank, position, and standing in this nation demanded my place be left intact until I returned from my /official/ Leave of Abscence upon which time, had I then not been able to bring the Duchy back to its proper citizen requirements you should have dissolved it. To have skipped the process by which I was even ever allowed the chance is both inane and extremely irrating to myself personally.I had appointed a Steward of Goldshire, did anyone ever once consider... perhaps, trying to inform me that he had vanished before you dissolved Goldshire?I'm angry because I do not care how many people 'tried' to revitalise Shireroth, it was my duty, my responsibility and you have stripped me of that duty and that oath.I wonder, is there anything in Shireroth left to return to? Or is it truly time to take my final retirement to Babkha?-P.S.Leaves of abscence are officially recognised and protected, I acknowledge that Kaiserial decree supercedes that, but my LoA should have been honoured... to not do so is a disgrace to the honour of the position. Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus.Edited by: Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinzadeh at: 5/8/05 10:22

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: I return...

Post by Harvey the Blue »

Official Leaves of Abscences may be recognized and protected, but the reality of the matter is that Goldshire had totally collapsed. You had been on LoA for weeks (if not months), Jadie had emigrated, your sweward had disapeared, and every citizen down to the last had gone inactive. When faced with a "too many people are nobility and some of the nobility don't seem to care about their job" dillema, the obvious choice was to have less nobility and less duchies. This nation does not exist to provide people with long-term jobs. It exists to provide people with stuff to do to. If inactive people are clogging up positions that they seem to have no desire in using, you'd better believe that they're getting fired eventually, LoA or not. Perish the thought we actually NEED the Judiciary while you were gone.I am sympathetic to your real-life problems and I have had similiar totally overwhelming stressful situations in my life. However, the fact is, no matter how bad it is, and no matter how bad I can make it sound, I have time for the things in my life every so often. There is no way that you were busy for every minute for solid weeks. I simply will not accept that. Ten or fifteen minutes a WEEK of reading the forums and getting at least partially updated on the current afrairs of Shireroth and posting ONE POST A WEEK might have spared Goldshire. Maybe not, but it might have. However, if you entirely ignore something you claim to love, it will wither and die. Imagine if you ignored a pet the same way or, perish the thought, a child.If you still care about Shireroth and Goldshire then you will take steps towards rebuilding what you cared about. Harvey SteffkeSai'Kar's Memories LiveJournal - ranting about Shirerothian issues since fall 2004.Edited by: Harvey the Blue  at: 5/8/05 10:40

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Re: I return...

Post by Bill3000 »

Exactly, Jason. Personally, I'm suprised at your reaction, Zary - this is akin to something that I would traditionally do - this is plain irrational to react like this.So Goldshire collapsed and no longer is a Duchy. So what? Pick up the shards; Become active again. Join Brookshire. You could probably convince Brookshire to have a more unified Brookshire-Goldshire name so it seems lessed "land-biased" in this case. You can still continue to work on Goldshire - I would easily bet that Shyriath would make you Count of Goldshire at first. And if you actually get more citizens, you can make it a Barony and become a noble again. Nothing is lost - Goldshire itself is an archive. Your posts can be moved to Goldshire if you want.Regarding Provost - the position is open now. If you think that you can be active enough, apply! GMan hasn't appointed one yet, so apply now and you can become Provost.There is nothing stopping you. You don't need Goldshire to be a Duchy to do anything - if you feel differently - well, this just proves my own hypothesis that people feel that they need to be a noble to be productive the nation. And that's not logically true. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismQuillan Fatebane, 65th Paladin, Lanys Tvy'l Server (EQ1)Quillan Umbarcotumo, 37th Paladin, Innothule Server (EQ2)Proud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're in...college now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'As for... Quil, to be honest many of us have wondered about [him] for some time now. The real question might be why he LEFT the lance there.' - Areania, on how Quillan (Bill in EQ1) let Trombonius 'sit' on his lance"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);Edited by: Bill3000 at: 5/8/05 10:55

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Re: I return...

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

I am wounded by the situation, Bill and Jason, because I was not granted the chance to try.And yes, Jason, I probably could have spared a few minutes a week to check the forums, but nothing more. To have revitalised the Duchy would have required more time. I needed my life to settle down so I could reconnect with friends and bring them into the nation. One friend in particular, I had to wait until he was out of rehab before trying to bring him into the nation.I'm not wounded because I lost a Duchy. I'm wounded because I'd stated my intentions and stated when I could return... and rather than /inform/ me that my Steward had dissappeared, they dissolved Goldshire. Would it have been that hard to tell me? Or to tell Jadie that my Steward was missing and my prescence in the Duchy needed as the last step to save it? The first I heard of my Steward leaving was when Erik informed me they had dissolved Goldshire.That is what has wounded me, I thought this was to be a community of friends... would it have been so hard to spare a minute or two to have told me my Steward and my citizens were gone and that my precense was desperately needed? It would have required even less than that 15 minutes a week, Jason.And that is what has wounded me. Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus.

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: I return...

Post by Harvey the Blue »

Actually, until you mentioned it, I did not realize your appointed steward had just taken off without telling you. I guess it makes sense, since Goldshire's population dropped to about 0. Until very recently I've been somewhat inactive myself and rarely go into subdivison forums I'm not a part of, and I sort of assumed that matters I didn't understand would take care of themselves.Does suck though. Maybe something can be done. Harvey SteffkeSai'Kar's Memories LiveJournal - ranting about Shirerothian issues since fall 2004.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Re: I return...

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Zary, first let me tell you how good it is that you're back. We really have missed you.However, you complained that no one made an effort to contact you or Jadie when any of these changes were happening. May I remind you that Jadie was still a member of this nation at that time, and was posting a bit, though not extremely active. I, and probably others, reasonably expected her to be aware of the significant changes happining in Goldshire, and if she did not tell you, what are we to say? She gave us numerous updates during your LoA stating that you were still extremely busy and would come back when you could. If I remember correctly (though I can't find it because it's in the General Discussion archives, which I can't see), she even extended your LoA to an indefinite point in the future.If you want your position as Provost back, consider me out of the running if you would prefer no competition.Regarding Goldshire, I feel that Steve was doing what he could to keep it alive after first you, then Jadie, went essentially inactive. My mother even immigrated and moved to Goldshire until she was hospitalized (and I have no idea when she'll be back.) She was made Duchess after Steve emmigrated, and first Jadie, then she, left almost immediately thereafter. There was literally no one left in Goldshire except yourself, and we didn't know when or if you would be back to reclaim it. Not to mention that it was not FHA complient for an extended period of time, and the dissolution or demotion of a subdivision is to be expected in that situation. We really did try to keep Goldshire around, but it simply was not possible.Important threads you may be interested in can be found by the following links:On your position as provost:p211.ezboard.com/fshirero...=357.topicOn Eros Darkstar's position in the Duchy of Goldshire:p211.ezboard.com/fshirero...=358.topicAnd:p211.ezboard.com/fshirero...=360.topicOn Goldshire's dissolution:p211.ezboard.com/fshirero...=380.topicRegarding Lunaris, if you care:p211.ezboard.com/fshirero...=386.topicI would have pulled up Goldshire's threads of interest as well, but I do not have archive access. Don't let all that's happened keep you away from Shireroth. Yes, we are your friends, but I feel that we did what we thought was best for the nation in your extended absence, when there were people unsuccessfully trying to contact you (as far as I could tell, at least). *throws grenade for the hell of it*BO0O0O0O0/\/\!!!!!!

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: I return...

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

First off.....I have not been active in months. There has been too much real life drama and mental breakdowns/collapses for me to have been active at all. I have barely had time to check e-mail let alone read forums and try to keep a duchy active. If you ask Alex or Kenny or even Erik they will tell you that I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut-off and have been slowly and surely driving myself insane. Shireroth eventually disappeared from my list of priorities thinking that people would be there to help save it like Yardistan was saved. It is really disappointing to find out I was wrong. Anybody on AIM would know what I am never ever there...I am always away and never at my computer. I purchased a 100 dollar game and haven't even had time to keep that. All in all it is not possible for me to come back to Shireroth..I am too damn busy..I might be able to post a little bit during the summer however I am going to be in summer school and working so don't count on it. I guess what disappoints me so much is that everyone was so willing to let Goldshire die and not even let the duke know what is going on. You guys know that he is always at my place you could have IMed me and left a message for him...he would have gotten it. When other duchies were in trouble people fought to keep them alive....when Goldshire was in trouble you didn't even let Zary know what the hell was going on and say "Hey buddy you need to save you duchy it is about to be dissolved" instead...you just let it die and dissolved it...and that pisses me off. Basically don't expect to hear from me again....I don't need to stress out over anything else or I am going to snap more than I already have. The people that have my AIM...feel free to leave me messages or talk to me on the rare occasion that I'm online. Good luck to all of you and I hope Shireroth lasts long enough for you guys to enjoy it as much as I did.- The Ghost of the Jadie Kitty of Goldshire Edited by: Jadie of Goldshire at: 5/8/05 14:25

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Re: I return...

Post by Bill3000 »

Quote:First off.....I have not been active in months. There has been too much real life drama and mental breakdowns/collapses for me to have been active at all. I have barely had time to check e-mail let alone read forums and try to keep a duchy active. If you ask Alex or Kenny or even Erik they will tell you that I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut-off and have been slowly and surely driving myself insane.Allright, fair enough. So Shireroth wasn't a priority. Well, the thing is, in order to be a noble, you need to make Shireroth a priority - when the vast majority of the nation are nobles, and new people desire to be nobles because of their productivity, the inactive noble need to be kicked out in order to allow the new. I'm sorry, but it's the truth.Quote:It is really disappointing to find out I was wrong. Anybody on AIM would know what I am never ever there...I am always away and never at my computer. I purchased a 100 dollar game and haven't even had time to keep that. All in all it is not possible for me to come back to Shireroth..I am too damn busy..I might be able to post a little bit during the summer however I am going to be in summer school and working so don't count on it.You are too damn busy to check Shireroth's forums, post that you are here or at least sparisly post in the forums? That enough could allow you to keep your nobility - this is what I have seen Harvey to have mostly done throughout his stay, despite being usually inactive - posting enough to show that he cares. Plus, many micronationalists only talk to micronationalists who are active in micronations - they have a common interest. When that common interest is gone because of the inactivity of one, many times friendships could fade because of the lack of interest in each others differing hobbies; this happened to many former micronationalists, such as Sirithil (It's rare to see any micronationalists in NationStates, for instance.)Quote:I guess what disappoints me so much is that everyone was so willing to let Goldshire die and not even let the duke know what is going on. You guys know that he is always at my place you could have IMed me and left a message for him...he would have gotten it.It's not that we wanted it to "die." It's not "dead." THe posts are still there. Goldshire is still on the map. The only difference now is that it is now part of the Duchy of Brookshire - in a time when we need to consolidate duchies due to inactivity, this is needed. If you want Goldshire back, you could just simply come back and become active enough to be granted a Barony of Goldsihre. Even if you don't make it to be a Barony, posts can be moved. The point is that there was LITERALLY no one in Goldshire. Many citizens did try to save Goldshire (See the previous posts), but in the end, all became inactive or had to leave. Jadie - even you just emmigrated, so you shouldn't be complaining.Quote:When other duchies were in trouble people fought to keep them alive....when Goldshire was in trouble you didn't even let Zary know what the hell was going on and say "Hey buddy you need to save you duchy it is about to be dissolved" instead...you just let it die and dissolved it...and that pisses me off. There is no "point of no return." You can always come back. You can always make Goldshire active again. Who knows, maybe it will once again be active enough to be a Duchy. (I'd like to point out that creativity wise or post-wise, there is absolutely no difference between a Duchy and a Barony.)Quote:Basically don't expect to hear from me again....I don't need to stress out over anything else or I am going to snap more than I already have. The people that have my AIM...feel free to leave me messages or talk to me on the rare occasion that I'm online. Good luck to all of you and I hope Shireroth lasts long enough for you guys to enjoy it as much as I did.Hey, don't complain then. If you want to leave, leave. Goldshire will just stay dead if you refuse to revive it out of spite. Once again, the only thing prevented both you and Zary to revive Goldshire is yourselves; you both are acting irrational. If you want to come back and promise to be active, go ahead, but remember that we will probably place a heavy stress on activity in Shireroth for nobility - because we need productive nobles. Inactive nobles just ruin the entire system - breaks quorums for votes and whatnot, and most importantly, alienates new people. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismQuillan Fatebane, 65th Paladin, Lanys Tvy'l Server (EQ1)Quillan Umbarcotumo, 37th Paladin, Innothule Server (EQ2)Proud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're in...college now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'As for... Quil, to be honest many of us have wondered about [him] for some time now. The real question might be why he LEFT the lance there.' - Areania, on how Quillan (Bill in EQ1) let Trombonius 'sit' on his lance"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Re: I return...

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Quote:Inactive nobles just ruin the entire system - breaks quorums for votes and whatnot, and most importantly, alienates new people.Bill, once more, do not even deign to begin such a discussion with me. I was the most active of the nobility, save perhaps Gyphon, in my time...The only reason I /didn't/ return is because no one, not a single damned person bothered telling me my early arrival was needed.I informed the nation that I was going on a LoA which are entirely protected under the law. Instead of honouring that and following the procedure, instead, various and sundry illegal procedures were conducted whereby other nobles held the title.Was it truly that hard to think: Hey gee, let's see if IM'ing Jadie could get a message to Zary? Other than Scott, did any of you even bother to try to get in touch with me?I was on LoA which are theoretically protected and it was publically stated and declared.*Just shakes his head and sighs*Really, was it so hard to get in touch with me or email me that noone in the entire nation of Shireroth, save Scott, could even attempt it? Was it really so much to ask that my LoA be honoured as the law, respect, and the code of honour and nobility demands, and that someone had informed me of the lack of citizens in Goldshire so that I could try to rectify the situation? Was it truly that difficult?Because it seems to have been a herculean task that not a one of you even attempted, I ensure you ... it was not. Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Re: I return...

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Quote:The only reason I /didn't/ return is because no one, not a single damned person bothered telling me my early arrival was needed.My entire point about you not being informed was that Jadie was (as far as I could tell) still posting sporadically when Goldshire was in trouble. Why are you blaming us for not IMing either of you when it is reasonable to have expected her to see Goldshire "dying" and to have mentioned something to you?I appreciate that you are under tremendous stress, as I have been in the past (and currently am, considering my mom is SERIOUSLY ILL AND HOSPITALIZED RIGHT NOW FOR AN INDEFINITE AND LONG PERIOD OF TIME). Still, blaming us entirely for the communication issue is unresasonable. Is it too much to ask that you check in with people occasionally on an extended LoA? No, not if you expect things to be exactly the same after 3 months.Now, can we finish this argument soon? We have a country to run. *throws grenade for the hell of it*BO0O0O0O0/\/\!!!!!!

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: I return...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I've already discussed most points with you, so just to hammer two more things in.The laws you are citing do not exist. The only Shireroth LOA legislation there is simply constrains the Landsraad to accept your choice of emissary. Which it did. There is no more protection for people on LOA. You may want to propose some.And in your LOA thread, you said you would be gone until January. When January came around and you had not returned, it became an "indefinite LOA", which is even dodgier from a legal/activity point of view than a normal one.We all welcome you back, we'll be happy to give you a Duchy once you satisfy the FHA rules for making Duchies, and we look forward to working with you.

Draco the Tainted
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Re: I return...

Post by Draco the Tainted »

Scott is entirely right. I don't know where you get off claiming there to be laws that don't exist, and claiming that you have all along been the legitimate Duke when TWICE after your LOA was supposed to have concluded, the position of Duke of Goldshire was replaced. The first was by Kaiser Ari, who instated Steve as Duke, and the second was by Steve, who declared Hypatia's Mom as heir and then emmigrated.Really, this could be summed up with one word exemplifying the meritocratic basis of Shireroth: OUSTFEST.If you're not doing anything for the nation, the nation isn't exactly inclined to do anything for you. It's the same way in real life. Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

Alexandra Decens
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Re: I return...

Post by Alexandra Decens »

Quote:You are too damn busy to check Shireroth's forums, post that you are here or at least sparisly post in the forums?Yes, she is Bill. I can attest to her not even being able to really go on the computer other than for writing papers for school. Also, all of you are taking this way to damn seriously. Micronations should not be the top priority in life. Living your life should. Micronations is a hobby, not a way of life. For those of you who disagree with that, turn off the damn computer and go make some friends, go out to a movie, go have some fun, have a life. All this seriousness over some trivial thing is just so fucking stupid. Procrastinate now!...Don't put it off till later...
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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: I return...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Wow, first Ruhan, then Jadie, then Alexandra. THREAD OF THE LIVING DEAD!!! Oh...everyone...BE NICE! *glares at people above him* Edited by: Scott of Hyperborea  at: 5/8/05 17:20

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: I return...

Post by Harvey the Blue »

That is a completely unacceptable arugment. Micronations are a hobby, but when I'm in my hobby I put some effort into it. It's not a "trivial little thing" any more then any other part of my life because it is just that - a part of my life. And yeah, sure, if it gets boring or I'm not treated well I would replace it, but until then I take it sort of seriously.If people don't have time for micronations, they can't expect everyone to just wait around a few dozen weeks for them to show up. Go if you want, stay if you want, and be happy with your choice. Harvey SteffkeSai'Kar's Memories LiveJournal - ranting about Shirerothian issues since fall 2004.

Kaiser Alejian I
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Re: I return...

Post by Kaiser Alejian I »

Ok, what Alex said and what Scott said... haven't I been saying that the whole time?! Does no one listen to me?!Indeed does the smallest, softest voice carry the grand, biggest solution...

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I return...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Um...*tries to filter all of this*I agree with Scott. Entirely. Joseph, more or less. And Alex.Jason and Bill, to be entirely blunt, get lives. If you had them, then maybe you would understand. 3e knowe ek that in fourme of speche is chaunge / With-inne a thousand 3eer, and wordes tho / That hadden pris now wonder nyce and straunge / Us thenketh hem, and 3et thei spake hem so, / And spedde as wel in loue as men now do...

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Re: I return...

Post by Shyriath »

Indeed, niceness is more appropriate here.I will speculate that even those of us who remembered that Zary's absence, though long, was not in fact permanent, but merely prolonged by unfortunate circumstance, may have not thought to contact him about it out of concern for distracting him from something more important. This, at least, seems natural to me. But perhaps it was simply a matter of forgetting, or ignoring; and if so, Zary is owed some measure of apology.Regardless of this, if he is now available to resume his work, then I do not think that he should be excluded. For my part, I would be willing to seek a way to give Goldshire back to him, if this is still possible.I will ask those who have posted here, and those who have yet to post here, to be calm. And I will also ask them to heed what follows here; if being considered Erik's moral successor lends any weight to my words, I will use that weight now.One of the statements that has struck me most powerfully here was this one:Quote:If you're not doing anything for the nation, the nation isn't exactly inclined to do anything for you. It's the same way in real life.It must be said that this disturbs me greatly. True it may be that this is how people are inclined; but that does not mean we must act upon such feelings.Hear me... all of you! If someone goes on an extended LOA out of sloth or laziness, that is one thing. But one who is kept away by events not of their own making, that is another. Oh, I hear what is said, about taking ten to fifteen minutes out of the day to check up on things... but when truly weighty matters are on one's mind, is it really so surprising that even that might seem like much?I myself... yes, me!... sometimes find it hard, when there are things on my mind. I have no job, and I am desperately searching; I have car insurance to pay, although I have some money saved up for it. There are some days when I must remind myself that I have responsibilities here too. And yet, my problems are not on the same level that those Zary had.What has happened to understanding? To kindness? Some of his duties required other management while he was away, yes... but this is no reason to treat him as irrelevant. Some of us may not be INCLINED to do anything for him, but this does not mean we shouldn't.What separates micronations from real countries? Community. Countries in these days have become so vast and populous that physical community breaks down. There are too many people, and too little intimacy... too little caring. How many people, do you think, manage to get along without even knowing their next-door neighbors? More than zero, I will tell you this. I see it every day, in my own neighborhood. I feel it myself. But this is not how it is here. Scott was right when he said that we are a community... or at least, we should be. We have built Shireroth together, and this is what separates us from those in our countries of residence... it is this that, indeed, causes many of us to feel more allegiance to Shireroth that to those countries. If we forget that commonality, we are lost.But there are divisions here lately. Not that divisions are bad, in and of themselves, but these are sharp, unyielding. And not just on this issue, but on others... many others.too much to spare for this nation. Now I shall ask you all- is the putting aside of your anger too much to spare? How hard is it, really, to just stop being angry? Never mind what someone else says or days... that's not the issue. How you react to it, that is under YOUR control, and blaming others will not change that.*Looks up at his statement* I have wandered far off my verbal path... but I have said, I think, something I should have said already. Thank you, and good night. *Bows*

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Re: I return...

Post by Ryan »

Not that my opinion matters, but Alex hit the nail right square on the head! *applause* Useless art is simply tolerated vandalism. I am a vandal.

Stjepan Veliki
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Re: I return...

Post by Stjepan Veliki »

this space left empty Edited by: Stjepan Veliki at: 5/9/05 8:59

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Fax Celestis
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Re: I return...

Post by Fax Celestis »

What I see here is an enormous lack of communication. Zary had not been contacted. I personally didn't know about the disbandment of Goldshire until I saw the forum moved to the archives.And, to be honest, there are those of us who have lives that are more important than Shireroth. Most of us, in fact. I will admit that at one point, micronations was the most important thing in my life, but that was because I had no one and nothing at that point.Perhaps we all should reevaluate our lives. Or perhaps we should apologize instead of justifying ourselves and getting defensive.Zary, I'm sorry that you came back to Shireroth to find it in the state it's in. I know it's not much, but it's what I can offer. And who would have thought that my fate, it would conjure this twist in the road on which I have wandered?Each vision and dream now completely dismembered, to give one's whole life and find nothing's remembered...And what good is a life that leaves nothing behind? Not a thought or a dream that might echo in time

Chimaera the Wise
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Re: I return...

Post by Chimaera the Wise »

I think Bill really has a point here, though. Priviledges, positions, and Nobility in Shireroth should go to those who make Shireroth a priority. We understand that you have a busy life, but when it gets to the point that there are people infinitely more willing and able to do your job than you are, where do you think that job is going to go? You must only try to realize the truth - There is no sig.

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Re: I return...

Post by Fax Celestis »

I'm not saying that he doesn't have a point. I'm saying that the three of you are being completely unsympathetic and inflexible. And who would have thought that my fate, it would conjure this twist in the road on which I have wandered?Each vision and dream now completely dismembered, to give one's whole life and find nothing's remembered...And what good is a life that leaves nothing behind? Not a thought or a dream that might echo in time

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: I return...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

If there's one thing I cannot stand, it is people who imply that someone who participates and contributes to a micronation must be a loser with no life, and that people who are inactive or shirk their responsibilities are thus somehow obviously superior. I don't know if that's what anyone in this thread is saying, but I know some foreigners who have used that defense in their own countries. It didn't fly there and I hope it's not being imported here.If people want to exclusively do nonmicronational things with their life, that is wonderful and I wish them the best of luck. In that case, don't join a micronation, or, once you're in one, don't sign up for something that gives you a lot of responsibility, or, if you have, don't complain when eventually you get replaced. "Real life" isn't any better an excuse in micronations than it is if you are, say, on a sports team and missing every game.I'm spending so much time at Shireroth right now because classes are over, all my friends are busy studying for finals, and I hate studying. So I have loads of time and am taking positions like Steward and Minister of Trade. Over the summer, things will be very different and I doubt I'll visit Shireroth much, if at all, for a few months. Chances are I will not take positions in which people are depending on me because I know I am not going to be around.If people could figure that out, then all of the "OF COURSE I WASN'T HEAR UNLIKE YOU I HAVE A LIFE YOU LOSER" commentary just stops making sense.Not talking to Zary so much as to Alex and Fax here.

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Re: I return...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Again, what Scott said.That's why I abandoned most of my jobs. 3e knowe ek that in fourme of speche is chaunge / With-inne a thousand 3eer, and wordes tho / That hadden pris now wonder nyce and straunge / Us thenketh hem, and 3et thei spake hem so, / And spedde as wel in loue as men now do...

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Eriana Moon
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Re: I return...

Post by Eriana Moon »

Ok this whole argument is ridiculous...I to had a time where life took me away from my lands and my lands were taken away. I was upset hurt that I was barley warned and NO ONE stud up for Lunaris. MANY of you had a say in it and sported the action, even those of you who are complaining now. But if there one thing I learned itÂ’s this...&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp When life takes over it means that there are things that are more important in the real world at the time so they are just that MORE IMPORTANT. If your lands are so important to you, you will find time for them if life is more important and you have to let Shireroth go for a little wile then you have to do just that, LET IT GO. When you go one an LOA it means that you are going on for a little wile without Shireroth, Shireroth needs to and will do the same. Shireroth is not stagnant and canÂ’t be. She will grow and change and the longer you are gone the more will change. If you canÂ’t take the time to be here to have a say you donÂ’t get a say. Nothing here is permanent but Shireroth is formed by those who are here and have the time to love her. If you something you loved changed wile you were away there was a reason and now that you have returned you can seek to change it back.This could go on forever but IÂ’d be repeating my self.Grrrrr..... Was Dead, Feel Better Now!!A madman is not less a musician than you or myself; only the instrument on which he plays is a little out of tune. -Kahlil Gibran

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