El Goonish Shive

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Ari Rahikkala
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2001 12:56 pm

El Goonish Shive

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Well, as I said earlier in General Discussion, I would advertise this webcomic here today... El Goonish Shive is... well, a webcomic. It doesn't look very special at first. It doesn't sound very special when one describes it, either. It contains what amounts to a rather oddball form of high school drama and humour, with a good amount of magic and scifi thrown in (pretty much every character is either magical or has access to some freak gadgets). The drawing style is nothing to write home about. Even the odder stuff rarely reaches the LSD trance states of Pokey the Penguin. And you can find high school drama and humour, with or without liberal applications of science fiction and magic, pretty much everywhere.What makes El Goonish Shive different is that... it's just so damn good. Its giant story arc consistently explains all events (well, those that the author wants to explain), drives the story forward and shows signs of continuing faaaar into the future. Even with all sorts of odd stuff happening and most strips being funny (and "funny" is an understatement when describing many of them - this comic needs superlatives), the story says quite coherent and (consequently) suspenseful. I could go on praising it, but I think the most efficient way to get you guys to read this thing is to just give you the links...http://www.elgoonishshive.comFirst story comic: http://www.elgoonishshive.com/story.php?0001 In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.

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Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:29 pm
Location: Monty Crisco

Re: El Goonish Shive

Post by UEC »

Next time I become bored to the point of depression.. I shall look into it.. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.


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