Project Jötunn

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Location: McCallavre, Straylight

Project Jötunn

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

The bell rung in Corey's spaghetti dwelling, signaling that someone was about to enter via the zipline. The kettle had been put on only a minute before. It was late, and the day was stressful, so Corey was preparing to relax to a few cups of sassafras tea and a nice sauna bath. The house rocked slightly as extra weight was put on the support cables.

A military officer appeared in what would be considered a doorway, saluting. "Corey Rottsaa Ytteirsal, I have the reports on Project Jötunn from the Aeronautics Academy at Farstinn, the Science Institute of Noêlle, and the Asantelian Machine Works."

"At ease. Please, sit and have some tea. The water should come to a boil shortly." Corey motioned to the only other chair at the table. The home was awkward. Corey never expected (nor invited, for that matter) any company, so there was very little excess. Since the death of his wife, Gilrean of East Absentia, he had room to entertain one other person comfortably, assuming they could brave the trip to the abode that hung between the four spurs of McCallavre.

The officer sat, still rigid in front of his employer. "Ahem, yes, of course. Well..." He was cut off by the whistle of the kettle.

&qt;Ah, that would be our tea!" Corey poured two cups of sassafras tea. "I'm sorry, please continue. I'm sure you are a busy man. If you don't have duties to fulfill after this meeting, I'm sure you're eager to return to the barracks, or perhaps your family. I apologize if I'm ignorant of your particular position."

"Yes sir, of course. Anyway," He pulled a sheet of paper from an inside pocket of his uniform jacket, "Firstly, from the Aeronautics Academy:"
Captain Rottsaa,

We regret to inform you that our facilities are not currently prepared to train pilots for your needs. However, with proper funding, we should be able to upgrade our academy's training equipment so that we can being conditioning. If you are still interested, we will begin work immediately. Any contribution to this project will greatly improve the timeliness of completion.

Lieutenant Jason Esterbrook
Chief Operations Officer
Aeronautics Academy at Farstinn, Eastern Absentia, Yardistan
"Hmm...Ok, no problem. Authorize the transfer of 300 erb to the academy. That should be plenty." Corey sipped his tea, seemingly please at the response.

"It will be done by 1000 tomorrow morning, sir. Now for the Science Institute." The officer pulled out another piece of paper:
Count Oroigawa,

After long deliberation, it is the decision of this institute that reconsider this project. The technology proposed to our department heads is too far beyond current capabilities, and you are doomed to fail. None of our top physicists can find fault with your theories, but sheer volume of uncertainty puts you, your engineers, and your pilots at risk. We cannot agree to a plan that unnecessarily threatens lives simply so you can construct the machine borne of your ego.

It is also the conclusion of this institute that the energy needs of your proposed machine are well beyond possible generation by our own race. If, somehow, you were able to produce the energy needed to power your machine, it would be put to better use as an alternative energy source for the people of Shireroth, and for the people of Micras as a whole.

Please consider our thoughts on this matter. What you wish to build is beyond mortals, a group you yourself belong to.

Good day,

Ronald Winston Hallison, Ph.D.
Dean of Research
The Science Institute of Noêlle
The officer could tell by the end of the letter that the Ytteirsal was very upset.

"They must commit resources to this research. Without it I cannot move forward. They are fools; this is for the betterment and glory of Shireroth." Corey took another sip of tea to calm himself. "Tell them to begin research else I'll cut all of their funding. What of the last report?"

"Yes, this one may be a little more pleasing. The Asantelian Machine Works Company have been close partners with the Sanct of McCallavre, having produced much of the new structures in recent years. The reply is from the President/CEO himself." The officer pulled out a third piece of paper from his jacket:
Honoured Count Oroigawa,

As a close ally and friend of our company, it would be a great honour for us to assist you in this endeavor. What you seek to create shall be a beacon of greatness for our most beloved homeland, and it with your blessing that we undertake this project.

We would, however, like to make a few suggestions:

1) Your design is, to put it bluntly, far too large to be an initial product. We highly suggest beginning on a much smaller scale, preferably something that only requires one pilot rather than a crew of thousands.

2) Your design would be greatly stressed if built with materials typically used at this factory. We recommend investing in stronger, lighter, and more resilient substances, so as to reduce the risk to yourself and your chosen labourers.

3) It is highly unlikely that, once constructed within our facilities, your machine will properly fuction. It may become merely an oversized statue adorning our property. We recommend performing construction in the machines "natural habitat" if you will. We would gladly do our best to create an environment suitable for work so that this might become a reality.

Your brilliance is inspiring, and our engineers are already eager to begin on this momentous venture.

Your friend,

James Rogers
President and CEO
Asantelian Machine Works
Corey was particularly tickled by the last line. "Excellent. I knew they, of all people, would cooperate. Please also wire them 300 erb as well. We need them working as soon as possible."

"Yes sir, it shall be wired along with the money for the Aeronautics Academy. Is there anything else?"

"Well first, take a sip of tea before it gets cold. No sense in letting it go to waste. Second, I wish to hear your thoughts on this project."

The officer awkwardly picked up the cup. It was extremely rare that he would act so casually around his superiors. After taking a long sip of the bitter liquid, the officer began, "Well, to be perfectly honest, sir, the plan is beyond my imagination. I cannot comprehend the size of such a machine. It is worth pursuing, certainly, but I sometimes wonder if your efforts might be put to better use elsewhere."

Corey sat silent for a moment. After finishing his cup of tea, "Very well, you are free to go. I appreciate your input and company. I will have further orders ready in a week. Until then, you've already been given your orders."

The officer emptied his own cup, then rose to leave. He saluted once more before leaving a door opposite the one he had entered. Situating himself in the lift, he gave a quick tug on a rope connected to the harness and he began his ascent.

Corey sighed. The Science Institute would be a major setback if they refused to modify his theories into a realistic form. He looked out a window to view the night sky before turning to the sauna, where he would let his mind wander. If it weren't for the sauna, this project would never have seen the drawing board.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Project Jötunn

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Oooh, fancy secret giant machine, possibly a weapon .... sounds fun :thumbsup
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: Project Jötunn

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Honored Count Origawa,

It has come to my attention through a cudgel carrying friend of a friend of mine who happened to meet a certain Captain carrying letters of import, that you have been conducting preliminary research and preparations for a 'machine' of yet undisclosed nature as part of the Project Jötunn. What has caught my interest though is that this 'machine's' destination is space. As you can probably imagine the ISI has expressed significant interest in this project, two aspects of in particular to be specific. First the development of the power source that was hinted at is in actuality a goal that we both share. I myself have begun the preparations for the project entitled 'Ouroboros' which will requre large amounts of energy. While I am not in the position to disclose any further information, and from what I gather you may not be willing to go into any further detail yourself, I hope that you would consider collaborating with the ISI in the development of such a generator. The second aspect that caught my attention was the issue of the construction of the 'machine' shall we call it, in its natural environment. While the alternative offered by your scientist is reasonable, I foresee problems in the launching process seeing as maintaining a stable environment on a large scale during a launch would be neigh impossible. I however offer a alternative proposal. The ISI is in the process of developing the technology to undertake orbital construction. Should the in-space construction of your 'machine' seem to be more reasonable then the previous option then I urge you to approach the ISI so that we may work together. As a final note, the ISI wishes to express the extent of its interest in your project and would be more then willing to fund you in your endeavors and offer the best scientist the nation has to offer to be at your disposal along with all our technology should you choose to conduct this project through our initiative.

May your thoughts soar ever upwards ever faster,
Leo Dine
Leo Fenrir

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Project Jötunn

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Let's have a chat, sir.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

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