In the absence of the Sheriff

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Jacobus Loki
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In the absence of the Sheriff

Post by Jacobus Loki »

The Imperator Rex Emeritus resumes his questionable authority such as it is.

"Let's see. Seven left, forty-eight right, green, middle C. Mwhahahahaha!'

An ancient door began to open. The IRE looked upon what he had hoped. Cached deep in the mountain were a jumble of aircraft, the like of which rarely had been seen in the Micran skies.

He'd found the fabled DSSI stockpile. MkIVs, MkII fighters, "Lasteria" cargo planes. His head swam.

A voice came out of the shadows.
"An' whoo er yoouu bein'? It snarled.

"The Imperator Rex Emeritus, lord of the land since the days ancient. And you might you be, here in the dark.

"Darrrrk?" snarled the voice. Och, here bein the switch." The cavern flooded with a too bright white light.

As my eyes cleared, I saw the voice was not alone. Hundreds of figures stood there. Dressed in kilts, of all things.

"We arre th'Engineers, of course, ye sad little man. What be you here where only the Engineers and the Kings were wont ot come of olde?"

I walked out of the shade and into the light.

"It's the Steward!" cried a voice.

"It's the Stuart!" cried another.

"Me thinks its booothh!" cried a third.

(OOC: The original backstory of the character Jacobus had him as the heir to the line of Stuart (from Bonnie Prince Charlie's long lost half-brother, Mellow Prince Melvin), as well as that of Bonaparte (long story) joined with the royal house of Kahunamea, fabled kings of the Mala'anje (longer story).)

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: In the absence of the Sheriff

Post by Jacobus Loki »

"My good friends of the Loch of Lac Glacei!

"Shireroth has need of your skills, your verve, of the aircraft you have guarded for so long.

"The enemy is the English again, not the English that have melded with the Scots of the old country, no, these are Bosworthian pseudo-English that drive their sailors to suicide, the wannabe Nova "English" who smell death in the water. There may be more flavors later.

"In the name of Wallace, of Robert the Bruce, of Bonnie Prince Charlie, for the blood fallen from York to Bannockburn to Culloden, come forth to smite the perfidious foe!
Jacobus Loki
Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est.
Lord of Hallucination, Protector of Illumination, MiniEx of Shireroth, Traditional King of the Mala'anje.

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: In the absence of the Sheriff

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

"Aye, for Flodden and for Dunbar!"

*The English heckler was then taken round the back and shot*

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: In the absence of the Sheriff

Post by Jacobus Loki »

(The skrill of pipes is heard as the whiskey is passed around.)


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