Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

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Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Morsday, 14 Vivantiana

Shipping magnate Nereus Rotenaard became the 128th Duke of Straylight today when he received the Coral Coronet in a ceremony attended by dignitaries from across Shireroth.

The new Duke was chosen behind closed doors by seventy of Straylight's most powerful figures, including the Abbot of Clonmacnoise, the CEO of Amara Pharmaceuticals, the four K.H.A.N.s of C.O.S.A.C., and the Pääjohtaja of the Pohjanvälke Coalition. According to a statement by the council, Rotenaard "has proven his mental acuity and worthiness to represent the people of Straylight by his creative ship designs, and as a successful businessman himself understands the importance of leaving the businesses and people of Straylight to their own designs."

The ceremony, presided over by Ducal Chaplain Kender Ly'Sakredoet, was attended by Kaiser Leto III himself, as well as Dukes Llai and Caruso of Brookshire and Yardistan respectively. Dukes Mejorkhor, Payne, and Dentarg expressed their regrets that they were unable to personally attend, and dispatched high officials of their respective ducal governments to congratulate Duke Rotenaard on his new position.

In a speech backdropped by Discontinuity's imposing Peak of Eternal Light, Duke Rotenaard promised to devote his reign to stamping out the corruption endemic across Straylight, and bringing some of its most powerful players down to size. Though it was received relatively well by the few Straylighters who turned up, it will no doubt have Rotenaard's important backers wondering exactly what he plans.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Thorsday, 17 Vivantiana

On his third day in office, Duke Nereus Rotenaard stunned Straylight and the Empire by officially granting Yardistan full rule over Straylight, which has been sovereign for over eight hundred years.

The decree, which has not yet been fully released to the public, is said by lawyers who viewed it to be "ironclad" and "extremely official". Movers and shakers across Straylight have been scrambling to determine whether the Duke really has the power to act unilaterally in such a weighty matter, but are hampered by the unanimous decision of all sancts to expel the lawyers from Straylight two hundred fifty years ago. The tangled collection of ignored regulations and ad hoc directives that usually bind Straylight policy in matters such as this has proven completely incapable of the task, with both the Duke's few supporters and his many enemies citing relevant laws to back up their points.

But the legal niceties may not matter, as Duke Caruso of Yardistan has acted quickly to secure his claim. A large naval task force led by the battleship Armed With Very High Caliber Weaponry left Novi Nigrad towards Discontinuity earlier today, and according to sources a second force led by the Floating Leviathan Of Total Invincibility is leaving Nordagaat within the hour.

Political analysts speculate that the Yardistanis, with their vastly superior military might, need only the flimsiest legal pretext to take over the Duchy, and that for reasons unknown Duke Rotenaard has decided to provide it to them. The Kaiser, who might otherwise be the last hope of Straylight loyalists, issued an Imperial Proclamation at 8:50 this morning stating only that "it is the hope of the Golden Mango Throne that all parties in the Straylight Sea manage to sort out their differences in a manner befitting subjects of the Shirerithian Empire, and with minimal damage to civilian infrastructure," practically a committment not to intervene and a de facto endorsement of Yardistan. Although Leto's motives remain murky, some speculate that he is hoping to appease Yardistan in order to prevent a proposed alliance between Novi Nigrad and the rebel Earldom of Dolor. An under-the-table endorsement of Caruso's claim to Straylight might be a quid pro quo for a Yardistani rejection of Dolor's offer and a pledge of renewed loyalty to the Kaiser - not to mention a damning condemnation of Straylight's role in smuggling arms from Istvanistan and Tapfer to the Dolor rebels at a tidy profit and an example to any who might try anything similar.

The network administrators at Backbone Site have sent out a system-wide alert that all civilians should stay in their homes, conserve fresh water, and avoid all targets of potential military value. Prelate Kender Ly'Sakredoet has opened all Cedrist temples in the Duchy as shelters to anyone displaced in a possible conflict or living within a dangerous radius of a military installation. Due to Yardistani naval action it is NOT recommended that anyone with a ship try to leave their sanct. Further updates will be made available as they develop by the Ducal government at mww.straylight.sh/updates.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Ifniday, 18 Vivantiana

In a secret meeting on Pohjankaupunki, COSAC and Pohjanvälke leaders agreed to put aside their rivalry to defy Duke Rotenaard and resist the Yardistani forces menacing the Sanct.

"The Pohjanvälke-COSAC axis is now the legitimate authority over Straylight," said K.H.A.N. Jukka Lehainen, currently the face of COSAC. "All citizens are urged to petition their leaders to reject Duke Rotenaard and activate all defenses against the Yardistanis, regardless of sanct."

But the new coalition was quickly hit by two major blows. First, at three AM this morning, Incremental Search, formerly a Pohjanvälke holding, surrendered to Yardistan without a shot being fired. The sanct, which sits in a bay only a few hundred meters off of Yardistan's main island, was already well behind the Yardistani battle line and had little choice but to surrender or be destroyed.

Second, in trying to gather their navy, the axis discovered that most ships built by Rotenaard Industries are no longer functioning. "We believe that Nereus has been plotting this betrayal for a long while, and that he has some sort of switch that can remotely disable his ships," Lehainen told the Logfile. This represents a tremendous blow to axis fleets, since Rotenaard-made ships account for as much as a third of some sancts' navies.

The Yardistani battleship Armed With Very High Caliber Weaponry has already reached Pohjankaupunki, and seems to be on a collision course with three task forces of axis fleets heading toward the sanct. Cedrist priests in the city, under orders from Prelate Ly'Sakredoet, are arranging the evacuation of most of the topside population downtown in order to avoid most of the seemingly inevitable fighting.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Icebreaker »

Scott of Hyperborea wrote:Second, in trying to gather their navy, the axis discovered that most ships built by Rotenaard Industries are no longer functioning. "We believe that Nereus has been plotting this betrayal for a long while, and that he has some sort of switch that can remotely disable his ships," Lehainen told the Logfile. This represents a tremendous blow to axis fleets, since Rotenaard-made ships account for as much as a third of some sancts' navies. .


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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Ryan »

Given the increasing volatility of the situation in Straylight, Duke Ryan has ordered elements of the Yardistani Marine Corps to move into the area and begin a blockade of the rebel sancts. Our three Expeditionary Strike Fleets have been recalled from their current operating theaters and are being deployed along the borders of Straylight, the Pohjanvalke and COSAC areas in particular (including Discontinuity).

Little resistance was met in securing the sancts of Sanctuary Dome and Clonmacnoise in the far north which were relatively isolated. These two sancts have been left with peacekeeping garrisons whose role is to prevent further disruption to the Yardistani takeover. Gensym, Sargassum, Unspeakable Horror, and Blavatsky are currently undergoing occupation by the Foreign Sea Expeditionary Fleet, with a strike group (9th thru 12th) being stationed in each sanct while the rebellion continues.

The Great Western and Cosimo expeditionary fleets are moving in to sandwich the remaining rebellious sancts. The Great Western moving in from the east towards Wave Manifold and the Cosimo moving towards Discontinuity.

Duke Ryan has made a plea to Straylightians to put down their arms and halt this foolish resistance. Those rebels who put down their arms will be given full pardon. We wish for Straylight to continue as it always has, except as a member of the Yardistani court. As soon as this foolish rebellion stops, things may return to normal for Starylight. But if this resistance continues, we will be forced to use all means at our disposal.

For now strict orders have been issued for all military forces to not engage rebels with lethal weapons. Tear/sleeping gas is instead being used, along with rubber bullets, stun guns and the like.

I based the above on info posted by Greg for the Yardistani Marine Corps and from the ShireWiki article on sancts. If I'm messing up some storyline you had planned, let me know and I can remove or modify the above; since I'm not sure where you're going with this...
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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

(Ryan, thanks for your interest. Feel free to write anything as long as it doesn't mess with my three main characters - Nereus, Maria, and Kender - and as long as it doesn't touch Discontinuity or surroundings).


With the surrender of Unspeakable Horror to the Yardistani Foreign Sea Expeditionary Fleet, all major sancts have either surrendered to Yardistan or declared affiliation with the Pohjanvälke-COSAC axis.

McCallavre surrendered to Yardistani forces earlier today, but Count Vanderslice refused to comment.

Count Bukolos of Sunderspray, aboard the ship Callamen's Eye, denounced the Yardistani invaders. "The Penna ne'er surrender and they ne'er submit. The Yardistani be only a few men with a few ships. The Penna are many and know ways the landsmen can never trace. If the Yardistani seek our blood, they 'll must find us first." With that, he ordered the evacuation of Callamen's Eye and the dispersal of the smaller Penna ships, along with a request that the wandering Penna aid the axis in their intelligence-gathering efforts.

Discontinuity, Straylight's official capital, has remained split between supporters of Duke Rotenaard and supporters of Count Icebreaker. The latter made a rare public appearance yesterday to rally his sanct against the Yardistanis. "THOSE YARDISTANI BASTARDS CAN GET FUCK RIGHT OFF," he shouted at the Logfile reporter. "FAGGOTS THINK THEY CAN TAKE OVER DISCONTINUITY? THINK THEY'RE GOING TO GET A LIIIIITLE MORE THAN THEY COUNTED ON." His vague threat was accompanied by stirring warlike banjo music, producing consternation in the several Yardistani representatives nearby.

In other news, axis forces were defeated outside Pohjankaupunki by the Yardistani battleships Armed With High Caliber Weaponry and Floating Leviathan of Total Invincibility. Several axis leaders, including K.H.A.N. Lehainen, are now believed to be in Yardistani custody.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Sanct of Discontinuity burns as struggle reaches capital.

As Yardistani forces attempted to land on Discontinuity late last afternoon, Count Icebreaker turned the formerly unknown Wardenclyffe Tower against the Yardistani fleets, which responded with massive artillery barrage.

After the Yardistanis secured Pohjankaupunki, they headed straight for Discontinuity, far ahead of the Pohjanvälke-COSAC axis, most of whose ships had been destroyed in the fighting further south. Expecting minimal resistance, they sent only a few small destroyers to provide support to the landing craft intended to occupy the platform, arrest Count Icebreaker, and take control of Straylight's most strategically important sanct.

At 16:49, Count Icebreaker ordered the use of the Wardenclyffe Tower, a massive particle beam device apparently constructed in secret for the sanct's defenses. The beam, to which the conventional armor of the Yardistani ships was completely vulnerable, sunk three Yardistani vessels before the fleet retreated to two nautical miles south of the sanct, which seemed to be out of beam range. From there, the Count blared inflammatory banjo music at the partially disabled ships, which responded by shelling Discontinuity. The barrage disabled the Sampo, set buildings aflame, and killed hundreds of people.

According to the Chief Engineer, the platform infrastructure is sturdy and the sanct is in no danger of sinking or losing structural integrity in the near future. Under a truce arranged by Kender Ly'Sakredoet, Prelate of Straylight, several thousand civilians living in particularly at risk areas will be evacuated to Pohjankaupunki and other safe havens.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »


Straylight's newest hero, Ducal Prelate Kender Ly'Sakredoet, was killed in an exchange of gunfire between the Yardistani battleship High Probability of Destroying Something Important and sanct-based artillery batteries in Discontinuity today. It was unclear whether the Yardistani attack or the friendly fire finished him off, although partisans of Count Icebreaker are already blaming the invaders for Kender's death.

Ly'Sakredoet quickly became a hero in the latest struggle for his unceasing attempts to protect civilians from the worst effects of the Yardistani-Straylight war. His quick decision to mobilize the Duchy's few Cedrist temples to provide a system of shelters and emergency workers may have saved hundreds or even thousands of lives during the brief but fierce fighting between Yardistanis and the all-but-defeated Pohjanvälke-COSAC coalition.

According to a Shirekeep-based spokesman for the leader of Cedrism, the reclusive prophet Brrapa Lu Eraro, the Cedrist Church will be investigating putting Ly'Sakredoet on a "fast-track" towards sainthood. "I don't even know if the Cedrist Church has saints," the spokesman told the Logfile, "but if we don't, we'll get some, and then add Kender. He deserves it that much."

Duke Caruso of Yardistan broke his general silence to give a short statement expressing regret about Kender's loss. "Kender Ly'Sakredoet was a truly great man, who transcended politics in order to help as many civilians as possible. The Duchy of Yardistan hopes other Straylighters will follow his example and end their doomed resistance to bring a swift end to this terrible war."

According to witnesses, Kender's last words were "Death comes for us all...it just has more patience for some." He was also rumored to have a note on his person which was to be transported unopened to Duke Nereus Rotenaard.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Icebreaker »

Scott of Hyperborea wrote:"FAGGOTS THINK THEY CAN TAKE OVER DISCONTINUITY? THINK THEY'RE GOING TO GET A LIIIIITLE MORE THAN THEY COUNTED ON." His vague threat was accompanied by stirring warlike banjo music, producing consternation in the several Yardistani representatives nearby.

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Re: Dispatches from the Discontinuity Logfile

Post by Ryan »

The Mar Saran Battleship September Sun arrived in the early dawn hours carrying a contingent of Space Marines, the formidable futuristic soldiers that the southern isle has become well-known for. The Space Marines, under the command of General Uthrim Irondragon, have been charged with the formidable task of shoring up defenses in Yardistan against any possible repercussions from the Straylightian rebels, and to further assist the Expeditionary Fleet with the ongoing effort to garrison liberated sancts.

The floating battleship, powered by steam engines, was sent in secret earlier in the week so that it could make the long journey north. While an exceedingly capable ship, the September Sun is more properly a defensive mechanism, and as such has been stationed in the skies above Amity with weekly trips to Novi Nigrad. The Space Marines have been offloaded onto the main Yardistani isles near Straylight's rebellious sancts - on Amity in particular, which is geographically closest to Discontinuity.

The use of the Wardenclyffe Tower has prompted Duke Caruso to call in the more technologically-advanced Mar Sarans, who despite having lost much of their original spacefaring technology, continue to prove insightful in mechanics and produce some very advanced weaponry, such as their infamous space marines that continue to pack an exceptional punch. Heavily armored with metal plate and equipped with gas canisters, lasguns, and infrared visiplates, they are intimidating on any battlefield.

The September Sun looks something like this.
The Space Marines look something like this.
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