Giving up land

Maps Shireroth's land and interacts with the worldwide Micronational Cartography Society.

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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

When you have an inactive, seemingfly-aloof Kaiser, you'd be surprized what power the Landsraad wields.
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Post by Ryan »

As soon as the new MCS forums are up and running, there is going to be some major shaking-down at the MCS in which I lay the debigification smackdown across the board.

With the multitude of idiots wanting land - in part thanks to Lovely's publicity - I need to more strictly regulate the MCS. Something I should have been doing from the beginning. It's sheer favortism to support one party and not the other in regards to claims, whereas a base regulation across the board solves this issue and presents unbiased rules which are fair to everyone, regardless of anyone's opinions otherwise.

The ultimate objective of moving the MCS to its own server in the first place is to completely make it a neutral organisation. No land holdings. No political ties. No dependence on anyone with affiliations (except me, and I always put the MCS before everything else, everyone knows this).

I've been wanting to make the MCS more professional and regulated/fair since I was involved in the Ratelon discussions with the German sector counterpart, the OIK. They are lightyears ahead of us. Why? Because they regulate everything across the board and strictly follow it. I respect them more than I respect my own society. Again, why? Because they run a fair and balanced system, whereas the MCS as it presently stands, is nowhere near being balanced or fair.

In the end, it doesn't matter if Shireroth supports the reductions or not. Because there will be reductions regardless. You now have the opportunity to choose those reductions yourselves and make the most of the opportunity, or on the spin, oppose them and still be reduced at my discretion, which you will like even less.

I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but the MCS is my lifeblood in this hobby. I have not given four years of my life, every day of those four years, to the MCS to see it become a biased group favouring one power over the other. I want to run a professional and respected organisation that micronationalists can come to rely on to support their simulations. That requires going beyond the classic obscure runnings of the society into a more regulated system with supportive and fleshed-out applications. Every step I've taken recently has been in order to move gradually in that direction. I'm not talking MRWS-style elaborate number-crunching rules, but more fleshed-out details that will help regulate the simulation environment so that micronations on the MCS can be more compatible with oneanother. One idea, for example, is being discussed with Bill and Sander to redesign the MX2 source code into a natural resource database which would simulate supply and demand, thus making resources a more valued commodity, and more realistically mirrored by the MCS.
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Fax Celestis
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Post by Fax Celestis »

I think I speak for everyone when I ask that we get a kind of heads-up about how much land we're going to be able to keep. I'm certain that we'll have a few conflicts about exactly which bits to keep, but I believe that we'll be able to cut down our land mass anywhere between 30 and 50%. However, please realize that our current governmental structure relies very heavily upon land, and we do have a fair number of active citizens--approximately double the total citizenry of most nations out there.

I do not ask for favors: what I ask is that you are fair. Since we are approximately three times the citizenship base of most other nations, it is only logical to grant us three times the land.

Regardless, we'll start seeing what we can cut down right now.

Is there any sort of time frame we can work with, or is it just "as soon as it gets done"?

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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

*Raises glass to two previous posts.* I totally agree with both of you. The MCS should be a completely fair organization. And if we must lose land, let it be land we don't use. Jettison the surplus, I say!
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

although i appluads your resolve Ryan, and completetly understand...

and Fax, i respect you as one of the rightfull elders of this, our great Imperial Republic....

I still think giving up land in fairness sounds silly to me. Not that i dont beleive in fair. if i had any subjects I would treat them fairly (initially) but thats not how the world works.

as far as I know, all of our land is rightfully (by default or other means) Ours. and we have no reason to give any away unless of course because other nations are going "you have too much" and if so... too bad! as i said above, fairness be hanged.

If someone wants to start a new nation theyt should go through the MCS and whomever is control of the land (if the territory in question is currently contested) but really? I think pewople should spend a GOOD amount of time as a piss on citizen before moving on to it.

any way, im rambling now.. get my meaning anyhow?

Also, Baldwin, to be honest, initially i wasnt a big fan of your personality... However, little by little, Im starting to like you. (in a completetly heterosexual, platonic way.)

so yeah... thanks for hearing me out.
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Thanks, Hattter, I really appreciate that. Actually, that's the way a lot of people react to me at first. I think I'm beginning to win over some individuals, however.
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Harvey the Blue
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Post by Harvey the Blue »

I've liked him since he's been here. Says it how it is. Good for you Baldwin!

Anyway, yeah Ryan I've been waiting to see when you'd do something like this. Shireroth got a lot of that land through rather shifty deals and, saying nothing about activity, it just doesn't have the population to justifity those kinds of claims anymore.

Bill tells me you said interesting things to him about Jasonia. We should talk more about that some day.

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Fax Celestis
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Post by Fax Celestis »

Again, as prior, we'll give up some of our land if everyone does.

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Post by Ryan »

As I said, cuts will be across the board, which means everyone loses a little something. Talamthom, for instance, which is already tiny, has agreed to give up two-thirds of Indochina and move it to a tiny coastal enclave at the base of the river.

And Bill has an unnatural obsession with Jasonia. :P
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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Ah, lovely spam.
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