Al'Magroth enters

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Al'Magroth enters

Post by Al'Magroth »

While Al'Magroth awaited the Duke's decision as to whether he was granted one of the two free Kildarian baronies, he visited Raynor Isles, where he had been granted the title of Count. After merely an hour there, he was sure that he had made the right choice. As he strolled through the streets of Libertopia, he found many minor mages, who greeted him cheerfully, recognising him as a fellow, but, he expected, not the true extent of his power. He steered clear of the ANOVA - best not tempt fate - but could recognise the tell tale signs of discontent below the facade of happiness. These mages were not happy with the non-magical inhabitants of Biotopia - and if this county was to achieve what he dreamed of, he would need to correct that. But he was sure he'd be able to find a couple of skill that he could teach a few things.

His trip to Biotopia was equally encouraging, if not as friendly greeted. A man in a dark cloak who hid his face - they recognised him as a mage, and though they said nothing, their stance made it clear he was unwelcome. But, as he strolled into one of the more disreputable looking bar, "Splitting the Atom", he found what he was looking for. Several biologists, down on their luck, desperate for a chance in the big lead, and who put money before ethics. In short, the best sort of scientist. It only took a short conversation, where he displayed his extensive knowledge of gene splicing, for them to warm to him. He left confident that this county would be perfect for his plans. History was most certainly going to be made ...

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