Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

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Mari Greenwood
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Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Mari Greenwood »

We are going to be running 2 contests. The winner of each contest will win ezspporter for a year. I know some of my friends here in Shireroth could use such a prize. So come over Monday to OAM and have fun!YAY! Edited by: Mari Greenwood at: 11/9/03 1:19 am

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Why? That nation is dead. Why bother? Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Solitary Poet 8
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Solitary Poet 8 »

Furthermore, why even consider a contest when nothing has been divulged as to what either will be a contest of? Birrrrrrrrrrrd Maaaaaaaaan!!!!!~The Solitary Poet of Goldshire

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Um...and you would think that our own citizens would know that these announcements should be in the MiniInfo forum...that does remind me eZsupporter runs out in a month... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Scott Alexander
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Scott Alexander »

You raise good points, but EZSupporter is a pretty impressive prize.

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Kaiser Erik »

But.. its menelmacar.. Why bother helping that nation cling to psudo life.. let it die I say.. it's been nothing but trouble.. Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

This is all true. -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Mari Greenwood
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Mari Greenwood »

And here I thought you liked us?Ari won one of the contests and gave his prize of 1 year of ezsupporter to Gryphon.So you are set for a year Gryphon.Congratulations.

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Kaiser Erik »

I liked... that nation once... when the BC was in place.. But After Archy.. I've hated the nation..and have wanted it to die... I got half my wish...Hell.. same with Delvenus... It's always been an annoyance to me... I always had to deal with Dual cit with it... Why don't you just let it die? No one wants it anymore. Everyone thinks you need to let them die. Most people don't even consider Delvenus the real delvenus since you moved to another boards and delete history. (for which I still hold you and ...cathryn(sp) responcible for...)Not sure why I'm saying this here or now... But let them die! You are doing both nations a dishonor by dragging them through the mud like this. Many nation die, know they are dieing, and end it before they get dragged through the mud, turned into a trophy..ect..ect... Let Menelmacar Die.. Let Delvenus Die. For they are dead already. Despite what you may say/think. And it is kinda distirbing that the same perosn heads both nations. I mean... I went to Puritania.. and saw to diffrerent nations condemn the attack.. and both where the same person.. and.. one violated the spirit of the nation. Delvenus was founded as a NUETRAL nation. Condemning people isn't a nuetral act. Yeah.. I'm done, for now.. Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Riiiiggghhtt....Wait, which gryphon? Gryphon Me, or Gryphon Joe? -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Mari Greenwood
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Mari Greenwood »

Erik, neither nation is dead. Menelmacar was my first micronation and being an elf in an elvish nation and the idea of it. Was what got me in micronations. Sirithil is still the Leader and I am second in command the Regent Arandur. Now granted Sirithil is not around much and when she is not then I do lead the nation.Delvenus I have grown to love and it is very active and I have plans for the Nation. You know why I moved it. And I don't even want to go there. Shireroth is supposedly allied to both - yet all I hear is kill the nations. Surely Shieroth is big and successful enough to allow or even encourage two smaller and older micronations to continue. Or maybe the real truth is that you want me out? OAM and Delvenus matter to me so I am sorry I am going to do my best along with others to make sure they endure.To Gryphon: I do believe it was you that got the ezsupporter. I can ask Kathyrn to check the recipt? You should have an additional year to your personal ezsupporter check your account.

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Kaiser Erik »

I sure hope in that "older" comment you were NOT insinuating that Menelmacar and Delvenus are OLDER than Shireroth..... Shall I look at dates? Shireroth... April 24 2000 Menelmacar and Delvenus.. sometime in 2002/2003 for both.. Oh.. I'm sorry.. Shireroth owns both their ass on age.As for Allies. Menelmacar and Shireroth are not allied or even treatied, last I knew. And As for Delvenus... All we said is that we wouldn't blow you out of the water on a whim.. and maybe defence... Though that might have been only in word, not writting.Talk to most of the original Delvenusians and they'd tell you their discontent with what has happened with it. HELL, the founder tried to get it away from you! (though you liked to play that lil, oh.. woah is us.. we are under attack, game...) And I will go there. I know your reason, and I think they are the dumbest reasons I ever heard. You did such a poor job with the nation that the founder wanted to get your hands off it. And although I won't speak for him. I'm pretty sure I can say this...Both the first two rulers of that nation want you out... If it wheren't for James being semi-inept with coups(I still love you James!).. you wouldn't have the nation." And here I thought you liked us?" I've never made ANY pretense to Likeing either nations since... err.. well.. never really liked along with it... than Archy... and.. Delvenus... I think the last time I liked it was when the Frenchy was there.. (Nick knows who I speak of... and that was my junior year...)But Yes!. Why don't you just give up? Let them die.. or one of them die.. I mean. comeon.. that's kinda rediculous.. you rule 2 nations at once...both most people proly want gone.. especially original inhabitants... I'm surprised you haven't had another coup attempt in Delvenus..hmm anyhoo..Don't think I'm saying anything new, I know several/many have these oppinions, I'm just socially inept enough to voice them.Now.. you can make them... "endure"... but whatever proud history or even name/honor they once had has long fallen off into the mud you drag them through. I don't really give a shit about you staying or leaving, this isn't really anything toward you... This is toward the nations. So don't try that spin like you did with James... and turn it into a "poor me, the mean man is picking on me.." thingy.... Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot death yet...

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

I've heard this all before, so i will verify that these are erik's true feelings...personally, the only bad thing I can remember about delvenus was them sucking up our population after it got founded...and I never went near menelmacar more than once...or twice...Sirithil knows what I think of him...i've nothing against either nation, really...mostly cause i don't know either...and if ari did donate me his ezsup, then i will have to write him a thanky note. -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Mari Greenwood
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Mari Greenwood »

I am not going to argue with you erik. Nor am I giving up on Delvenus or OAM. Sorry. And I think I am doing a pretty good job.Gyrphon I checked with Kathyrn and Ari did donate his ezsupporter prize to you. And she paid the prize off and the reciept is for your account name. Did you check and make sure you got another year of ezsupporter?Please do, as you are suppose to have it. If not, Kathyrn has the reciept and we can make them give it to you. Also look at the Contest #2 thread in OAM where ari won the prize and donated it to you.

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Yeah.. well.. and I thought I was "pretty good" with people once.. doesn't make that true now does it? Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot death yet...

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Gryphon Avocatio » says I have 20 days of ezsupporter didn't get it... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Mari Greenwood
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Re: Come to OAM- Oira Arnanore Menelmacariva on Monday

Post by Mari Greenwood »

She has a reciept that says you should have it. Maybe it won't show up until your current ezsupporter runs out?I will tell her to bug ezboard or maybe you could too?Let me know if it shows up because she already paid for it.

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