Poetry 101: Syllabus

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Shasta Rana Wanderlust
Posts: 339
Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:11 pm

Poetry 101: Syllabus

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

Class 1 will be:1. Ill; Fill; Bill; Kill; Spill; Dill; Swill; Mill... ((Rhyme))2. The Little Drummer Boy: Ba-Dum-Da-Dum-Dum ((Meter))3. Progressive Poets Pool Power Plays And Plans ((Alliteration))Class 2 will be:4. When Words Are Sounds ((Onomotopaeia))5. Images And Words ((Imagery))6. The Art Of Animation ((Personification))Class 3 will be:7. "Once Upon A Time..." ((Storytelling))8. Beyond Good And Evil ((Incorporating Mythos))9. What Shakespeare Did ((Formatics))Class 4 will be:10. Hooking The Reader ((Power Phrases))11. Ah, The Nuances Of Second Grade ((Spelling And Grammar))12. Dash-Dash-Dash-Dot-Dot-Dot-Dash-Dash-Dash ((Punctuation))Class 5 will be:13. Putting the Em-PHA-Sis On The Right Syl-LA-Ble ((Emphasis))14. DJ Funky Poet ((Remixes And Overtures))15. It Comes With Points? I'm Getting One! ((Having A Point))16. Ignoring All Of The Above ((Or, Why Did I Take This Class Anyway?))DISCLAIMER: This is not a class on how to write a masterwork poem. This class is designed to get you started on your way. Any injury that results from directions from the teacher or through assigned homework is YOUR OWN FAULT. (Like that'll happen). In any case, this is designed for response. So, any and all response is much appreciated. Enough response, and I might start assigning homework. Not enough response, and I WILL start assigning homework. In addition, if you see something that I've missed (for instance, metaphor/simile is not in the above list) that you'd like me to cover, please tell me, and I'll fit it into the Syllabus. Remember, my child, without innocence, the cross is only iron, hope is only an illusion, and you're nothing but a name.

david northworthy beckfor
Posts: 1530
Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2002 6:36 pm

Re: Poetry 101: Syllabus

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

mm...that last one....does that mean I dont have to bother with the class? "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

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