Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Tonight, we mourn the passing of our most beloved Lady Carol, Hypatia's Mom.

My mom passed away suddenly this evening from respiratory arrest. Many of you are aware that she had been in the hospital or nursing homes for 14 solid months, with many ups and downs. Recently she had been having more difficulty with her breathing, prompting multiple trips to Intensive Care. When I spoke to her last she was in excellent spirits and enjoying her good recovery from a very recent surgery. She had decided not to stop fighting, and was hoping to move home with caregivers by Christmas.

My dad visited her earlier today, and she was doing well. She did not suffer a frightening decline or painful complications at the end, nothing beyond her generally poor health. I consider this a great blessing, although I would have liked to say goodbye.

I will post again once any arrangements are settled. I am sure that some of you may wish to come say goodbye, though we do not yet have a date or location for services. Please PM or email me if you would like an address for sending cards.

My mom loved Shireroth and its people dearly, and I know she was loved by all who met her. She will be deeply missed.

Hypatia Agnesi
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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Andreas the Wise »

While I had the pleasure of knowing your mother, I was always impressed by her kindness to everyone, and her solid faith. Though I'm very sad to hear she's gone, I'm glad to hear that she didn't suffer much at the end, and am sure we'll see her one day in heaven.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
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Q - Director of SAMIN
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And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Malliki Tosha »

My deepest condoleances to you and your family. I had the privilege of knowing Lady Carol for a while, and she was a true Lady. Gentle, respectful and compassionate. I know that she is with God now.
Malliki Tosha
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »


This is sad news and I am truly sorry for your loss. Whilst I was usually at odds with Carol on most the trifling issues banded around in this place I cannot help but note that she was indisputably during the whole time of her involvement in Shireroth a pillar of the community, an unofficial agony aunt and more often than not that most singular thing in these parts - a voice of reason. I know that she won the respect of many through her clearly stated and sincerely held faith and I hope that, whatever lies beyond, she is at least at peace.

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

My deepest condolences, Hypatia. I can't say I ever got to know Carol well, but the memories of people here
are obviously testament to what a kind-spirited and good person she was.
Zikhronah Livrakha- may her memory be blessed.

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Harald of Froyalan »


May I offer you and your family my deepest condoleances. Lady Carol was a marvellous woman, kind and compassionate as well as young & fresh and old & wise at the same time, and having known her was a true privilege. She is at peace now, resting at a better place without illness or pain.
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Harvey Steffke »

I have been dreading when we would be given this announcement. Scarcely a day has gone by when I have come to Shireroth's boards when I haven't been wondering on the state of Lady Carol. I had hoped that no news was good news, and it seemed that for a time, it was.

Lady Carol and my own time in Shireroth meshed frustrating poorly, with me on the way out when she was in her heyday here. But, no matter how little time we spent together in the hobby, from what I saw she was one of the most good-natured, level-headed, altruistic, and pleasant people to converse with that I have ever seen. Even when I was acting like a jerk here during Shireroth's bad times, never once did she show me anything but kindness both within the simulation and on a personal basis. I take the fact that I could not meet such a sweet, caring soul in person during a Shirecon or some such event as one of my personal failures in life.

My deepest condolences for your loss. If there is anything, even the smallest thing, that I or any of us can do to help ease your grief, no matter how silly or small it may seem, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I will always remember the time I spent with your mother, both here in Shireroth and on our trip to Yosemite. Although we didn't always see eye to eye, she was one of the most unconditionally nice and caring people I have ever met, and she faced her illness with amazing courage and good cheer. The story of the woman who came to micronationalism to make sure her daughter wasn't getting into trouble and eventually became the beloved Kaiseress of its largest nation will always be one of my favorites from this hobby, and it took a very very special person to make it possible.

I was always planning to call her up sometime see how she was doing, and tell her some Shirerithian news. Let this be a lesson to everyone never to wait in a similar situation.

My condolences to you, your father, and your family at this time of loss.

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

It speaks a lot how everyone in this thread is going, essentially, "I disagreed with her all the time but she was one of the sweetest people around". It's a rare person who can maintain that kind of patience with this crowd... we're far poorer for having lost her.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Ryan »

Like Harvey, I've also been wondering how Lady Carol had been faring recently. This is very sad news, to say the least. If anything, we can be content in knowing that she isn't suffering from any further or continuing ailments. I did not have the privilege of spending as much time interacting with her as many here did, but it was enough to leave a lasting impression on me - one of a woman who is compassionate, generous, and caring. I rarely meet people with as many of these traits, and in such overflowing quantity, as Lady Carol had; and consider myself lucky to have done so.

Please accept my deepest condolences. As has already been said, if we can be of service in any way, please just ask.
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Eros Serafiem
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Eros Serafiem »

Fare thee well, dear Lady. May the next turn of the great wheel bring you joy. You made life interesting and fun here, and provided much-needed moral guidance during one of our darkest times. Serving as a noble under your leadership was a bright spot in my time with this grand experiment we call Shireroth.

Fare well and blessings, my Baroness, my Captain, my Friend.

- Eros Serafiem, sometimes called Qelathas
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Jonas »

She was just so gentile and wanted to avoid arguments, that's probably why not everyone agreed with her (afterall, we 'love' arguments). She was a very special woman, it hurts to hear this news. I'm happy to have been around while she was still active, I'm happy that I had the opportunity to have met her (yes, on internet). My condolences.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Arviður »


I am sorry. Many hugs, Hypatia. Many, many of them...

I am sorry. I just don't know what to say.
Arviður úr Ansinum
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Santelran Rottsaa
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Santelran Rottsaa »

I cannot express my sadness. Your mother was very dear to me. I always enjoyed her stories, and she always knew the right advice to give in any situation. She is the most inspiring, courageous, and kind woman I've ever had the pleasure to know, and I know she is at peace with god. You and your family have my condolences, and if you need anything, you need only ask and I will do whatever I can.


I always wanted to visit her one day to sing this song to her.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Jess »


The Amokolian flies at half-staff to commemorate the passing of a wonderful person and friend, Lady Carol of Shireroth.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Eoin »

I was very sorry to hear that Carol had passed on. She was one of the most naturally kind people I have ever met, and a wonderful host. When I was active here and during my trip to California a few years ago we had many conversations, and I was always struck with her love of the world, of knowledge and of her family. When Scott and I visited her she providing everything she could to make us feel right at home. Even when I left micronations I tried to keep up with how she was doing, and I'm glad to know she wasn't in any pain at the end.

Renee, my thoughts and prayers are with you, and my family sends their condolences.


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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Erik Mortis »

I feel I lack words for this.

When things have been settled, if at all possible, I would like to be among those to come show their respects.

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. It is very comforting to know how much she was loved, and to hear others describe the wonderful person I knew.

We are having a private family burial this week, and a memorial service on Saturday, January 9 at 1pm in Fremont, California. We wanted to wait until after the holidays were fully over, so as many people could attend as might wish to. I expect that we will have an open microphone during the service, if anyone attending wishes to speak. Mom is being buried across the street from the church, which does make it possible for anyone who wishes to to say goodbye there as well.

Until I hear otherwise, I am going to say that cards can be sent to my parents' house in Fremont.

Cards, etc.:
Robert Reavis and family
44840 Camellia Dr.
Fremont, CA 94539

Memorial Service:
Irvington Presbyterian Church
4181 Irvington Ave.
Fremont, CA 94538

Fremont Memorial Park
41001 Chapel Way
Fremont, CA 94538

Thank you again.
National Picketer
Hypatia's Mom's Daughter

Santelran Rottsaa
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Santelran Rottsaa »

I'd very much like to attend the memorial service, but it may be far too expensive and poorly timed for me. I plan on looking into it, and seeing if I can afford to bring Ric along too if I can make it out there myself.
Libido-powered perversion, coming to your home at the speed of light.

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"Well, as the saying goes with D&D, give players a fish, and they'll use it to club someone down. Teach a player to fish, and you'll have them showing up next session with a copy of The Complete Fisherman, trying to dual-wield vorpal fishing poles."

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Gman Russell
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Gman Russell »

I was in the middle of my work day when Sarah called me and broke the news. I was in the middle of a delivery. I pulled over, in sheer shock and disbelief. I got back into the store, and told my manager my close friend had died. He sent me home. I was hoping when I checked the boards, it wouldn't confirm what I had heard.

Now I am alone at my computer, crying.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Arviður »

Greg, you are not alone... I share with you a deepest grief.
Arviður úr Ansinum
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Hypatia Agnesi
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Oh Greg, I'm so sorry you were at work and driving when you heard. Good boss for sending you home!

I know my mom cared deeply for you.

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Ryan »

I will not be able to attend the services, money is too tight at the moment. But I hope those that do attend bring with them the sentiments of those who cannot.

I will send a card, but alas I feel that is a pittance gesture given the gravity of the circumstances. I only wish I could do more.
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Erik Mortis »

If I can make it maybe I'll say a word for those who could not make it.

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Thomas Gaudin »

Hi everyone, I'm Thomas Gaudin (Joe of Nova England and I are working on a new nation and that's my alias there), also known as Christopher I in Tellia and Chaim Wajnstein in Ashkenatza.

I have been wondering about Carol's condition for months now...ever since I left the hobby over the summer (I've returned, of course...) I haven't heard much about how she has been other than that she has been sick. When I glanced at the news on the forums here I was shocked to see she had passed away.

Carol, although I cannot say I knew her well, was someone I considered to be a friend. I am not a Shirerithian, but she helped me out in Tellia, and we had a lot of great AIM conversations. She truly cared about others...she was engaging, intelligent, and a really beautiful person...

I am so sorry for your loss, Hypatia, you and your family will be in my prayers and those of micronationalists all over the world.

I will, today, be introducing legislation in Ashkenatza and Agathius to honor Lady Carol for her simple kindness and her gentle manner...she will be greatly missed.

Ashkenatzi Knesset Resolution: http://dr-spangle.com/Mikrah/phpBB3/vie ... 4383#p4383

Agathiusian Grand Council Resolution: http://agathius.proboards.com/index.cgi ... e&thread=8

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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Aster »

A Kaddish shall be said for Lady Carol-
וּלְאַחֲיָאָה מֵתַיָא
וּלְאַסָּקָא יָתְהוֹן לְחַיֵּי עָלְמָא
וּלְמִבְנֵא קַרְתָּא דִירוּשְׁלֵם
וּלְשַׁכְלָלָא הֵיכְלֵהּ בְּגַוַּהּ
וּלְמֶעְקַר פֻּלְחָנָא נֻכְרָאָה מְאַרְעָא
וּלַאֲתָבָא פֻּלְחָנָא דִשְׁמַיָּא לְאַתְרֵהּ
וְיַמְלִיךְ קֻדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא
בְּמַלְכוּתֵהּ וִיקָרֵהּ
and where He will give life to the dead
and raise them to eternal life
and rebuild the city of Jerusalem
and complete His temple there
and uproot foreign worship from the earth
and restore Heavenly worship to it position
and the Holy One, blessed is He,
reign in His sovereignty splendour ...
I never had the pleasure of knowing Lady Carol, but Ashkenatza shares Shirerethan grief at this time.





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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Malliki Tosha »

I'll send a card too, with some appropriate Swedish quote. Feels like nothing when I would much rather like to be there in person, but it's impossible for me I'm sad to say. I'm sure that Ric would have liked to come as well.
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Pandora »

I want all of you to know that reading all of your comments about my mom-in-law has been very theraputic for me and my husband. It means a great deal to me to know that all of you cared so much about her and saw her as the same person that I saw her.

-Hypatia's Mom's daughter-in-law

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Gman Russell
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Gman Russell »

Crap... if anyone can PM me a contact number, I would appreciate it. All I have is Carol's Number, and it appears to be out of service. Thanks in advance.
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Farewell, beloved Lady Carol

Post by Erik Mortis »

Well, I can't make the service.. work interfered.

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