Excuse my ignorance, but...

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Philip Locke
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Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Do we have a justice system? Or any semblance of a court?

Draco the Tainted
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Draco the Tainted »

no, but erik pretends that we do because long ago it was proposed to the landsraad, and it never got anywhere. However, from observing the motion and trajectories of the gears and other mechanical components inside our Kaiser's head, it seems that we may be getting one soon...While we may not have a justice system, technically, the Kaiser holds supreme judiciary power, and just under him sits the Landsraad. Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

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Gman Russell
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Gman Russell »

Basicly, our justice system IS the Kaiser...

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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by BMajeed »

Sounds like Kumarastan. It works better without the hassle of trials or juries...

Erik Mortis
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Erik Mortis »

*smacks Joseph*Read the charter and check historical precident. We've never need to big a system so we never bothered to make more complex system.As it worked now the Kaiser handles trials, or hearings as I called them. There have been 3 I think. 1 including Locke and that guy.. one including Joseph and Stone.. and I think one more. If that Kaiser doesn't want to hear a case he can send it to the Landsraad, which has never been done. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

Kaiser Wyltheow I
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Kaiser Wyltheow I »

I was thinking, though, that we should establish a true council of elders of which would choose amongst themselves to be judges that hear court cases and would thusly be our judicial system. I'm not sure how i want to do it yet, but i will presenting the formal idea at the Landsraad Front Gate some time in the near future... Wylþeow du GrifosThe Kaiser of ShirerothThe gods blessed you with power and a visionThe gods gave you life to accomplish a mission...

Erik Mortis
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Erik Mortis »

But remember as Kaiser you are the "court" above them. My advice.. work out the layering like...Coucil of Elders handle most cases. Cases CAN appeal to the Landsraad. Which than can Appeal to the Kaiser. or something like that.. Basicly... the council would take care of MOST cases.. the Landsraad would take ones it thought of particular importance and the Kaiser could take the reallly important ones. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Quote:But remember as Kaiser you are the "court" above them. My advice.. work out the layering like..."Watch as Erik grapples with yet another blow to his beloved power system."The times they are a-changing...Quote:Coucil of Elders handle most cases. Cases CAN appeal to the Landsraad. Which than can Appeal to the Kaiser. or something like that.. Basicly... the council would take care of MOST cases.. the Landsraad would take ones it thought of particular importance and the Kaiser could take the reallly important ones. I don't understand why the Landsraad should have any part of the justice system. Mixing the legislative and the judicial arms doesn't seem very logical or prudent. Law cases are not supposed to be mob events. They should be presided over by a small, permenant council (preferably a tribunal) of citizens who are not voting members of Landsraad. They need not be Elders, just Shirerithians who have an extensive grasp on the laws, customs, and Imperial decrees of the nation.

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

Quote:They need not be Elders, just Shirerithians who have an extensive grasp on the laws, customs, and Imperial decrees of the nation.You mean the Landsraad, Erik, and I? Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

I have more of an "extensive grasp on the laws, customs, and Imperial decrees of the nation" than some members of the Landsraad. And I'm not alone.Furthermore, Landsraad just shouldn't be delegated judicial powers. The role of the legislature is to create laws, the role of the judiciary is to uphold them and review their legality and constitutionality.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

Quote:Furthermore, Landsraad just shouldn't be delegated judicial powers. The role of the legislature is to create laws, the role of the judiciary is to uphold them and review their legality and constitutionality. who says? "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Mother of god, are you really a fucking moron, or is that the poorest bit of Socratic questioning I've ever seen?This is a debate, David. I'm stating my opinion. Do you know what "debate" and "opinion" mean? So I say.Oh, and do you know "who else" says? The crafters of the US Constitution. The crafters of almost all constitutions of Western republics.It's common sense - an organ can not be empowered to review its own laws, because simply by passing them they give their stamp of approval. Courts do not only try criminal cases, they serve as the guardians of the legal code. They ensure that the executive and legislative branches don't overstep their bounds or violate pre-established constitutional or common law.Checks and balances, sparkplug. Government 101.

Draco the Tainted
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Draco the Tainted »

what Mr. Locke is referring to, of course, is a Three-Branch political system, such as the system used by the U. S. of A. However, this party heeds to remind him that this country is in no way the U. S. of A. and does not intend on becoming such, no matter how present its values and ideals may have been in our past. Of course, I still agree with Locke that those branches of government should be separate in at least some way, for now it seems that all three are present in the Kaiser and Nobles, two (L&E) are present in the Ministries, and two (L&J) in the Landsraad. But I have argued separation of the branches for awhile, and it doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere thus far.However, in practice, the Kaiser has handled the majority of Judicial issues, the Landsraad of Legislative, and the Ministries of Executive, but that is only a trend with no legal enforcement. And of course, we all know how much Erik has loved running things by tradition and despises concrete legal backing. But then again, we are not ruled by Erik.I'm really not getting anywhere with this, but basically my view on judicial procedures is that as is, they are handled mostly by the Kaiser, because he has little else to do on account of the Ministries managing the nation and the Landsraad legislating... As much as I would love to see a Council of Elders running all judiciary matters, that would really leave little for the Kaiser to do...((p.s. lol... present in our past...)) Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Quote:much as I would love to see a Council of Elders running all judiciary matters, that would really leave little for the Kaiser to do...Is the Throne doomed to be relegated from the head of government to the head of state? Perhaps, but not likely. At least not for a good deal of time. This is mainly because the Kaiser continues to possess a great amount of potential power even if his agenda is not exactly pressing. The government may become similar to that of the United States in the sense that the power of the legislature (and the rest of the government) is indirectly proportional to the presence of the Throne.Strong Kaiser, weak Landsraad.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

Quote: Mother of god, are you really a fucking moronyesQuote: or is that the poorest bit of Socratic questioning I've ever seen?dont know, I dont do them fancy wordswhat you said sounded like you were saying it was solid fact, and that it is iompossible to do it any other way.which would be wrong. many governments have done it other ways "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Quote:what you said sounded like you were saying it was solid fact, and that it is iompossible to do it any other way.That's why I used "should", right? Don't they teach reading comp. in Northworthy?Quote:which would be wrong. many governments have done it other ways Okay, but you still haven't bothered responding to my points about the impossibility of self-review.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

Quote:That's why I used "should", right? Don't they teach reading comp. in Northworthy?read my first answerQuote:Okay, but you still haven't bothered responding to my points about the impossibility of self-review.why would I need or want to?to i have to resond to everyting?anyway, you never asked me it "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

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Gman Russell
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Gman Russell »

Too... many... QUOTES! *hides*

Mattlore Devious
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Mattlore Devious »

Quote:Too... many... QUOTES! *hides*

Philip Locke
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Philip Locke »

Quote:why would I need or want to?Because you started the debate by asking "who says". Quote:to i have to resond to everyting?No, but if you're trying to make an arguement, you could at least address some of my points. If not, then shut up and sit down.Quote:anyway, you never asked me itSee Also: "Debate"

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

Quote:Because you started the debate by asking "who says". Quote:to i have to resond to everyting?No, but if you're trying to make an arguement, you could at least address some of my points. If not, then shut up and sit down.but i wasnt starting an argument "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Draco the Tainted
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Draco the Tainted »

Quote:Quote:Quote:Too... many... QUOTES! *hides* Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

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Gman Russell
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Gman Russell »

Quote:Quote:Quote:Too... many

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Eriana Moon
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Re: Excuse my ignorance, but...

Post by Eriana Moon »

*hopps through saying nothing for feer of getting involved* Baroness of Lunaris in The Republic of ShirerothBaroness-Councilor of Tallandor-New Barbary in TreesiaFounder of Lumenetra (please stop by. We would love to see you)This has been a test of the emergency Eri update system. Had this been a real emergency there would have been a lot more cussing.Have a nice day

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