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Index of Information about Raikoth/Hyperborea

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:58 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
This document is an index of most of the high-density resources for information about Raikoth (Hyperborea). Posts linked to here are of various ages and qualities, and should not be assumed to be current canon. This list doesn't include several offhanded remarks, short explanations, or any of the recwar posts, which fill in several gaps.

1. The doctrine of Truth and Beauty. A very basic introduction to the core of Raikothin religion.
2. Death customs. Lives as questions, books, and burials.

1. The Flutes of Joy. Tale of the two magic flutes of Raikoth, and what became of them.
2. The Bear in the Sky. Legend of the Cloud Princes and of Nehani Kalirion.
3. The Queen of Night's Repentant Children. The myth that gave Hyperborea's most famous ship its name.
4. Wiki: Kaimarhen. A half-mantra, half-spell whose origins are shrouded in legend.

1. Under New Management. An outline of some Hyperborean government functions.
2. More on Government and Education, with a focus on education and curriculum.

1. Cities and What They Do. Descriptions of nine of Raikoth's largest cities.
2. Wiki: Shinomai. Focused on Earth and of only partial relevance to Micras.

1. Wiki: Calendar. An explanation of months, days, and seasons.
2. Wiki: Kalasperin. An explanation of the Hyperborean alphabet, also called "the runes".
3. Wiki: Thanve. The most common style of Hyperborean poetry.

1. Hyperborean Architecture. This introduction is dated and partially obsolete.
2. Temple of Ainai Mantyumion. A picture of a Raikothlin building. This is the architecture post I'm most satisfied with, and therefore should be taken as most representative.
3. The Lirikoth Building in Bjorngard.
4, Two Buildings in Anshir at the top and bottom of a long story.

1. Outline of the Arkajoi Amphion. A military overview. Highly dated, but correct in principle. The military is much bigger now.
2. Divisions of the Paladins. Goes into more detail on infantry.

THE JAYATAR CYCLE (a series of stories, almost in chronological order, with great relevance to Raikoth's history)
1. The Fallow Time Ends. Raikoth reawakens after the collapse of Benacian civilization.
2. A Meeting of the Nine. The Kaiser decrees Hesam Jayatar, a foreigner, to be the new Count of Hyperborea, and the Hyperboreans must decide how to react.
3. Statement of the Chief Geneologist. As Hasan battles for the crown of Shireroth, the Hyperboreans finally decide to accept him as one of their own.
4. The Kaiser Returns Home Hesam, having ascended the throne of all Shireroth as Kaiser Hasan I, returns to Hyperborea.
5. The Ice-Ship Sails. Kaiser Hasan requests the Hyperboreans join in his great crusade against Bosworth.
6. The Redoubt Island Recwar, Part I. Kaiser Hasan's great crusade against Bosworth. The Hyperboreans arrive late, but quickly get involved in events on the Isle St. Jean.
7. The Redoubt Island Recwar, Part II. The Hyperboreans get involved in a confrotation with the Babkhans as the withdrawl from St. Jean begins.
8. The Ending of the St. Jean Recwar. Tying up of loose ends from the St. Jean story threads.
9. Welcome to the New Order. Hasan is revealed as a traitor. Firebrand revolutionary Yyiji Tonkothion seizes power, instates a return to traditional ideals, and begins a war against those who still support Hasan's memory.

Re: Index of Information about Raikoth/Hyperborea

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:04 pm
by Andreas the Wise
An excellent resource :worship

Re: Index of Information about Raikoth/Hyperborea

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:43 pm
by Gman Russell
Good job! :jadie

Re: Index of Information about Raikoth/Hyperborea

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:16 am
by Jonas
A summary of one of the best develloped subdivisions of Shireroth. :thumbsup

Re: Index of Information about Raikoth/Hyperborea

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:34 am
by Gman Russell
I'm still working on county MASS, I swear, and when it's finally done, it will rival Hyperborea! :evil