Decree of Time

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Nathan of Natopia
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Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:48 am

Decree of Time

Post by Nathan of Natopia »

To all residents of the County of Smjörkýr, greetings:
SIRING to maintain a logical and reasoned system of timekeeping in the county

I hereby decree as Count, upon the grace of the Duke of Froyalan,

THAT, The county shall operate under the Natopian Calender.

The Calendar is based on the Solar Year, the amount of time it takes the Earth to make a complete revolution around the Sun. There will be 365 twenty-four hour Days in a Standard Natopian Year.

Every fourth year an extra Day will be added to the Calendar. The extra Day will be removed the following year.

There will be 12 Months in a Year, named, in order: Blumuar, Sonnuar, Frieduar, Natopuar, Konril, Tasril, Dankril, Geburtril, Novaber, Lieber, Grunber, and Reguber. Each Month will have thirty Days.

The remaining five Days, including the extra Day every fourth year, will be organized into a separate, miniature month, to be called Carnival. Carnival will between Geburtril and Novaber. The county government will adjourn for Carnival.

According to the Gregorian calender, the first day of Blumuar will be the first day of May. Years will reset on May 1, 2005, according to the Gregorian Calender. Thusly, May 1, 2005 will be Blumuar 1st, year 1.

Positive numbered years will be referred to as in the Era After Family Guy (AFG), while negative numbered years will be referred to as in the Era Before Family Guy (BFG).

Signed by His Trivialness, Count Nathan Smjörkýr, on this Sixteenth Day of the Month of Geburtril in the Third Year of the Era After Family Guy
Prophet of the Butter Bull,
Head Missionary of the Bovic Dominion of Natopia,
Natopian Representative to the Small Commonwealth,
Member of the Roth Zera of Elwynnese Realm

Posts: 753
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:41 am

Re: Decree of Time

Post by andelarion »


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