The Voyage North

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The Voyage North

Post by Alrodrian »

The Voyage North &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The mood on board the I.S. Mercury 5 was not one of bravado or heroism as with so many nights before. The Mercury 5 was not a grand imperial warship but merely a converted commercial vessel purchased by the empires ambassador to Lavalon to service the armies voyage north. The ship was old rusty and not befitting solders of the empire. The cargo holds which only weeks before held fish caught along the Natopian cost were now serving as barracks to the forces of the mighty high command. The troops were not reassured by there new transport, they only helped to assure the men that there empire did not have a glorious imperial military like that of Antica, Natopia, or the allies of the Grand Commonwealth. Were those troops had been brought to battle in military transports escorted by grand warships these legionaries were sailing to war in vessels in which the smell of rotting fish was still potent. &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Most of these young men now wondered whether they had signed the contract offered them to hastily Most of them were the sons of middle class farmers from the country side outside of Corinthine. Most never having traveled outside of Alrodria before jumped at the opportunity to see more of the world. The recruiters had told them that they might never see battle. The Lavalonian people however had painted a very different picture of the war. When the reached Lavalon they herd of the varrius battles and the devastation caused both sides. Now looking back on it many of them werenÂ’t so sure that the risk was worth it. &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Most men didnÂ’t understand why they were even fighting in this war. Alrodria was so far from Jaris, why should they come to the aid of nations theyÂ’d only herd rumors of. This confusion caused dissention among many of the troops. Reports of insubordination were rampant among the fleet. The commissioned officers and professional legionaries whom were serving as trainers for the conscripts, were unable to keep order on the ships of the mercury convoy. SummeryThe Corithien Auxillery Legion suffers from low morral till the end of the war. The Legion is moving to land near Richmond.

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Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:29 pm

The Landing

Post by Alrodrian »

The Landing Lieutenant Brutanian looked across the briefing room. It was lit by the flicker of florescent lights. The map projected along the far wall detailed the plan for the legions assault on Richmond. The General standing at the other end of the room was describing in detail the invasion of the city. Alpha Command was taking the north applying pressure while Beta, and Gamma landed on the beach. Zeta was securing the Air Port, while Omega was cutting off enemy retreat. As the briefing came to a close an officer the lieutenant had never seen before began to approach him from the far end of the room. The man had short brown hair, and the build of an imperial agent. He moved with the grace of one who fears nothing. An arrogance conmen among those who come from the high command. When he reached the lieutenant, he introduced himself in a self assured voice, not arrogant or offsetting just self assured. he said "my name is Imperial Intelligence Attaché Baron Mathew of Nort Land. I have come here with a special assignment for you." The lieutenant paused for a moment taking in what he had been told. This man was clearly not of the high command but of the Imperial Defense Intelligence Agency (IDIA) but why they would be interested in an auxiliary legionary he did not understand. The Attaché spoke again "We have need of a unit which is capable of "nontraditional" stealth engagements. The lieutenant understood the real meaning behind the sophisticated jargon. They were interested in black ops. He responded "I'm not a professional legionary sir, I'm sure there are more qualified men" however at that moment he was interrupted by the Attaché " of course there are more qualified men. Hundreds of them, however those men are in Corinthine. You however are on a transport headed for Palistinia."mean whileThe Auxiliary Legionaries of the Mercury Five were being briefed on there role in the invasion. The plan looked full proof however many solders were unconvinced. They feared a massacre. A day from then the troops and officers would know the out come of the landing. And that night in the barracks they prayed that it would be a favorable one. Summery Mostly back-story introducing two characters. However I’m setting a time table for the landing of my 25,000 troops near Richmond at one day from this post, at which time I will post the details of the attack.


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