The Eliria Gazette

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The Eliria Gazette

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Ardashir Piroz Moqtada al-Osmani, Khan of Vijayanagara, Baron of Eliria &c. doeth hereby indicate that, by his authority, the Eliria Gazette shall be the Journal of Record for all Decrees, Ordinances, judgements & Public Notices &c. published within the confines of the Barony of Eliria & its subordinate counties, and that to enjoy legal status in the Barony of Eliria such as are mentioned above must be published in the Gazette herein in order to be considered a part of the legal record.

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

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andelarion wrote:Losday 19th of H'Graasreign (3048)

It has come to my attention that our brethren in Kildare have been unduly attacked by whom we shall name. To protect them, their dignity and their honour, the forces of the County of Eliria and Utasia shall march on to Shirekeep to keep the city safe and to hinder new attacks from the regime in the capital.

I call upon all men and women, of sound body and mind, to take up arms and rendez-vous with the forces of Amir Khan of Vijayanagara. Together we will place Shirekeep under protection from itself.


Count Andelarion of Eliria and Utasia
Lord of Cape Farewell
&qut;Iskander Mirkdale" wrote:A Decree of the County of Eliria and Utasia

His Lordship the Earl of the County Eliria and Utasia hereby decrees that, henceforth, His Lordship the Earl of the County of Cape Farewell and His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Ayreon, shall be entitled to bear the Honour of being known as the Bard of Eliria, in recognition of his contributions to this County's bounty of literature.

Given by my hand, this day of ASC 3300, by the undersigned.

Iskander Mirkdale
Iskander Mirkdale wrote:A Decree of the Barony of Eliria

His Lordship the Baron of Eliria hereby decrees that, henceforth, the Barony shall have its own flag, that shall reflect those of its counties and of its duchy, as below.


Given by my hand, this day of ASC 3453, by the undersigned.
Iskander Mirkdale wrote:A Decree of the County of Alalehzamin

His Lordship the Earl of the County of Alalehzamin hereby decrees that, henceforth, the
flag of the County shall updated to the version shown below.


Given by my hand, this day of ASC 3452, by the undersigned.
Iskander Mirkdale wrote:A Decree of the County of Eliria and Utasia

His Lordship the Earl of the County of Eliria and Utasia hereby decrees that, henceforth, the
flag of the County shall updated to the version shown below.


Given by my hand, this day of ASC 3452, by the undersigned.
The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:01/1388: An Ordinance Concerning the Applicability of Ordinances
3534 ASC

Ardashir Khan Osmani, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Earl of Alalehzamin, to his subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Ordinance which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.

An Ordinance Concerning the Applicability of the Ordinances of the County of Lesser Zjandaria (the Elwnameh) in the County of Alalehzamin

Article One: Applicability of Ordinances
(1) His Lordship the Earl of the County of Alalehzamin hereby decrees that, henceforth, the Elwnameh as enacted for the County of Lesser Zjandaria, as was, is reinstated and shall, accordingly, be deemedapplicable within the County of Alalehzamin;
(2) Ordinances specifically concerning localities within the unredeemed lands lost during the second infamous Hyperborean Descent shall not be deemed to be applicable to the County of Alalehzamin.

Article Two: Enactment
(1) This ordinance shall be in force from the date of its publication.


Ardashir pîroz Moqtada al-Osmani
Khan of Vijayanagara
Earl of Alalehzamin

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:01/1388: An Ordinance Making Provision for the Establishment of a Public Order Force Known as the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels
3559 ASC

Ardashir Piroz Moqtada al-Osmani, Khan of Vijayanagara, Baron of Eliria &c. doeth by this ordinance hereby decree as follows:

1.0. Gentlmen-at-Cudgels:
1.1. There shall be established within the bounds of the Barony of Eliria a force for the maintenance of order and discipline therein. This force shall be known as the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels, collectively, and individually by titles graded according to rank, area of command and proficiency, as shall be set out hereafter.

2.0. Structure:
2.1. The Gentlemen-at-Cudgels shall consist of a graded structure as intimated by Article 1.1;
2.2. At its apex shall be the Bludgeoner-General, who shall act at the behest of the Baron and in that manner shall operate an effective command over all subordinate gentlemen-at-cudgels whom he shall appoint in the Barony of Eliria for public service with cudgels in the manner instructed by higher authority;
2.3. Appointed by the Bludgeoner-General shall be a Superintendent Officer of Cudgels for each of the two counties of this Barony. The Superintendent Officer of Cudgels shall have primary responsibility for the conduct of cudgelling in the County under his charge and shall answer to the Bludgeoner-General for the same;
2.4. In each city Bailiwick of the County the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels shall appoint a Master of Cudgels who shall be charged with the expediting of writs of cudgelling and other similarly civic-minded duties. The Master of Cudgels shall answer to the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels for his conduct in the exercise of his duties. The Master of Cudgels shall have the services of a retinue of twenty Gentleman-Cudgellers and as many cudgel-carriers and apprentice cudgel-carriers shall be deemed appropriate;
2.5. The Baron may at his discretion establish ad hoc Commanderies or fortified outposts within his Barony under the civilian authority of a Reeve assisted by a Gentleman-Cudgeller, who shall answer to the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels in the County where the Commandery is established. The Gentleman-Cudgeller shall have command of twenty cudgel-carriers, being the lowest rank of non-apprenticed cudgellers.

3.0. Writ of Cudgelling
3.1. A writ of cudgelling may be issued by the Baron for any act that may be reasonably accomplished through the application of cudgels provided that it is discernibly for the benefit of public order and discipline and is to the commonweal of the greater portion of the denizens resident in the Barony;
3.2. The writ shall specify which Bailiwick or Commandery shall be responsible for the cudgelling, what or whom the cudgelling is to be against, and what is to be done with the cudgelled subsequent to the act of cudgelling;
3.3. To be valid the writ must be signed by the Baron of Eliria and the cudgelling thoroughly expedited by no later than twelve days after the issuance of the aforementioned writ;
3.4. A writ of cudgelling shall not be considered to be lawfully applicable outside the bounds of the Barony and authorisation to pursue miscreants and fugitives for the purpose of cudgelling must be sought firstly from the Duke where they are known to have fled and be at large in Elwynn or from the Kaiser if they have fled elsewhere;
3.5. The Earls of Eliria and Utasia & Alalehzamin shall enjoy immunity from cudgelling, this privilege not necessarily being extended to their retainers, avatars, alter-egos &c. subject to the discretion of the Baron.

4.0. Enabling Provision:
4.1. Excepting where it has been legislated to the contrary; the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels may undertake its duties in such fashion as is conducive to the material well-being of the Barony without fear of censure.

5.0. Enactment
5.1. This ordinance shall be in force from the date of its publication.

Ardashir pîroz Moqtada al-Osmani
Khan of Vijayanagara
Baron of Eliria
Earl of Alalehzamin

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:02/1388: An Ordinance For The Imposition of a Quarantine
3582 ASC

Ardashir Piroz Moqtada al-Osmani, Khan of Vijayanagara, Baron of Eliria &c. doeth by this ordinance hereby decree as follows:

1.0. Quarantine:
1.1. Within the bounds of the Barony of Eliria a quarantine shall be in effect;
1.2. Those who shall be deemed as being subject to quarantine shall be excluded from the public life of the Barony and expelled from its territory.

2.0. Schedule of Proscribed Species:
2.1. The quarantine shall be applied to all:
2.1.1. Elfinshi;
2.1.2. Ohl'tar;
2.1.3. Self-Declared Sentient Ovines;
2.2. The Schedule of Proscribed Species subject to quarantine may be revised by subsequent amendments to this Ordinance, to be annotated.

3.0. Exemptions:
3.1. Exemption from quarantine provisions for individuals of the species and or categories listed under 2.1., may be granted on a case by case basis for no period longer than 48 hours under the following conditions:
3.1.1. The issuance of a specific licence and internal visa by the Baron;
3.1.1. Letters of Accreditation issued by the Kaiser, Duke or Brigadgeneral affirming that the individual who would otherwise be subject to quarantine is required to visit Eliria on Imperial, Ducal or Elwynnbrigaden business.
3.2. No other exemptions shall be granted.

4.0. Enforcement:
4.1. The Baron may issue a writ of cudgelling, as outlined in Ordinance 01/1388, against any party that violates the quarantine.

5.0. Enactment

5.1. This ordinance shall be in force from the date of its publication.

Ardashir pîroz Moqtada al-Osmani
Khan of Vijayanagara
Baron of Eliria
Earl of Alalehzamin

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:03/1388: An Ordinance Establishing the Derafs-e Osman as the Flag of the Barony of Eliria
3584 ASC

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Ordinance which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.

Ardashir Piroz Moqtada al-Osmani, Khan of Vijayanagara, Baron of Eliria &c. doeth by this ordinance hereby decree as follows:

1.0. Repeal of Baronial Decree I
1.1. The provisions of Baronial Decree I are by this ordinance hereby repealed.

2.0. Adoption of the Derafs-e Osman & its Design:
2.1. The Derafs-e Osman, the flag of the House of Osman, shall henceforth be the official flag of the Barony of Eliria;
2.2. Know that we do decree that the Derafs-e Osman shall be red in the top horizontal stripe to represent the blood of the martyrs who resisted Hyperborean aggression during the times of the descents, the lighter blue band in the middle represents the life giving waters given forth in two mighty rivers as the gift of the Goddess Elwynn whose rivers and whose land this is whilst the bottom dark blue band represents the ties of the Osmani dynasty of the Khans to the Babkhan fatherland. In its centre shall be depicted the Khvarenah of Zurvan studying the White Orchid of Elwynn held in his hands;
2.3. To conform in all instances with the depiction outlined herein:

3.0. Usage
3.1. The Derafs-e Osman shall be flown on all public buildings and especially on all state and county occasions and public events alongside the White Orchid Flag of Elwynn.
3.2. To fly the Derafs-e Osman inverted shall be a offence.
3.3. To burn the Derafs-e Osman or in any other manner desecrate it shall be deemed a offence.

4.0. Enactment
4.1. This ordinance shall be in force from the date of its publication.

Ardashir pîroz Moqtada al-Osmani
Khan of Vijayanagara
Baron of Eliria
Earl of Alalehzamin

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

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Re: The Eliria Gazette

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