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The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:44 pm
by Harvey Steffke
On ACS 2098 (May 4, 2005) Steward Scott signed an Imperial Decree disbanding the historic duchy of Goldshire. It was considered a necessary action at the time, as many of its prominent citizens had left Shireroth and the hobby of micronationalism, leaving Goldshire abandoned, and the entirety of Shireroth was falling into ruin. For 1629 years, Brookshire has had control over the region that was known formerly as Goldshire. Many of those years were poor to Shireroth, but many yet were good to her. Shireroth is no longer in a state of decline but in one of rebirth and renewal. Much as many saw the disbandment of Goldshire, one of Shireroth’s two original duchies, as a sign of dark times, may her return light a strong, unmistakable sign of Shireroth’s recovery, of her strength, and of her commitment towards future excellence.

Therefore as Harvey Steffki, Baron of Ynnraile, heir to the ancient bloodlines of Steffki and Doran, the bloodlines of Kaisers, descended from Raynor himself, with the grace of the gods, the following is declared:

* That the territories formerly being organized under the baronies of Ynnraile and Neurak, consisting of the counties of Syrelwynn, Asantelian, Goldendown, Holwinn, Lunaris, Ran, and Elsenar shall no longer be considered part of the administrative region of the duchy of Brookshire but the independent Duchy of GOLDSHIRE.

* That the Duchy of Goldshire hereby swears the ducal oath of loyalty to the Kaiser and the Imperial Republic.

* That the first Duke of Goldshire shall be myself, Duke Harvey Steffki, of the imperial bloodlines of Steffki and Doran.

* That the capital of the Duchy of Goldshire shall be Goldshire Hamlet.

* That the Duchy of Goldshire holds no ill-will towards the Duchy of Brookshire, its Duke, and Barons and Counts, and its people. Indeed, we thank them for many years of protection and prosperity. A state of unending friendship shall exist between Goldshire and Brookshire, an alliance dedicated towards cultural growth, legislative agreement, and military aide.

* That the Duchy of Goldshire commits itself to the cause of prosperity for Shireroth by opening its doors to all who wish residence as well as beginning a recruitment campaign from beyond Shireroth’s boundaries to attract new citizens to the Imperial Republic, to fill the ranks of Goldshire and the other duchies with new talent.

* That if certain people really object about the name Goldshire, as there have been rumors of them doing, we shall, in our attempts to keep the peace within Shireroth, be willing to consider a minor modification to the name of the duchy.

* That any other reasonable conditions put upon her by other members of the Imperial Court shall be considered with the utmost seriousness and respect, provided they do not severely undermine the Goldshire cause.

We do all of this to honor the great Goldshirithians of the past; Duke Jason Steffke, Duchess Jadie Doran, Duke Zarathustra Erutirn, and Duke Yvain Wintersong, as well as all of the Shirerithians who have supported our cause through the ages and today. May our dreams of peace in an independent Goldshire ring through eternity.

We humbly petition the Kaiser and the Imperial Republic as a whole for recognition of our claims.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:03 pm
by Malliki Tosha
The Duchy of Brookshire aknowledges an independent Goldshire, and vows to support and defend its sovereignty under the Imperial Government and the Kaiser.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:20 pm
by Leo Fenrir
Clever... Very clever...

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:57 pm
by Andreas the Wise
The Barony of Atterock is in full support of this restoration of an important and historic Duchy.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:48 am
by Gman Russell
Yardistan supports Goldshire as well.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:38 am
by Jonas
Oh yes, why not? Let us divide our Duchies a bit more... :rolleyes
Honestly, I'm not convinced that this Duchy will survive.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:19 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Leo Dine wrote:Clever... Very clever...
Not really - more of an improvisation based off an earlier glib aside by Harvey and subsequently bolstered by a demonstration of the wider herd mentality prevalent in the place.

Therefore, as Leo has kindly made me Dictator of Elwynn I hereby proclaim the following:
Elwynn declares itself to be in full support of the newly created Duchy of Goldshire. Accordingly Elwynn disavows any territorial claim and or hostile intent towards Goldshire and similarly disavows any attempt to sponsor the active subversion of Goldshire.

This shall only remain in effect for so long as a heir the ancient bloodlines of Steffki and Doran reigns as Duke in Goldshire Hamlet. In the event of Goldshire being reabsorbed into Brookshire the previous state of affairs shall resume.
I'm sure it won't take Scott long to figure out a new premise for his trial war. :p

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:50 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
I'm sure it won't take Scott long to figure out a new premise for his trial war. :p

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:57 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
There you go - Hyperborean War of Revenge against Everyone.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:03 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
I don't suppose you're up for still having it on the basis of "And these were the events that led up to Goldshirerithian independence, so many years ago."?

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:04 am
by Malliki Tosha
I'm game.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:13 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Sure, that'll do fine.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:04 am
by Käthbad jënRöijanin
Straylights a bit conflicted...
Ari hates recwars...
Icebreaker didn't know what to do so asked ari what side he should join...
I've never really done recwarring much, mostly due to the higher amount of necessary activity and commitment, even though I would love to; if i did participate, i would support independent Goldshire...
no clue on what spangle thinks...

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:22 am
by Erik Mortis
Monty Crisco supports, as before, an independent Goldshire. Though I do have concerns about whether their is enough population to support such a Duchy.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:46 am
by Leo Fenrir
The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:
Leo Dine wrote:Clever... Very clever...
Not really
Ok maybe "effective" would be the best word, but I mean if their goal was to keep Goldshire out of Elwynness hands they achieved it....

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:02 pm
by Harvey Steffke
Leo Dine wrote:
The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:
Leo Dine wrote:Clever... Very clever...
Not really
Ok maybe "effective" would be the best word, but I mean if their goal was to keep Goldshire out of Elwynness hands they achieved it....
MY goal is and always was (for a value of "always was" equaling roughly six months and only being actively pursued for about the past three days, but hey) exactly as I stated - to achieve an independent Goldshire. That's what I wanted; not to meddle in anyone else's affairs, but to bring back the duchy.. Anyone's else's motives for supporting me, especially given the Brookshire/Elywnn disagreement, are their own motives and are not tied directly to me. If seeing an independent Goldshire helped other peoples' goals, then we both got what we wanted.

In any event, I seem to have the support of three major duchies and something that's not quite a lack of support from the other two, so I'll take it. Thank you all. I also seem to have accidentally diffused an upcoming civil war AND pissed off Scott in the process! All in all, not a bad restart for ol' Goldshire. :yay:

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:11 pm
by Jonas
that's not quite a lack of support from the other two
If it helps to clear it out: I don't support it, so that makes Kildare neutral. Puh.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:19 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Traitor. It's from one of the high periods of History, that means we have to support it. :document

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:36 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
Anyway, Yvain will keep his promise to return to congratulate the Goldshirerithians when they get their own Duchy. Until then, I'm afraid you guys are stuck with plain old me

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:03 am
by Jonas
Andreas the Wise wrote:Traitor. It's from one of the high periods of History, that means we have to support it. :document
No, not when we have enough duchies already. Let him form a Barony of Goldshire, but not another Duchy. :fish

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:08 am
by Andreas the Wise
Ok, fair point.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:56 am
by Harvey Steffke
It's really not a fair point, especially considering the source. Jonas is saying I should just be a baron, but is doing very un-baron-like things himself, such as saying he speaks for the entirety of Kildare or asking people to pay him money directly for the right to become the next duke. Seems sort of hypocritical for Jonas to expect me to be happy as a baron while he is at the same time drastically overstepping his own bounds as only the Baron of Sermolot.

In any event, I don't agree with him about the duchy situation. If Kildare feels a certain way, feel free to do your own internal reorganization. Heck, you were talking about wanting to merge into another duchy, right? Join Goldshire! You'll solve your perceptions of too many duchies, Goldshire's lack of a starting citizen base, and your own absent duke - three three three problems gone with one stroke of the pen! Sign on the dotted line.............. :document

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:46 pm
by Gman Russell
This is why Harvey is dangerous. :D

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:45 am
by Jonas
Jonas is saying I should just be a baron, but is doing very un-baron-like things himself,
A reason why Goldshire can act as a duchy or whatever it wants to be but is at the end just a barony within Brookshire.
such as saying he speaks for the entirety of Kildare or asking people to pay him money directly for the right to become the next duke
What?! I never demanded anyone to pay me directly. If someone pays for the title (what has become a little tradition), the money goes to the Seanad account.
Seems sort of hypocritical for Jonas to expect me to be happy as a baron while he is at the same time drastically overstepping his own bounds as only the Baron of Sermolot.
I can't believe what I'm reading here: I have done nothing wrong by acting as a Baron whit absolute powers over his (Imperial) Barony.

I'm surprised by your bitter and personal attacks to get what you want. MALARBOR DEMANDS YOU TO BE NICER! :mal

Join Goldshire!
I will not join a duchy I don't recognise (yet :kaiser ). Btw, the other nobles have disagreed with the idea and that's where it stops for me.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:57 am
by Harvey Steffke
It's not a personal attack; it's a fact. But in any event, I'm a duke, you're a duke, we're both dukes. So let's shake hands like gentlemen and vow to resolve this the way real men do: by sending thousands of peasents to die for our causes on the field of battle.

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:00 pm
by Jonas
Harvey Steffke wrote:It's not a personal attack; it's a fact. But in any event, I'm a duke, you're a duke, we're both dukes.
It aren't facts, it's your propaganda to brainwash the people so they will rebel against their glorious and wise ruler (I mean myself obviously). You will never succeed!
So let's shake hands like gentlemen and vow to resolve this the way real men do: by sending thousands of peasents to die for our causes on the field of battle.
Of course, that's the point of war: killing the most nasty peasants within the nation. :evil

Re: The Return of the Duchy of Goldshire

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:04 pm
by Erik Mortis
I shall fight for the honour of those peasants!