Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

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Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by SimplyRhedd »

Does nobody have some marine-type emoticons for Straylight (and therefore, Shirlan) that we can add for some expression. So that we don't mix with Shireroth's own emoticons...

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Bumpity bumpI don't know if it's possible to add emoticons for a single forum on EzBoards... then again, that shouldn't really matter. After all, we'll just need to convince MiniInfo that it's in the best interests of everyone that the whole board has some underwater emoticons...... however... there's one problem with this whole thing. That is... do we need emoticons? I've never seen any smilies with a theme more complicated than party hats that would actually be able to express any sort of a real emotion. If we wanted to just create a certain atmosphere (instead of expressing emotions with a certain theme), they would work... but the sort of atmosphere that you create by adding a whole lot of dolphin sprites or stuff like that everywhere is not what I want of Straylight. Though they go mad they shall be sane,Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;Though lovers be lost love shall not;And death shall have no dominion.

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

I would be happy to put just about any emoticons you want up on our list, within reason. Just so long as I don't have to go searching to find the picture... Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by UnknownwonknU »

Ah, you know, Ari...Straylight may have been initiated by you, personally, however, you've "invited" some to partake within the "ideas" of, don't you realize that your wants aren't the only ones taht should be considered?There's nowheer in Shirlan to express real emotions, at this point in time!

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

* ari slits his eyes and frowns at that statement, then looks at UnknownwonknU with a smile and a more relaxed stance *No place to express real emotions? I would disagree. We can express our emotions everywhere we want... and most of the about one billion or so people in mankind's history (this approximation is pulled out of my ass, of course, but I hope that at least the magnitude is right) who have ever written a piece of text longer than a paragraph have scarcely needed emoticons to convey emotions. Not that this would be a good reason to resist change, but it does tell something about the viability of the old way... and even if animated emoticons need a more technologically advanced medium to be carried across than written text, my opinion is that they are, at least in their current incarnation, worse at their job than text. In most cases, that is. Expressing real emotions is one of those cases. Would you proclaim love to a person with an emoticon? Do you think tells about any particularly deep feeling (well, only truly deep hate can be as pointless as the hate that this emoticon is about, so I do sincerely hope that it all is, in the end, only a joke)? Now that I've got that rant about a single word in your last post over with... try visiting the Shah Abbas' Harem at Babkha some day. Their thematic icons are jokes, and I don't mean good jokes. Granted, that's one of the micronational bar forums, so you can expect lots of bad jokes, and therefore the emoticons make the atmosphere... what it already was but in a more intense way... but I just can't see anything positive happening as a result of adding themed emoticons in Straylight. Still, continuing rambling will get me nowhere... so, yeah, if you can find stuff that works as icons and do the necessary work of making icons out of them, go ahead and do it. Just remember to run them past me before bringing them to MiniInfo...(has anybody else noticed that I've become quite grumpy lately?) Though they go mad they shall be sane,Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;Though lovers be lost love shall not;And death shall have no dominion.

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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by UnknownwonknU »

Re: Shah Abbas' Harem...ah, Shirlan currently, hasn't time to waste here, as per se, Shireroth may. No meaning to sound....snotty, Shirlan is in the midst of a busy time, at this moment. But alas, not to say, that we will check it out later, and may, find it useful. Thanks for the link.

Sairi Vakanan
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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by Sairi Vakanan »

Well, I'd have to consult with Shirial about these before approving these within Shirlan.

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Re: Marine/Underwater Emoticon's...

Post by UnknownwonknU »

Ah, emoticon's are good, as long as they don't refer to things specifc to Shirlan internally or directly. However, if they do refer to external dealings, then okay, by all means, express it with an emoticon, however, in saying this, don't fluctuate TOO much into animatics and the like. Too dramatic. Just simple, watered-down, short-winded style. Like a briefing, for example, a smile, but make sure that the smile is relevant to the situation at hand, if not, then it's annoying and most likely will be ignored or trivialized.


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