What is there to work with?

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Ignatia Oforutsedd
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What is there to work with?

Post by Ignatia Oforutsedd »

Ignatia looked out of the second storey window of the hotel, down at the 20 or so drunken ex soldiers fighting. Closing the curtains on the scene, she turned and walked to the circle of chairs in the centre of the conference room. There was little light, and there was no evidence to show that the hotel staff had known to prepare the room. But still, there was a table with drink, 6 chairs only one empty, and a larger man on a lounger.

Before..improvements...can be made, you need to know what needs improving. Well...

With no military activity, the traditional hi tech industries are stagnent, and immigrant Lac Glacian mages are out of work.

Un employment is heightened also by immigration from the Count's former north eastern Prinitican lands that are domminated by Stormarkian law.

With Antya, much of Kildare and indeed the Empire itself in difficulty, there is nothing to bolster the County from the outside.

The count is weak and in-effective and at no point since his arrival has he done anything to setup a local government.
Last edited by Ignatia Oforutsedd on Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Ignatia Oforutsedd
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Post by Ignatia Oforutsedd »

{The other's in the dark room affirmed that these were true, but still they said "And what can be done about it?"

The military resources here are in difficulty because there are no customers. Those trained to fight are instead causing trouble in the streets because there is no one to employ them.

The County will employ them.

Ignatia Oforutsedd
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Post by Ignatia Oforutsedd »

Puzzled looks came from most of those listening.
"How? It is not doing so already!"

Yes, the official county administration is not doing it's job, but We can set up a new one. We can set up a police force and army from the trained mobs, that will allow us to reduce crime, improve business enviroments and provide a use for the arms industries. This will give us effective control of the County and thus allow a complete takeover.

"And how will we pay for all this? Materials for manufacture do not come free, and neither does pay for the soldiers."

Ignatia sits down, and nods towards the the relaxing merchant.

"I am Mirqurios Uisucius, a long time trader. I can always provide what people require if they can pay or give me what I require. I can set up supply routes for your people. In exchange, instead of currency, you will provide the armed escort I will need for this increased traffic, and for my other dealings. Your low grade workers and your soldiers will be able to satisfy themselves on communal supplies in place of wages, and when you have built your forces enough, you can gain currency by hireing it out. It is all quite simple, I'm suprised no one has had the initiative to do this before!"

Ignatia Oforutsedd
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Post by Ignatia Oforutsedd »

A man with a winged hammer brooch looked up.
"Of course we have though of it! And we cam up witrh the same problem that you will face, The Empire! The Baron may be absent and the Count dormant, but the someone's bound to notice your armies building up sooner or later! Remember, This is Kildare, and it's Duchess is close to the Throne itself! Imperial smakedown will be apon us!"

Ignatia rises again. and walks slowly to the window then leans against it.

This time things will be different. I have the protection that comes from being able to access the highest levels of power!

I am the Count of Schlangen!

Kaiseress Carol
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Post by Kaiseress Carol »

My Dear Ignatia Oforutsedd--

May one inquire as to how you became Count of Schlangen without officially immigrating to Shireroth? Unless you are the same person who has been Count and are going by a new name, you will need to fill out an immigration application before remodeling, revamping, and reclaiming this county. Also, you may have your own local militia and arms to defend your county's residents, but a standing army must ultimately be under the control of the Crown. I would appreciate your clearing up these items at your earliest convenience.

Thank you, and I look forward to making your acquaintance.
Kaiseress Carol

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Post by Conglacio »

ooc: just an alt (ignatia/conglacio? get it?) I have neglected my county, and so to suddenly go in and do something with it would seem silly...this new character will be an excuse for a fresh start...when the armies more complete, I will fight myself and bring it all under the crown...one way or another.

Ignatia Oforutsedd
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Post by Ignatia Oforutsedd »

Raised eyebrows and mocking laughter came as the response.
"Surely you would be the Count
ess, and anyway, Conglacio the often absent is count!"

Correct, depending on how you percive existance, the soul and identity.

I will not explain it now, but just know that what powers he has, I have.

For instance, the Kaiseress has, somehow managed to found out about our little conference. But She then saw Conglacio saying that everything is fine! So the Crown will leave us alone.

The discussion continued on into the early hours of the morning. having convinced the others that her ideas were possible, the arrangments were agreed and assignments allocated.

Afterwards, Ignatia retired to her room, and stood infront of her mirror to pray.

One Socket for the Eye,
One Arm for the Hand,
One Throw for the Dice,
There can be only One.

One Vision of Reality,
One Grasp of the Universe,
One Begining of Eternity,
There can be only One.

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

Ooh la la, can I include Yardistan meybe? *steeples fingers*

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Post by Conglacio »

actually, forget this,.,.I cannot get my self going on it..

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

Sorry sorry sorry! I had alot of hours to work and not enough free time! I *am* still interested. We need to talk on aim or ICQ or somesuch!

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Post by Conglacio »

it was not you, it was me! I cannot get myself writing stuff on it....

and I don't use aim really now....just Skype....

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

Awwright then... :(

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