Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

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Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

If you have not noticed, I as temporary Patriarch of the Church of K'Tzuni have declared the Ides of October to be the anniversary and anointing of the first Patriarch. Those who feel up to the duty (yes, you will have a job) of being Patriarch, post in the K'Tzuni forum declaring so. The directions are in the post about the Ides of October. The person with the most votes by October 15th shall be anointed Patriarch.

For subdivisions wishing to convert: If you have a decent amount of "the faithful", you should post an official notice of recognizing the Patriarch and his authorities listed in my post.

On another note...the patriarchmobile is not very catchy is it....

Also, this isn't me being religious or anything, I am trying to 1, Develop a rich culture for my county and Barony, and 2, create a common ground as K'Tzuni seems to have very when compared to other Baronies. A common ground with others makes a better culture over all. And since this is a cultural move, regardless of your denomination or whatever, it the patriarch is a position of great power within the Barony, and is for developing a running history. A patriarch list, with histories, holy wars etc. makes for good Wiki material.
*cough* it can be bought *cough*...mighty dusty in here...
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Jonas »

This is heresy! Join Soloralism or Cedrism, the only real religions! :magigarp

(No. Serious. Good luck with developping the cultural and religion stuff ;) )
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Good thing I am just a second string Patriarch, or I would declare a holy war.

Kidding. Thanks though, I figure some common ground wouldn't hurt among various subdivisions. More or less I just created this position as a position of power, to create excitement, not be holy and stuff. Excitement would be stuff like various political intrigue; bribes etc. Bribing the Patriarch for creating a law or something. Use your imagination :D.
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Jonas »

Maybe a holy war to the holy lands of Apollo, My Lord? :document
You could support the Ducal troops when they conquer Apollo Town.
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Well, actually that is very tempting. But being a temp I will not claim the authority to initiate such a thing. But as I mentioned above, the position is strictly excitement based for adding to the culture. Consider the following:

The people of Barony Suchnsuch convert to Orthodoxy and recognize his power to do things working around the local officials in the name of "holyness". Well by controlling the Patriarch you can have a tiny sphere of influence in subdivisions recognizing the Patriarch. It creates intrigue, excitement and something to write about. It is a literary (and amusement) tool. Now heavens forbid another nation recognizes the Patriarch ;).
Nickolas the Terrible

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Kaiser Loki III »

For subdivisions wishing to convert: If you have a decent amount of "the faithful", you should post an official notice of recognizing the Patriarch and his authorities listed in my post.
Milord Baron,

Shireroth is officially Cedrist. Please be so kind as to limit efforts at conversion to individuals, not subdivisions. You have freedom of religion, but remember Lord Patriarch, while we respect the Patriarch, there is a Czar in your system as well (Large Friendly Grin) and I am Cedrist.
Loki III, Kaiser of Shireroth
"Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est."
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Alas, the Kaiser has spoken. I was going to say that the more I think about it, the more the idea of the Patriarch sounds like immense fun, and Raynor Isles was going to convert ...
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

You Lordship, If you would be so kind as to allow but one, and only one to convert, merely to spice things up a bit. After that, none would be allowed to convert. If someone would become Patriarch it would be on solely political ambitions considering the powers given. However I leave it up to you, Your Niftyness.
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Ah! Wonderful, another Orthodox Christian denomination.

Greetings to you O Most Serene Holiness the Acting Patriarch of the Church of K'Tzuni. I was once a clergyman in the Matbaic Orthodox Church*, for some time Bishop of the diocese of Turoyo, later Zatriarch (the leader of our church) and then after the split I was Metropolitan (leader of the church, but elected). Extensive work was put into the Matbaic Church by Max as well as others such as myself, and if you ever want any assistance, I'll be more than happy to help your fledgling church. :thumbsup

* Full name: Matbaic Orthodox Assyrian Jacobite Church of Micras
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
:: Former Baron of Absentia AFAIK, before that Baron of Vorpmadal TBH; also Former Duke of Yardistan IMHO
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Are there any Matbaics still around?
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Matbaa as a nation is dead. Or rather it died and then Babkha annexed it... *somehow* (honestly it made no sense). However, so much work was put into the nation that in terms of the culture and religion, Matbaa's never gonna go. The wiki was amazing, really. Relics of the religion are dotted about still though I think - the odd service or church set up by Max as he travelled the world eagerly (and attempting to convert Micras. I think it's the most developed Christian micronational religion ever, though that's only based on what I've experienced and read. And since I was so involved, if I see another Christian micronational religion starting up, I want to show them "how we do" in Matbaa as it were. :jadie
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
:: Former Baron of Absentia AFAIK, before that Baron of Vorpmadal TBH; also Former Duke of Yardistan IMHO
:: Dux Emeritus of the Order of Mischievous Intent

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Hmmm, well. Forgive me Your Niftyness, but I shall take this out of context.

It wont matter if a subdivision converts, only key individuals. This would create the excitement and intrigue I was hoping for.

Yes, I know it is sort of back handed, but again, it is a literary device and for entertainment. More or less the Kaiser can dissolve the whole thing if it gets out of hand.

This whole thing is about bribes, influence and control. But again, I won't be taking part in that considering I created the position and it would be unfair of me to take advantage. However I will be watching MY bank account (nick112147), for those who really want to be Patriarch.
Nickolas the Terrible

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Erik Mortis »

I am not keen on people using religion to divide the nation. Especially RL religions.. and ESPECIALLY christian religions....

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

I wont let it get out of hand. I will dissolve the whole thing myself if the following happens:
  • Someone tries to annex a subdivision using the Patriarch.
  • The Patriarch declares an (internal) holy war
No annexing or wars will result from this you have my word as a Steweard, Count and loyal citizen. No division will occur either, if a division were to occur, it would have already happened with Cedrism and Solarism I think.
Nickolas the Terrible

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Erik Mortis »

Solarlism... I've long desired its extinguishment... Both for practical, personal and irrational reasons. I do not advocate it. in fact.. I am probably against even more then RL religions.

but some people decided long ago, thanks to Bill, that we have to preserve Apollo stuff... bah. *goes off to be a grumpy old man*

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Okay so I spoke too soon. But I mean, honestly, it is just a bit of fun. If you can use Solarism for that purpose, why not a real one? Besides I do not think there is any chance what so ever of an Orthodox Kaiser, which would be dangerous. Because truth be told, no annexations or wars can happen without approval of the Kaiser. This isn't mean to take part on a national level, just a subdivision level.
Nickolas the Terrible

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Erik Mortis »

You also need to understand I'm more bark then bite on this... One of my unofficial roles is to uphold Tradition and defend the faith. Also, my motives get kinda.. complicated.

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Ohhhhhhh, an Acolyte lol. Well that is why I won't allow an entire subdivision to convert. Just individuals. Besides worse goes on in RL, which is irreversible. Here at least I can clean up any mess made.
Nickolas the Terrible

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Andreas the Wise »

If you just want the intrigue, then don't worry about it being an actual christian thing ... just make it a religious leader. It could be the Cult of the Giant Clam, and, as long as you develop it a bit, it'll do the same thing
(or pick a Cedrist god ...)

@Benkern - I thought as much. Though from what I remember it had some slightly odd theology for a Christian church ... but was certainly well developed. Guess its like Soloralism in that sense ... just keeps cropping up.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Jonas »

You will never destroy Soloralism and the Apollo legacy, Erik! NEVER! :p
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Kaiser - if you have objections, let's resolve them in-game. If some people want to convert their subdivision to this new religion, well, that's technically their privilege under our feudal system, and it only makes the simulation more complex and interesting. You could officially take it away from them, but wouldn't it be more fun to start an Inquisition or something?

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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Nickolas »

Has been abandon M'Lord Scott. I could tell immediately what was going to happen. Thus I have settled on The Cult of H'Graa.
Nickolas the Terrible

Erik Mortis
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Erik Mortis »

Now I feel bad... :(

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Kaiser Loki III
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Re: Attn Orthodox and other Christian followers (cultural move)

Post by Kaiser Loki III »


Hey, I was trying to do the Pope/Emperor thing, with the Emperor a full fledged Other ( a la Julain the Apostate?) and stir up the BOO/\/\/\/\ists.

The Occasional Prayer for the Kaiser and the Empire, with protestations of loyalty would work...
Loki III, Kaiser of Shireroth
"Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est."
The Awaited One, Bearer of the Sword
Traditional King of the Mala'anje
Prince of Hvalafell
Lord Protector of Yardistan
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