Census February/March 2010

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Census February/March 2010

Post by rhadmor »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
See any good movies lately?

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
His Highness Rhadmor Ravendorff-Marcjan-Chojnacki, Duke of Cyberia, Graf of Ravendorff, Count of Litava

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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by rhadmor »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?
Brugia, and - temporary - Staunton Islands
Optional questions.
Where in Shireroth do you live?
Villa Straylight
Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?
Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
See any good movies lately?
"Sarnie Żniwo, czyli Pokusa Statuetkowego Szlaku" -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oms4QRaX75c
You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
His Highness Rhadmor Ravendorff-Marcjan-Chojnacki, Duke of Cyberia, Graf of Ravendorff, Count of Litava

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Nick Foghorn Leghorn
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
The (soon to be independent) county of Norfolk

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?
I do the KZFO stuff.

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
*cough cough* KZFO *cough cough*

See any good movies lately?
Bringing out the Dead

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
the wha...?
Count of Norfolk

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Malliki Tosha »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?
Antica, Cyberia
Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
Mortis Mercatoria, LTN, Greater Lakhesis, Goldenbrook

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
See any good movies lately?

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
Malliki Tosha
Owner, Mortis Mercatoria FC
Owner, Newport City FC

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Harvey Steffke »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? Nelaga

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Shirekeep. or possibly somewhere in Yardistan / Straylight - it's hard to say really.

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? Malarbox seems to think I did. I deny every bit of it.

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to? Nah.

See any good movies lately? I watched Memento again last night. The ending ("beginning") is more chilling than I remember.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances. I'm just a little magical girl standing between the earth and certain meteor destruction. Hey, someone's gotta do it.

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? Ashkenatza, Victoria

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Eliria or Ardashirshahr or Vijayanagara, all of which are in Elwynn

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? Nah

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to? Nah... although it would have been nice to have developed a story relating to Eoin's abortive takeover of Goldshire

See any good movies lately? Nah... although that Sherlock Holmes flick was a bit of a laugh.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances. Damned flying penguins...

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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Ryan »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? Universalis and Cyberia

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Alpreaux, Lac Glacei, Yardistan

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? Nope

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to? Nope

See any good movies lately? Young Victoria was good.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
The aliens are landing in Antarctica!
Oh ye who torments me in dreams of dark abysses, beware the sleeping shadow, for it is a bane like no other...
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Allot »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? none

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Araxion, Iserdia, Elwynn

See any good movies lately? I watched Star Trek again a while ago...

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Cho'Gall »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? World of Warcraft
Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Agnesia

See any good movies lately? Sherlock Holmes

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
En taru adun

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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by AryezturMejorkhor »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?
Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
Mejor, Khorze, Goldenbrook
Aryeztur Mejorkhor

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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Jonas »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? Batavië

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Blackrock Nua, Blackrock, Kildare.

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? Nope.

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to? Nope.
See any good movies lately? Nope.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
Errr... tricky one.
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

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CJ Miller
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by CJ Miller »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? Ostentia, Hamland, and Kanto

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Yardistan

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? :kaiser

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
See any good movies lately? No, not really

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances. That's classified information

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
Straylight, with a summer home in Hyperborea

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?
Forum colors are on my to-do list

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
Anyone notice how I tried to change the flag a few weeks back?

See any good movies lately?
Avatar was okay

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
I really thought I was gonna be the first to catch the Minus reference :(

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Daniel Farewell »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?


Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?

Huyenkula, the capital of Hurmu.

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?

Might be kaiser one day :p

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?

Uhm, freakin out and endin up in hospital?

See any good movies lately?

Yar... think so...

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.

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Gman Russell
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Gman Russell »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?
Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
County Mirioth, Amity, and So-Sara, Barony of the United Isles, Duchy Yardistan
Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?
Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
My arguement to not change the flag. :fish
See any good movies lately?
Shutter Island. It really messes with your mind your mind your mind.
You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
It's the clouds. DAMN THOSE CLOUDS! Look at them, plotting their evil takeover of the surface world. I'll stop them, one cumulonimbus at a time.
What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased.

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Andreas the Wise »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?
Gralus, Nelaga

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
Define "you"

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
No comment.

See any good movies lately?
I did enjoy Avatar.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
I really, really liked Harvey's answer.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Harald of Froyalan
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?


Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?

Avaldsnes, Cimmeria

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?


Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
See any good movies lately?


You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
Count of Cimmeria

Erik Mortis
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Erik Mortis »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth?

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live?
Cerce, Monty Crisco, Dolor, Goldenbrook.

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently?
To rebuild the system...again.

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to?
All those bills I put before the Landsraad no one voted on?

See any good movies lately?
Jeffrey. Kinda old. But Patrick Steward as a gay guy was great!

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.

I just had a knock out battle with a evil alien who was building a transmitter on the massif. All I had was a baseball bat in my van for some reason. I beat the shit out of him, killed him and threw him off the massif. Then destroyed the Transmitter. But I'm not sure I did it in time. Did a single get sent off into space. As I look up with determination and angst, I wonder, will they be back...

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Census February/March 2010

Post by Jacobus Loki »

What micronational citizenships do you currently hold beside Shireroth? None, I think. Do I think?

Optional questions.

Where in Shireroth do you live? Yardistan

Got any interesting Shireroth-related aspirations recently? To wake up and not have my heart ripped out of my chest.

Anything you've done lately people that haven't paid enough attention to? Haven't done anything lately,
See any good movies lately? Yup.

You are standing atop the highest point of the Vinson Massif, wielding a baseball bat and staring at the sky determinedly. Please describe in a few sentences the events that led to these circumstances.

Hey, I'm doing a census by astral projection, anything is possible

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