Where's the temple?

Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

The so called "laws of micronationism" are mostly out of date and were tailored myopically for a small long extinct group of participants.

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Some make sense. Not sure about 7 in particular. Yes, given enough time, bad reputations fade. But I think its more along the lines of a good reputation takes forever to build up and can be destroyed rather quickly ...
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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hypatias mom
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by hypatias mom »

Thank you, Benkern. I had totally forgotten that particular thread. It was a good, important discussion, and I'm sorry more of those involved then are no longer part of Shireroth.

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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Hesam Jayatar wrote:The so called "laws of micronationism" are mostly out of date and were tailored myopically for a small long extinct group of participants.
Under whatever circumstance and by whom they were written don't matter, I read them in and of themselves and think they're still as true today as they were the day they were written. However, with regards to the reputation one: you might be deceived into believing it is false, but in reality the only reputations that are usually remembered are the ones that the reputed themselves keep alive *eyes drift to certain members of Shireroth*.
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
:: Former Baron of Absentia AFAIK, before that Baron of Vorpmadal TBH; also Former Duke of Yardistan IMHO
:: Dux Emeritus of the Order of Mischievous Intent

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hypatias mom
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by hypatias mom »

Sadly enough, some former Shirerithians will never feel at home here again, and their reputation is locked in place in people's minds. The ones I am always surprised by are those whose formerly dreadful reputations are suddenly wiped clean and the person rehabilitated and welcomed home like a prodigal son. I would love to accept that the lost can always come home, but I disagree. So long as powerful people involved in emotionally-charged struggles still retain the same feelings, the parties involved will never be at peace.

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Harvey Steffke »

First off, wtf @ me posting in Shireroth. If I didn't have private messages sent to my email account...
Rereading Bill's decrees after Jonas posted one .... where's the huge Solaralist temple?
Hypatia's mom seems to remember what happened but is kind of being snarky about it, but if what she says about it being after her reign is true, than that was long after all the real good old school Boomism/Soloralist conflicts were long dead and buried, though Bill may have still been around. I personally don't remember but it has to be in the archives somewhere.

Actually, wait, didn't Moose hit it with a moon, or something? I vaguely remember someone hitting some important Soloralist landmark with a moon or a piece of the moon. Maybe that was another incident.
The so called "laws of micronationism" are mostly out of date and were tailored myopically for a small long extinct group of participants.
They were never meant to be law laws. After Jasonia fell from power I started writing various things like that about my observations from the hobby. I think the original six rules were written after Tymariai's infamous TYSOG incident - look it up if you don't know, good times - which is why the 2nd rule is about being on the side of good. I'm still rather proud of the concepts of the six, if not the exact wording. I think they speak nicely about my theories on sociology and people interacting together in general.

For the record, the 7th was entirely created by Bill and I had nothing to do with it. The removal of the original first law (don't mix real life with micronations) was something I supported at the time, as most of the old school had become friends at that point and knew a lot about eachother's personal real life, but in retrospect I'm not sure it was a good idea to remove it even if people were ignoring it. It's much harder to argue seriously with someone you think is your friend. If too many people start agreeing, everyone gets all buddy-buddy and conflict dries up, which of course is the source of Shireroth's cyclic inactivity. It may also be the source of it's immortality, or maybe that's just Erik's good old fashioned stubbornness. Hard to say.
well, I know I'm not, I'm Church of St Nova which recognises the Solaralist teachings and history, but doesn't accept their claim to be the only gods.
For the record, even the Soloralist church doesn't claim their gods are the "only gods". The Soloralist doctrine has always been about finding your path, and if it takes outside gods to do it, that's okay as long as you know you're on the right path. Personally, I'm an "Essentialist Soloarian," the sect that doesn't believe in any of the gods, only the power of the quintessence within everything that most religions call a soul. There's more about it here though it looks like the formatting got a bit funky a while ago.
Some of us younger guys might like the idea of Soloralism
And truthfully I sometimes wonder why. Every couple of years for no predictable reason Soloralism just flares up again. It happened like wildfire in Menelmacar to the point where essentially everyone that wasn't in Archetype's camp was a Soloralist. It happened a bit after that in Shireroth for a short time. And it seems to be happening now. B0O0/\/\ism, for all it's state-sanctioned stuffyness, never really gets more than an occasional explosive offering in the temple. Maybe it's because the Soloralists left their histories and stories in decently presentable condition over the ruins of many nations and temples and wikis where most of Boomism just stays locked in Erik's head. It's very interesting to me to think that I've made something worth talking about years after I've set it free. Interesting to the point where I'm willing to break my successful couple-year post ban on Shireroth to say so.

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Always good to see you, Harvey ...

I'll leave Jonas to explain the reason you should perhaps check here more often ... :thumbsup
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Jonas »

We are making a game.

(I explained it, didn't I? :thumbsup )
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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hypatias mom
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by hypatias mom »

I am sorry my post was seen as "snarky" by Harvey. I didn't mean it in that vein. Soloralism seemed to depart Shireroth after Bill disappeared for the second and last time and I was asked to take his place on the Mango Throne. There was almost no activity, and most people were ready to pronounce the country dead. I appealed to Erik and he returned, reluctantly, and sparked a rebirth of activity here. Many people whose presence had been problematic were forgiven and welcoimed home, but with some of the old-timers, the formerly negative reputations followed these returnees. I frankly am amazed to see some of these former pariahs become pillars of the Shirerithian community. However, there seems still to be a lingering question in some people's minds about the loyalty of these people. If that is snarky, I'm sorry. I think it is a fair analysis.

And, Harvey, it is good to see you. You come around here so seldom that I haven't had an opportunity to get to know you. I hope to see a lot more of you on the forum.

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Where's the temple?

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Jonas wrote:We are making a game.

(I explained it, didn't I? :thumbsup )
I'll have to talk to him about visiting Ptia and Sai'Kar at some point ...
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).


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