Happy Oustfest!

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Happy Oustfest!

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Oustfest, an official holiday recognized in Chapter VIII, Section K of the Lawbook, celebrates Steward Nikkolo I (1239-1277 ASC/ January 2003) and his decision to kick all the inactive and disloyal citizens out of Shireroth.

Shireroth reached a local maximum of activity around spring 2002, during and directly after the campaign for independence from Tymaria. Afterwards, we fell into a slow decline as most people wandered off to Menelmacar, a more exciting and active nation that also existed around that time. Others joined Delvenus, founded by Erik's friend Fax Celestis, or New dentior, founded by myself. Of the few people who remained Shirerithian citizens, a good number were citizens of as many as seven or eight countries, who had no particular attachment to Shireroth and showed up only long enough to gain another title and leave. With most Ministers inactive and the Landsraad in shambles, the country's government was almost non-existent. The low point came after the reign of Letifer I, who attempted to end the Shirerithian monarchy and turn Shireroth into a Republic.

The only two people legally allowed to take the throne after Letifer's abdication were his wife, Kaiseress Isa, and his Steward, Nikkolo I. The latter (whom you may know as Nick the Yardistani or Gryphon Avocatio) chose to assume power after witnessing only a few days of unimpressive Landsraad rule. He told everyone holding a job to either promise to do it well or get out, and kicked out the people who didn't reply. Then he kicked people who didn't reply to the census off the citizen rolls. Then he enforced (with a vengeance) the previously toothless decree on citizenship signed by his predecessor Letifer only a few weeks before, a legendary law which would later come to be known as Tri-Cit.

The purges were as brutal as they were controversial. Shireroth, which had seventeen citizens before the ousting, was reduced to six. Many people (maybe most) thought the country would never survive with a mere six citizens, and that Nikkolo was killing the nation. In fact, it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to us. The people who were carpetbagging in Shireroth while owing true allegiance elsewhere were kicked out, and a truly loyal class of full Shirerithians emerged. The immediate crisis was over, and Shireroth entered into a new boom period which lasted about two years.

Oustfests later became a bit of a tradition. The history records a large one during the age of Kaiser Alejian II, and for a while there were small ones every time a new ruler took the throne.

I quote from the original Oustfest thread:
Steward Nikkolo I wrote:The time is come. Oustfest is now arrived. Jobs will be changed. The deadline is set at nightfall. 1 hour remains, for as I look out the window, yon mountains in the distance are beginning to hide the sun.

Come nightfall, we shall be purged of those who could not fairly support our great nation. Nightfall brings a change tonight. It is the first step to making Shireroth into the great nation it can be, and has been. A new republic must be formed. Shireroth can either be a failure or something better than the rest. We are different, yes, different than other nations around us. But are we better? If we are not, we must become better. The citizens must work to make us better. Letifer said that people found Shireroth to be a joke. Well, if it is, than I say, let the Joke be on them! Let us prove our departed Kaiser wrong! Together, we can go places not yet gone by other nations. Nightfall begins the start!

Niiiii-iiiight-faaaa-aaaall...quietly crept in and changed us all...
Steward Nikkolo I wrote:*The dust clears*
*Theme from "the exstasy of gold" plays in background*

We are to enter on a new age. Now, the 14th has past. It is now Odin's Night...I'm going to notify the dearly departed of their lost citizenship...and we will ride on...yes...we must go out...and call upon people in need of a nation to come and join us in our quest for a better micronation...this night...this night is the starting point for a better shireroth...

I declare a holiday to be remembered every 14th day of January. It shall be know as National Day. It is a day that all Shirerothians (or is that Shirithians) are to be pround of Shireroth and their National Identity.

To those that have stayed, thank you for remaining here in our great land, Holy Shireroth. The Gods have given us this great nation with a great past. Let it not die in our hands!

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Happy Oustfest!

Post by Harvey Steffke »

So are people getting ceremoniously thrown out, or what?

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Gman Russell
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Re: Happy Oustfest!

Post by Gman Russell »

*loads shotgun*
What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased.

Kaiser Agni I
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Re: Happy Oustfest!

Post by Kaiser Agni I »

Anyone need throwing out?

Well, we did recently declare some people dead...
Kaiser Agni I,
95th Kaiser of Shireroth
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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Happy Oustfest!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Sorry, I celebrated Outfest early :p
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Happy Oustfest!

Post by Austi_Scot »

So are people getting ceremoniously thrown out, or what?
I kinda like the idea of throwing people out without a ceremony.
Austi Scot
Former Citizen

May Kaiser Mises I rule soon.
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What does the Cessor do?

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