Summoned Forth

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Summoned Forth

Post by ARIadnEL000 »

THEJustBlue hath summoned, I, ARIadnEL000, forth, through the Barony of Straylight.It was suggested, that I, get in touch with some body here.Be that, Ari being, that Shyriath has cit problems to be dealing with?

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Summoned Forth

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

You know, this is the reason why I transferred the throne to Shyriath... I don't like the sort of situations where I'm on a field trip on the other side of Finland and people suddenly start falling from the sky... someone needs to give them a hand (A fin? A wing?) while I'm not around...Now, I don't know who you are (and being on 56k I can't afford an extensive background check) and I don't know what you want, so I figure I'll just tell you who's who and what's what. You can ask me if you want to know more. I'm the founder of the Barony of Straylight (currently on a sort of a vacation forced on me by real-life constraints) and a large part of what Straylight is supposed to be is currently stirring in my head, ready to be poured out once Hell freezes over and I learn to write. Shyriath, well, you should already know him - he's the current Baron of Straylight but seems to have fallen off the face of Earth at least temporarily. Aurefiction is a rather new Straylightian, come out of sorta nowhere, and the current Kaiseress of Shireroth. You'll learn to know her pretty well. The Barony itself is unique since it's completely marine and almost all of its inhabitants are dolphins. I've written a longer introduction to it (it's in my draft of introductions of all the subdivisions (fiefdoms, actually) of Shireroth to newbies - the easiest way to find it is to look for links in the immigration form at the Ministry of Immigration) but again, I want to use my time on 56k carefully...I do have this nagging feeling that you might be interested in Shirlanian affairs, though... so... feel free to participate in those discussions... "I believe they just installed Gentoo Linux."

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Re: Summoned Forth

Post by ARIadnEL000 »

Yes, I understand where youÂ’re coming from, errr, where youÂ’re going, errr, whateverÂ…Um, yes, Shyriath, odd character seemingly, is now the throne bearer. Yeah, I see, this Shyriath character will be your people handler/catcher/whateverÂ…when youÂ’re off, in whateverlandÂ…*shrugs*Hellsinki, interesting place. *thinks of theory of tectonic plates* *pulls self out of it* Where were we, um, oh yeah, Finnish folk have environmental issues to deal with such as air pollution from manufacturing and power plants that contribute to acid rain production, thusly leading to water pollution from industrial wastes, agricultural chemicals; and thereby habitat loss threatening wildlife and so on and so forth. *shakes head vigorously* Sorry, going off on MAJOR tangent here, you pulled the trigger, and WHAM! IÂ’m offÂ…over in wonderland somewhereÂ…whoopsievilleÂ…or whoopieville *smiles*Well, actually names and money are irrelevant in this context, we can discuss whatever we like without those being effectual, umÂ…what I want? You know, whomorwhateverÂ….Enough of that talk, IÂ’m sounding a tad out there, spaceyÂ….Straylight is not terribly interesting in a large way, but out there in concept. I mean, total marine environment. Are we talking, Atlantis here? Well, being abyssal-natured, drawn to those types, itÂ’s captured me. However, back to Shyriath, yeah, he probably required a little quiet time. You know, thinking here, marine environments, oceans esp, have their own climateÂ….oh well, Aurefiction is a peak performer, yes, quite skilled and trusted greatlyÂ….deals diplomatically with a variance of personalitiesÂ…. I look forward greatly to knowing herÂ….lovely one, she isÂ….much respect for her.Shirlanian affairs, yes, would love to figure that outÂ…perhaps, I will helpÂ….On an off-topic, will you point me towards a place where I can learn or participate in moreÂ….*waves around* out there, type discussions?

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Summoned Forth

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

* reads the post, blinks, clears his throat *Wow. Ariadnel (may I call you that? Your login name is a bit too l33tish for me), you've just earned my respect. Never before have I seen any person's thinking transferred to a textual form in such a pure, crystal clear way. What you have written equals, in its power of expression, the greatest of the works of the greatest of the poets, the most wonderful books of fiction, the fairest of songs ever sung and played, the most beautiful and thought-provoking pictures ever painted, and the very best sculptures and other pieces of art in human history. It is a true celebration of the power of the human mind, its ability to make connections that no other living or not living creature in the universe has made, and to reach divinity in creating things anew with no base in the past at all. That post is like a window, more transparent than any I have ever seen, to the thoughts of a person I have never met, but whose mind's deep, subconscious image of the world I now feel I have had the extremely rare privilege to see. My own thoughts, my understanding of my self, have never been as lucid as now - after gaining such a great understanding of you and the whole human race that that post granted.Now that we've got that over with...I've been to Helsinki once in my life. It was a pleasant experience, but nothing earth-shattering. I like the countryside (in whose center I am sitting right now) better :).About Straylight itself, well, one could say that it's sort of Atlantis-like in nature. At least in the sense that there's at least a couple of humans around at some places in Straylight - Ops, for example. Those aren't any more technologically, morally or socially advanced than other people, though. In the current "vision" (which has changed since I last wrote about it, but should be rather stable by now), Straylight's inhabitants are mostly sapient dolphins who tend to live in rather traditional ways but do have human technology from at least two different external sources (one of them being Shireroth) and benefit quite a bit from it. Id est, they live in pods, hunt fish and socialize just like before, but will happily use watersleds or special submarines if they would happen to want to go on a long trip or move really quickly, and other techy stuff for other needs. And they don't care about politics (I do, as do Shyriath and Aure, but we're not native to the place). That's not very much like Atlantis, aye?(not to mention that according to the original story, IIRC, Atlantis was not so far detached from normality as human cities (and note that the word is cities - not large areas of sea) go, and was quite simply destroyed when it went underwater. At least this is what I think - there have been too many different Atlantis myths to really tell and I've never studied any of them terribly well. Anyway, in this sense Straylight is in no way like Atlantis - we're already underwater and find it quite cosy living here, thank you.)And yet about ShyriathÂ… heÂ’s still the baron as soon as he regains his citizenship, and all will be forgivenÂ… and stuffÂ… if he returns, that is.And about discussion that's "out there"... well... you could try the Istvanistani Off-topic forum for starters... "I believe they just installed Gentoo Linux."

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Re: Summoned Forth

Post by ARIadnEL000 »

*blinks*Wow, yourself. You are so complimentary. *smiles* That was a LOT to read especially with a variance of timeframes or frames of reference I read it in. However, allowing myself time to work on other things, I have come to several conclusions, stumbling blocks, and immense realizations. For one, baring with me, thereÂ’s an element of abstract in forms, art, as you so eloquently and expertly highlighted in your last post, which through all the conflagrations, of which I converged and diverged erratically, to only come to a conclusion, time and time again, plainly speaking, MANdlebrot! *smiles* I simply or not so simply love thisÂ…..*throws hands up*Â….man, where am I going with all this? *sighs* Oh well. Moving on from the abstract, one needs to attend to and add a sortof physical basis to or forÂ…thUS, *shakes head* trying to solidify some of the thinking here, but not exactly clear how it will be brought into playÂ…wellÂ…am I moving off-topicÂ…if so, I best visit you thereÂ….I feel a need to clarifyÂ….are you asking me to join with you in that forum?Now, addressing the Straylight issueÂ….I donÂ’t think many are clear what this barony direction is. Shyriath, yes, of course, needs to regain his citizenship, which as I have read, he has done. Now trying to understand StraylightÂ’s inhabitantsÂ…..and exactly how and where I fit in, if I do at allÂ….I will highlight my concerns with regards to the physical happenstance of StrayllightÂ…but I will do this in a separate forum, for startersÂ…

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Looking ahead...

Post by ARIadnEL000 »

Yes, the countryside tends to be orderly rustic, IÂ’ve noticed. Helsinki, canÂ’t say IÂ’ve been there, I thusly recall maybe in a dream-like state, but canÂ’t really elaborate on that, it remains a bit sketchy. However, my heart has always been grounded in the countryside, for various reasons. Thinking of countryside, it brings me to thoughts of things on an other note, IÂ’ve been meaning to visit the grave of a great mate of mine, however, the cemetery appears to be closed off, for the time being, due to construction work apparently being doneÂ….which next is going to sound weird, but know anything about transbiomigration?Now, this Straylight concept is intensely intriguing, in an interesting way. From what I can tell and see, for that matter, itÂ’s not truly understood, from aÂ….large-scale perspective. Getting there however, but as far as I can see at this particular point in time, unless there is an earth-shattering awakening, on some macroscale, many wonÂ’t get the gist of it all, if I am following the undercurrent correctly, that is. Which brings me toÂ…. Shyriath, can you tell me, any time in the present, going to illustrate in great detail or have some sort of graphic representation as to the crux of it all? Or is Shyriath, or you for that matter, mapping that out as we speak?


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