Travelling we go...SHH....

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Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

The Khan was making it very difficult for Isabelle to get to Eliria. Well, not him personally, he was probably drinking tea at the moment. But his Gentlemen-Cudgellers (Eldynuil was one of the few Elfinshi who understood that pun. He did not laugh.) were being quite intrusive, and Eldynuil had had to pull Isabelle into a ditch quite a few times along the way to escape a nosy cudgeller. It was for this reason that Eldynuil was wearing a deep hood to conceal his pointed ears. Some would argue, of course, that this would make him seem more suspicious. Eldynuil reasoned that if any suspected them, they would be doing some very fast running regardless of what he was wearing.

Isabelle had it easier. Her ears were less pointy (being of course, half-human), so she merely wore her shoulder-length auburn hair over her ears. Eldynuil had told her to remove her jewelry and she was wearing a dirty cloak, made especially dirty to appear common. The emerald gown the Matriarch had given her would not do for walking the streets. As they approached Castle Eliria, Eldynuil took them down a side street.

"We are not going straight to the castle?" asked Isabelle.
"We couldn't get in, not without the Duke's permission," said Eldynuil.
"So how do you plan to get in?"
"I have a friend in the palace," said Eldynuil, walking up to a wooden door and knocking on it.
"You do? Who?" asked Isabelle curiously.
"Don't you worry about that, my lady," said Eldynuil. A small woman opened the door and snapped: "What d'yew want?"
"We have to rent a room, dear lady," said Eldynuil, bowing.
"'Oo are yew?"
"He's an actor, ma'am," said Isabelle stepping in front. She reached into her purse and pulled out a gold coin. "We were told that this is one of the best inns in Eliria."
The old lady nodded and stuck her hand out. "Right yew are, miss. This way!" She beckoned them in. Eldynuil looked around the street before closing the door behind him.

Castle Eliria

Someone knocked at the door to the Duke's study. Nathan straightened himself and then called for whoever it was to enter. It turned out to be Albert, a man who was seemingly always around but never actually did anything, as far as Nathan could tell. He had a sack on his back.

"Yes, Albert?" said Nathan.
"Your grace," said Albert, bowing. "I'm going back to Araxion."
"You are? But, don't you run this place?"
"Oh no, your grace, not me. Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know, got lots to do now that...well, lots to do, anyway." He turned to leave, then stopped.
"Oh, there is one thing, your grace."
"Yes, Albert?"
"This is for you." He laid a sealed envelope on the desk and then left quickly, before Nathan could ask him who it was from. Nathan turned the envelope over, and his eyes widened as he saw the dark red seal, AA. Andrew Allot. He tore the envelope open and unfolded the message from the late Duke.

Good afternoon, your grace. Congratulations on your...promotion, ahaha. If you are reading this, it means that for some reason or another I have died. If I am reading this, it means I messed it up somehow. Regardless, for the purposes of this letter we will assume I am dead, or at least incapacitated enough that I will not be coming back.

You must know, if you are Elwynnese, that Araxion has a great spiritual tie to Elwynn (the Goddess). As Count of Araxion, I too had a great tie to her. When I die, that bond will be broken. When it is broken, I am positive that every single Elfinshi in Elwynn will feel it, particularly in Araxion. If you need more information on the Elfinshi, ask the Khan. I'm positive he knows.

You cannot know, however, that there is someone else with the Elfinshi in Araxion. My daughter. I will not go into the details, but if you are reading this then it is likely that she is already on her way here, to officially take over Araxion. She may have Elfinshi with her, and I beg you to let them pass unharmed and without hindrance.

If, by some misfortune, you are the Khan, then you may disregard this message, as it appeals to the emotional glands that I know you do not possess.

Albert will just have left, he has probably gone to go fetch her. She will most likely be in your office at some point tomorrow, and her guardian will be able to explain the need for a Countess in Araxion far better than I can. All I ask is that you allow this. For Elwynn and for me.

Andrew Allot, Duke of Elwynn

P.S. The Glenfyddich in the liquor cabinet is particularly good. Also, when Albert returns you should ask him for my Last Will and Testament. It's around here somewhere. Finally, there's about 3000 erb hidden below your chair.

P.P.S. Sorry, the erb was a joke. I hope you didn't bump your head.

Nathan was in shock. He subconsciously stuffed a stick of butter in his mouth as he thought about what to do next.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Poxed Moll's Inn, Eliria

Gasthörer Srube glanced up from his tin cup of mulled wine at the new arrivals. A 'listener' in the employ of the Kopfjäger, his primary function in life was to monitor the off-duty actions of personnel from the security apparatus, Elwynnbrigaden, Elwwehr, Cudgeller, Panopticon Corps Observer, and so forth. He did not know who monitored him when he was off duty but he could only assume it would be someone from another department, or perhaps even from within his own department, one of the Revisors responsible for 'auditing' security personnel, & even cudgellers were scared of them. By what they were saying to the old landlady, the redoubtable 'Camel-Chunk' Maryam, the pair were an actor and his 'companion', not very successful by the looks of it, to judge by their filthy dirty travelling cloaks. Araxionite accents. Fair enough, even nature-freaks have to visit the city once in a while. But why was the man still wearing his hood up indoors.

Naturally inquisitive, Srube found himself wondering whether this was not an actor at all but rather a deserter from the Araxionbataljon[/vzodso3h] of the Elwwehr, dodging the draft to avoid facing the Ohl'tar, slumming it with his 'bird' in some rancid tavern before trying to book passage on a boat down to Shirekeep and the safety of Brookshire. Procedure would demand that Srube report his suspicions to a Revisor who would then apply for a Writ of Cudgelling to be served against the suspect - but to Balgard with that, Srube thought, the mulled wine bolstering his courage, the pair of them could slip the net before the writ was drafted, let alone served by an oaf with a penchant for violence and pretensions to gentlemanly status. Instead he stood up and turned to face the pair, as he did so he reached into his jacket's inside pocket and produced from it his warrant card.

"Identity check!" He called out. "Kopfjäger Site Inspection. All persons to have identity papers, paybooks, ration cards, ready for inspection." Several brigaden troopers leaning up against the bar were hurredly fumbling around for their papers - suddenly sober and terrified of being called before a drumhead court martial. However Srube ignored them and focused his attention exclusively towards the new arrivals.

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

"How unfortunate," sighed Eldynuil, reaching into his pocket for the fake identity cards and the letter from Allot, graciously provided by Albert before the Duke's death. Srube approached them and Eldynuil held out his paperwork, attempting to keep his ears from showing. As he suspected, that did not work.

"Let's have a look at you, then," Srube said, and pulled down the hood.
"Stop!" shoued Eldynuil, as the Brigaden members unsheated their swords and cudgels and advanced towards them. A woman screamed and fainted. "I request that you read this first," he said, and handed Srube the letter.

Srube glanced at the letter.
"What do you take me for, you swine? The Duke's dead!"
"That is his seal. He wrote it before his demise."

Srube examined the letter and the papers. They seemed legitimate. But the Baronial Ordinance had been clear. He wondered if a dead Duke's seal counted as official business...
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Gasthörer Srube was not about to let a 100% detection rate (1 out of 1) for the evening be lost merely to a small detail like papers being in order.

"This would appear to be covered by an exemption under article three-point-one-point-one, but, however, the exemption has to be granted by the Baron on the basis ofa letter of accreditation as per article three-point-one..."

"But, Ducal business is still Ducal business!" exclaimed Eldynuil.

"You would think so", replied Srube "but the article states 'Exemption from quarantine provisions ... may be granted on a case by case basis', the stress here is on 'case by case', each case has to be evaluated, and for each case to be evaluated the authorities must be first of all aware of the case. However, by entering the Barony surreptitiously, you have closed off that potential avenue and therefore stand in violation of the quarantine. Violating the quarantine of course makes you eligible for a writ of cudgelling. So I suggest you both come with me. If you are willing to cooperate I'm sure we can avoid such an unpleasant eventuality and in any event you will still be going to the Castle, albeit via a different gate."

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

Srube motioned for Eldynuil to open the door, which he did with extreme reluctance. Albert almost fell over as he prepared to knock.
"What are you doing?"
"Being arrested."
"Oh. That is a problem. Who is arresting you?"
"This small person here," said Eldynuil, pointing at Srube.
"Ah. And err...where is...she?"
Eldynuil to Isabelle, who wasn't there. Albert chuckled.
"She certainly takes after her dad," he said.

"Where did she go? Where is she?!" demanded Srube.
"The castle, I'll bet. If we run we can get there before her...hopefully."

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

"Correction. I'll run. You, however, can be carried." With that Srube smashed a cudgel home with an upward blow directed at Eldynuil's neck, sending the Elfinshi crashing to the ground in convulsions. Albert looked on horrified and wondering why he hadn't packed his pointy-stick which could have come in handy at this point. Srube beckoned to the off-duty brigaden men who had followed him out onto the street (he was still trying to figure out whether carrying swords whilst drunk and off-duty was an offence).

"You four, carry this Elfinshi kuffar to the Gaol Gate Detention Centre at the Castle. Best sober up fast and make it double time unless you want to be audited. You three, follow me. We have a half-caste to hunt down. Albert... best you go inside and have a drink, pretend we never saw you."

With that Srube and the three brigaden troopers when charging off down the alleyway towards the castle, closely followed by the four carrying Eldynuil.

Albert simply shook his head in disgust.

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Dalon was finding it exceedingly difficult to keep up with Isabelle who apparently was quite adept at avoiding pursuit. This night was very important for him because it was supposed to be the night that his mission would come to conclusion. Back when Leo had decided to kidnap Andrew, Dalon had been sent by Near to investigate his closest relations. It had taken weeks to track down the girl because it turned out that only a select few had even know of her existence. A few erbs could loosen tongues though. It was a matter of knowing who knew what you wanted. Two weeks of living in the forests of Araxion while at first quite relaxing became tedious in a matter of days. Especially because all that the Elfinshy that he had been watching did all day long was sing and hug trees. He wanted this too end.

From his perch on the roof he could see Isabelle rounding yet another corner. He noticed the glow of troches moving along the road she was about to cross. Damn! At this rate she is going to get caught! If the Khan gets hold of her I'll have to keep watching her for who knows how long. The decision took all of two seconds before Dalon leapt from his spot to the next roof and jumped into the alley. Isabelle Cried out in surprise and skidded to a halt, spinning on the spot to try to get away. She was too slow though and he had his arm around her and covered her mouth "Quite or I will make stay so." The shouts of the brigaden troopers could be heard getting closer. "Damn it all they heard you."

Her eyes were wide but she seemed to realize that he was hear to help. "Follow me quickly." Dalon led them down a series of alleys that got closer and closer to the Castle. When he though he had put enough distance between them and the brigaden troopers he slowed to speak to her. "Isabelle I am not quite sure what those men intend to do with you, but it is of the utmost importance that you reach the Duke first. I am sure that he will appoint you to your rightful place. In the mean time though you are in the Khan's territory so to speak. I will bring you to Lord Dine, he was a good friend of your father's. He will protect you until you can see Nathan."

She nodded still following. "I'm sorry about your friend, Eldynuil right? I can't do anything for him right now." They stopped as they reached a door in the wall that surrounded the castle. "Here. This will lead us straight to Leo's chambers." They paused at the door and Isabelle put a hand on Dalon's shoulder. "Thank you."

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

The stone door closed silently on oiled hinges behind Isabelle, as she leaned against the wall for a moment to catch her breath. She had no idea who that man was, but if he worked for Baron Dine (Eldynuil had explained the important nobles in Elwynn to her on their way into the city) then she supposed it was alright. She jogged silently (years of living in the forest had taught her how to walk silently, even on dry leaves) through the dark corridor until she reached a dead end. There was a sheep shaped candlestick on the wall, unlit. Isabelle waited for a moment, then pulled down on the candlestick. Ponderously (yet without thinking), the wall ground open, revealing a snoring Leo Dine in an armchair in front of a fire.

"Mmm...bacon...sheepy... what?" he said, waking up and catching sight of Isabelle. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked. Then he caught sight of her half-pointed ears and his eyes widened.

Isabelle saw his stare and swept her hair back over ears. "Lord Dine," she said, bowing to the exact degree required for a Baron, "I believe you knew my father. I am Isabelle Allot. And I have no doubt that someone will be arriving here shortly to tell you more about me, since you obviously have been following me. Oh, and I believe that shortly afterwards the Khan's men will be breaking down your door, but hopefully he is asleep and his minions have less foresight than he does."

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »


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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Leo had awoken the next morning to find Isabelle gone from her chambers. The night had been uneventful seeing as her persuers never found the entrance she took to get into the castle. Dalon had been sent back to Echo to manage affairs until he could return. Leaving the place empty was just asking for trouble.

Well as long as she stayed out of the Khan's way she should be fine. He got up and and made his way to the kitchens where the cooks were busy preparing his favorite meal of bacon and eggs. It was turning out to be not such a bad morning. That is, until a servant brought him the news of the Khan's latest orders. A public death sentence! The Baron stood up with such force that he sent the table rolling and his food flying. "Has Nathen heard of this?" When the man shook his head Leo took off for the Duke's office.

The table was empty when he arrived and he gave a frustrated sigh. The Duke could get angry at him later but this sort of action was the first down a slippery slope that he had no wishes to even contemplate. Leo sat down and dipped the pen in ink and set to work. Stewards Decree LXV...

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Daniel Dravot »

It was now Leo's turn to have his door kicked in. Although it was in this instance the Duke's door, technically speaking; the All-Elwynn Insurance Society's Claims Department was already on the verge of a collective-nervous breakdown and this was not about to help matters. And as the Steward was chocking on his bacon in indignation and surprise in stormed Daniel Dravot at the head of a mixed phalanx of KopfJaegar and Cudgellers... well actually there was only room in the office for five cudgellers, plus Dravot, plus a nonplussed steward. The rest had to wait in the corridor.

"Right you bleedin little arse... oh... err... by which I mean a thousand pardons for the intrusion, Squire."

"What the Devil is this? What right have you to come storming in here like this?" - said Leo, who had not, in all probability, been in the best of moods before he had found himself having to extract a quite sizeable splinter of door from his right eyebrow.

"Complits of the Khan, Squire." Replied Dravot, snapping to attention at the mention of the name, a move mimicked by the cudgellers present with him in the room and also, as evidenced by the great collective stomp of boots outside, by the Kopfjaegar troopers also. Leo contented himself simply to think that they were all quite freakish really, which coming from a Nordlander is condemnation indeed.

"Well? What? He can't simply beat one of the Allot family's retainers to death in front of a paying audience and expect to get away with it."

"Quite so Sir. And he says that he thanks you for reminding him, he had quite forgotten about the abolition of the death penalty."

"So? He didn't have to send you to kick the door in just to thank me."

"No Squire.... BILLY PHISH, GET YOUR DAMNED ARSE IN HERE!" Dravot roared. "Best let the little fella explain."

"Oh indeed Sir. Coming Sir, on my way Sir, please excuse me sirs, I am summons by Mr Dravot Sahib, Sirs, Sirs, please do not be pointing those guns at me, I am only trying to get through."

At length a wee little Gurkha appeared in the room.

"Rifleman Muchendra Bahadur Gurung reporting Sir!"

"Yes, Billy, we know. " said Dravot, cutting him off. "Kindly give your report to the good gentlemen here."

"Oh indeed sir? Who to Sir?"

"The important looking one sitting at the desk with bacon grease smeared round his lips, Billy."

"Well, I oft times go on a weekend to the Gaol to watch the cudgellings, it all good, good, sport. I take my family and we watch men beat brains out of miscreants. Today big show, posters go up saying they bash brains out of Elfinshi. Everybody cheer at this - all hate Elfinshi, just like taught at school. Now we hear Steward cancel not only show but all executions. People very angry, they go around saying how can we punish criminals if we not allowed to beat their brains out? Are we to put them in prisons and keep them alive long time simply to punish them? If people find out that a bed and three meals a day and no work is guaranteed to criminals instead of senseless beating then everyone say they will become criminal. Cudgelling better instead."

"Get to the point, Billy." Dravot growled.

"Oh yes indeed sir. A disorder has started in Gropecunte Lane, everyone there is very het up and excitable. And now fire start in the central bazaar. By Jove everybody say that either cudgelling be brought back or everybody be sent to prison to enjoy easy life."

"So you see." Said Dravot, sneering as he spoke. "The Khan sends his compliments, as well as his apologies as he will be away chasing the Berkshire Hunt this weekend, and asks me to direct your attention towards the burning city outside that has come about on account of -you depriving the masses of their afternoons entertainment. He would be grateful if order could be restored before his return."

Dravot then saluted, and stormed back out of the room, with Billy Phish, Cudgellers, Kopfjaegars and all, and charged off towards the bazaar where a full blown insurrection against the Steward was now under way.

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

Nathan had been sculpting all night. His hair sticky with butter, he ascended the steps to his office (from his secret butter storeroom) to greet the fresh hells that Elwynn had no doubt landed on his desk during the night. He was just sitting down when he heard two soft thumps outside his door. Someone knocked. Smoothing out his hair, he called for the person to enter.

There was no response.

"Enter!" called Nathan, again.


Exasperated, Nathan rose and flung open the door.

"Unholy high sodium margarine rolls!"

Isabelle hurried through and shut the door behind her, leaving the two unconscious guards outside. Once she had drawn the curtains and closed the windows, she curtsied deeply to Nathan.

"Your Grace," she said. "I apologize for the intrusion. I am Isabelle Allot. You may have heard of me."
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Leo Fenrir »

For the second time that day the door to the Duke's study flew open admitting Leo. "Man thats fun!" The shocked looks that met him sobered his attitude slightly.

"Your Grace, Isabelle. I've been looking for you both. Though I'm not exactly sure how you have missed it, but Eliria seems to be on fire."

Nathan spoke up immediately. "And how in the name of all that is holy and buttery did it get that way?" At the same time Isabelle ran to the window and threw back the curtain she had just closed. The dark office was immediately flooded with orange light.

"Elwynn protect me." she whispered under her breath.

Leo looked slightly sheepish as he tried to explain to Nathen. "Well you see. The Khan was going to execute our good Isabelle's Elfinshi friend and I couldn't just let it happen right?" The was the hint of a plea as he attempted to justify his actions but Nathen didn't budge. "And so I banned it which seems to have provoked the people of a certain 'Gropecunte Lane' [aside - seriously?]. You can see the result for yourself."

Leo continued, "I've begun calling up the regiments of the Elwynn Brigade to quell the riots. As of now that is all I can do though because I still have the war in the north to deal with." Nathan nodded thoughtfully. "Your insight would be greatly appreciated your grace."
Leo Fenrir

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

[OOC: Major breach of role playing etiquette, that was.]

[OOC: We need to give Nathan a chance here. Hush, child, hush.]

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

[OOC: Seriously.]

Nathan of Natopia
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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Nathan of Natopia »

Nathan sat quietly as he let all this process in his mind. Thankfully it was clear of the mania of the past few days of worrying about the Butter Spirit. Now he could turn his attention to Elwynn. If what he was being told was true, this land needed major cultural reforms.

He turned to Leo, "You are saying the people want to publicly smash criminals' brains in for punishment and that they have been taught to hate a sentient race of Micras?"

Leo nodded his head.

"This is unacceptable. I will not have my tenure as duke marred by such... ugliness." Nathan turned to Isabelle, "I will be taking your Elfinishi friend and any other persons associated with you that may be in jeopardy into personal protection as I have my own personal security force."

Nathan sat down and took out a pen to begin writing a decree to begin fixing this mess.

When it was done, he handed it to Leo, "Post this around Eliria and make sure the rest of the duchy knows this decree." Then he turned to his chief of personal security, Lt. Throat W. Mangrove, "Mangrove, secure that Elfinishi man, Eldynuil, bring him to the castle and see that any injuries he has sustained are treated." Lt. Mangrove saluted and turned on his heel as he radioed for backup.

Nathan sat at his desk with his head in his hands, not knowing how this would play out.
Prophet of the Butter Bull,
Head Missionary of the Bovic Dominion of Natopia,
Natopian Representative to the Small Commonwealth,
Member of the Roth Zera of Elwynnese Realm

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Leo and Isabelle exited the office holding a copy of the decree in hand, the latter having refused to take refuge because she would rather 'be in the fray of it' as she had put it. A trait she had undoubtedly inherited from her father. "So let me get this straight" she said. "You write a decree banning the death penalty which sends the city into a riot." Leo nodded. "And now we are supposed to go out there and show them a decree banning, effectively, all forms of punishment?" Leo nodded again. Frustrated Isabelle continued. "And your ok with this?" At his persistent silence Isabelle began sounding almost hysterical. "Well are you!?"

Leo rounded on her. "Of course I'm not! But do I really have a choice? Or are you suggesting that disobey a direct order from the Duke?" Isabelle looked offend at the accusation. "Of... Of course I'm not!" she spluttered. "It is folly to risk our lives in front of the riot in such a way. No. Its all a matter of interpretation. The Duke didn't say when we had to post the decree or when we had to inform the populous." Leo was deep in thought obviously grasping for solutions. "And I still have no way to deal with riots beyond using brute force which I do wish we could avoid."

The two figures soon reached the balcony overlooking the city which was glowing an eerie shade of scarlet. "What in the name of the great sheep are we going to do Isabelle?"
Leo Fenrir

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Daniel Dravot »

"Well perhaps then I can assist you with your dilemma." Answered an unseen voice from behind where the pair were standing.

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

[OOC: Stop puttin' words in my mouth, woman/Leo! Seriously, you're derailing my characters.]
[OOC: Insert this before the Englishman appeared.]

"I... I don't know. I would go home, but.. I can't. Not yet." She turned away from the balcony. Leo opened his mouth as Isabelle turned around and glared at him.
"And how dare you even think that I would object to the removal of corporeal punishments, which the Elfinshi have suffered for generations while people like you and people like...him have done just what Nathan has rightfully banned. My father would be appalled..." She turned away again, overcome with emotion. Leo rolled his eyes. Volatile. Emotional. These Allots were all the same.

[OOC: Now the Dravot can come in.]

Leo whirled around at stared at Dravot. "You! Who's paying for my door?" he demanded.
"Alright, Squire, hold your horses. I have been hearing that you and in a conundrum, a pickle, if you will. I, bein' a thoughtful Englishman, was goin' to propose-" A little hat tugged on his arm. It turned out to be Billy Phish, under a hat.

"Oh yes, before I forget. Billy has something for you, miss," said Dravot, motioning the Gurkha forward.
Billy Phish struggled forwards under the weight of Eldynuil, who was groaning faintly, and attempted to drop him to the floor. Isabelle caught him before he concussed himself.

Turning back to Leo, Dravot said: "Again, sir, I was wonderin' if me an' Billy Phish here couldn't assist you in some way?"
Last edited by Allot on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

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[OOC: If I may offer a solution... Put some in there yourself? :rolleyes ]
Leo Fenrir

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Daniel Dravot »

"Well anyway, if you two have finished. A small piece of advice as it were. Me and Billy here have just returned from trying to cudgel some semblance of order into the mob, and might I say its a damned fool idea trying to outlaw corporal punishment in the midst of a riot. Anyway, long story short, we've pulled the Cudgellers back to the Castle while we re-evaluate our strategy in light of Decree LXI... or whatever the hell the number is.

However, without the authorities to fight, the rioters have taken it upon themselves to fight each other. They've split mostly along ethnic lines. The Elw amongst the rioters, those ragamuffin hoodlums, have come together in two separate gangs, the Fug Uglies and the Banner Boys, and they've got the run of Gropecunte Street - what, don't look at me like that, that's its actual name... they sometimes squabble amongst themselves, usually about who gets to ransack the next bar or brew house, but they are mostly preoccupied with a turf war against the Babki merchants in the central bazaar, or what's left of it at any rate. Now these merchants have got their own gang of yahoos, they're called the Margazan - which is a Babki term for one who commits a sin, like showing cowardice before the enemy, and deserves death accordingly. Not the most flattering name but they've adopted it with a certain gusto as it implies that they're godawful bastards, which in fairness they mostly are."

"I see." Replied Isabelle "But how does that help us with our dilemma?"

"Oh it doesn't exactly Ma'am." said Dravot cheerfully "T'was just giving you an overview of the situation."

"Ooh! If I could be speaking Sahibs and Lady Sahib with the pointy-ears!"

"Yes, if you must Billy."

"By Jove it is a simple matter of divide and conquer. You recall Dravot Sahib that in our previous career we went from village to village asking who it was was their enemy, and oh they do invariably reply that it is next village up the river who is always coming out and pissing in the stream on the day they themselves come out to do the laundry, and we did go up and shoot the chief of the next village and ask the same question with same answer and so on until you is Sikander Sahib rather than poor mere Dravot Sahib, but alas..."

"Shut up, Billy Phish."

Oh indeed Sir. But each gang is now so busy into fighting each other that they probably quite forget why they rioted in the first place. Now we can leave it a day or too and then go back in and instead of hitting them all over the head we could be promising to protect them from other gangs who probably worry them more than Elfinshi or Duke's silly laws..."

"Billy Phish, I told you to shut up."

"Dravot Sahib, please be removing bayonet from my neck and I will be shutting up presently."

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Leo Fenrir »

"This is excellent news! Though I must say that I still feel guilty for effectively throwing the match in the hay stack, to use a bad metaphor. Hopefully with time, this will just pass over our heads unnoticed." Leo flashed a sheepish smile that was met with flat stares. "Ok so I might have some work to do you."

"Now Isabelle. May I point out that I support this decree completely! I simply didn't think that releasing the details of the decree whilst in the middle of a riot, caused by decree banning the death sentence would have been, how should I put it, detrimental to our collective health's. I do hope you did not interpret my actions as anything other then an attempt to remain alive.

I fear I must now retire to the war room to deal with the Ohl'Tar issue which has been left hanging for far too long. I bid you good night."
Leo Fenrir

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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

As Leo disappeared in a flash of wool, Isabelle grumbled to herself: "Maybe if you had picked up The Elements of Style this wouldn't have happened..."

Supporting Eldynuil, she handed the decree over to Billy Phish, who tried to eat it. "Dravot," she said. "Send this to all the Barons and then take a nap. When you wake up it should be tomorrow and they will have forgotten what they are fighting about, if this little chap... sorry what was your name again?"

"Billy Phish By Jove!"

"Right, if Billy here is right, then that should be plenty of time. Good luck," she said, and turned back down the corridor with Eldynuil.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Billy Phish
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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Billy Phish »

(OOC: Billy Phish loves his involvement in this story sirs. Haha, it is the British humour, it tickling me by jove.)
Rifleman Billy Phish
"Oh indeed by jove no!"
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Re: Travelling we go...SHH....

Post by Allot »

When Nathan awoke the next morning, he found a lengthy letter from Isabelle on his desk.

Your Grace,

I would have stayed longer but Eldynuil insisted that we return to Araxion. His time in the Eliria Gaol was unpleasant, to say the least. I would suggest that you send someone down there to ensure that your Brigadier General is not doing anything that would offend Elwynn.

Yes, I have returned to Araxion to guide the people there. They are lost, I fear, without my father. I can only hope they will accept me with the same devotion that they offered him. I hope that this meets with your approval. I would have formally asked your permission, but after meeting you... I sense that there will not be any problems. Eldynuil is at present attempting to wrench the quill from my hand as he insists that I must show more respect to a personage such as you in writing.
The writing trailed off violently at this point. Nathan looked down, and saw some more.

I apologize for that blemish. To continue: We found my father's will, it was in the liquor cabinet, wouldn't you figure. He did leave Araxion to me, although I'm not sure he can legally do that. While I'm sure that the people mentioned in it will read this letter eventually, I see no problem in publishing some of it here:

"To Nathan: Assuming you are, in fact, Duke, congratulations. I have already detailed my wishes in a private letter to you. However, all joking aside, there are 100 erb and a bottle of Glenfyddich in the bottom drawer of your desk. If you can find them, they are yours. And thank you.

Ardashir: I hope that Nathan has kept you on as Brigadier General. I have no regrets about appointing you; you are one the most talented people I have met in Shireroth, and perhaps, someday, we will meet again. Please make an effort to keep the homicides to a minimum, especially in Nordland. Leo does so like his peace and quiet.

Leo: We have had some difficulties, I agree. I am positive, however, that Elwynn would be honoured to have you as Duke, or Steward. You have, and will continue to serve Elwynn well. 200 erb are tied to a sheep in your cellar. Use them well. Also: look after Isabelle. If she's anything like me... Well, you know.

Scott and Rai: Like you need anything else, you scoundrels. You both are pretty well off, I think. Thank you both, though, for helping me go from who I was to who I am, and who I will be. You are true inspirations to Elwynn. I can hear you moaning, Scott, stop it.

To His/Her Current Niftiness: Whoever you are, you possibly don't know me. I very much doubt that you are Agni I, so I cannot assume. However, if you are reading this, it means that I cannot possibly fulfill my duties as Minister of Information. You should appoint someone new, lest the Ministry fall into disrepair as it did before I arrived. Don't tell him I said this, but Robert Dragon would make an excellent choice.

Isabelle: My daughter. It is unfortunate that I never got a chance to speak to you, or to even see you. I leave Araxion in your care. Guard it, and its people well, they will need it in the years to come. Unfortunately, I cannot be more specific than that. What little wealth I have left is given to you, at Araxion. Ask Albert for it, he'll tell you where it all is. And...I love you."

Now, your Grace, I am returning to Araxion, and I don't believe I will return for some time. I have much to do in Araxion. And... who knows? Perhaps I will return some day. Until then,

Elwynn guide you,
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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