An Invitation

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Demon of Fides
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Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:25 pm

An Invitation

Post by Demon of Fides »

The messenger walked slowly up to the podium, cleared his throat, and began;
"Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen! I come bearing glad tidings from the Empire of Gralus! King Lachlan I of Novatainia has again resumed his rightful place as the head of state! Dignitaries, you are all invited to the coronation to watch history take place as King Lachlan I of Novatainia is re-crowned and the worlds biggest booze-fest is begun! Please come to The Palace on the 17th of January to join in the celebrating, and the feasting, and the dancing girls!"
The messenger paused for breath., and continued in a much quieter voice;
"So proclaimed by King Lachlan of Novatainia on this day 12/1/2010, to the assembled guests."
The messenger took a quick look around at the disproving glares and ran off to the next country.
I am confusing, have a wiki article to help: Link-a-dink

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