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Notice To All Citizens Of Brookshire (Updated 7/20, 12:09 A)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:33 pm
by Fax Celestis
I will make any and all attempts within my power to make your stay in Brookshire a pleasant one. Please feel free to leave comments and recommendations here.If you would prefer to make such comments in private, please email me at shasta{at}shireroth{dot}org . Don't worry, I check it almost daily.In addition, public announcements of changes, appointments, and important events will happen in this thread.Edit (5-25-05)We've got quite a lot of citizens here, and I'd like to make two Baronies: The Barony of Muad'Dib, and the Barony of Elwynn and Lac Glacei.Our current list of citizens is as follows:David Northworthy BeckfordHarald ThorsteinHarvey SteffkeJames RaineRakesh Maziar AckbarRic LyonRuhan Zarathustra ErudinzadehShyriath BukolosEveryone but Harvey has officialy proclaimed themselves to be part of this Duchy.As such, I'm going to create two Baronies, as stated above, and I'm going to place people in them, unless they choose otherwise. Remember, it's always your choice of where you live.For the Barony of Elwynn and Lac Glacei, I choose Ric Lyon, David Beckford, Harald Thorstein, and Rakesh Ackbar. I also leave it up to you to choose who is Baron. The Baron shall receive three votes.For the Barony of Muad'Dib, I choose Shyriath Bukolos and Ruhan Zarasthustra Erutirn. The position is offered first to Zary, and second to Shyriath. The Baron of Muad'Dib shall receive two votes.Anyone else who wishes to be in one of these Baronies, please let me know.Edit (5/25, 4:17 P)The two Baronies have been formed, and Harvey Steffke has chosen to be part of the Barony of Muad'Dib. Excellent.I will warn you that people are going to try to woo you away to other duchies. Don't let them make up your mind for you; you chose to live here, and it's your choice to stay. If you want to leave, you will leave with my blessing. But don't go simply because someone tells you to.Shyriath Bukolos is now Count of Benacia. All hail the new Count!...psst...Shyriath: get more citizens, and I'll make you a Baron.5-28-05, 4:23 PShyriath Bukolos is now Baron of Muad'Dib. Other appointments have been made. Check the subdivision decrees for more.6-20-05, 10:52 AI will begin doing what repairs I can to Brookshire shortly. Hopefully I will be able to find (or recreate) my three Decrees. Any assistance in this matter will be rewarded accordingly.There are two subdivisions of Brookshire as of this moment. The Barony of Muad'Dib, headed by Baron Shyriath Bukolos, and the Barony of Lac Glacei and Elwynn, headed by Baron Conglacio Gerstestrank. Forgive me if I misspelt your names.The citizens for both are as follows: Muad'Dib contains Shyriath, Ruhan Zarasthustra Erutirn, and Harvey The Blue. Lac Glacei and Elwynn contains David Northworthy Beckford, SovereignVikingEmperor, Rakesh Ackbar, and Ric Lyon.Both Baronies shall have two (2) Landsraad votes from this point forth.Brookshire also has one (1) County as of this moment. It is the County of Goldshire, headed by Count Ruhan Zarasthustra Erutirn. As Count of Goldshire, he is also my direct heir to the throne. Should both the Duke of Brookshire and the Count of Goldshire be absent for an extended period of time, it is assumed that the leader of Brookshire's largest active Barony will claim the Duchal throne and lead Brookshire until the Duke's triumphant return.In efforts to appease some, I will now make a Duchal proclamation:Brookshire is fundamentalist Shirithian. As such, it never was, nor ever will be, Apollonian. That is not to say that Shireroth has not been touched by the hand of Apollo; it has. But to say taht the core of Shireroth's beliefs and government stems from something it was created to be seperate from is ludicrous. As such, I will tip my hat to the Apollonian influences that have occured in this country through the ages, but I will not let them rule me nor Brookshire nor Shireroth.We are seperate from the past, and as long as we keep talking about the "Apollo Sector" and the like, we are going to keep rehashing and reliving the same drivel over and over again. I want Brookshire and ultimately Shireroth to move forwards, into a new era without a need for old titles.The "Apollo Sector" is dead. We are all that remain, and even we are not very Apollonian. Most of our influences from that age have worked themselves into Kildare, but Brookshire remains pure, remains Shireroth's heart.And it is from this day forth that I shall lead Brookshire and all its' peoples to a new Golden Era.Apollo Is Dead! Long Live Apollo!p.s. any political debate started in this thread will be promptly deleted. you've been warned.6-20-05, 11:53 PI will be gone for the next week. I will not have access to email, or to a computer of any form that has access to the internet.Unless I am very very lucky.I will be in Las Vegas, so any of you that happen to be visiting the area at the time can feel free to try to find me in the crowds of people. Chances are, you won't recognize me. Don't try.Besides, my girlfriend will be monopolizing the time I'm not spending gambling. And drinking.I will be back for about two days on 6-28-05. Please keep any and all riots, wars, political differences, myriad diseases, and random religious outbursts to a dull roar in my abscence.While I am gone, Shyriath Bukolos, effective Steward of Brookshire, shall make any administrative decisions necessary. That is, unless Zary, the real Steward of Brookshire happens to show up.That is all.7-2-05, 9:44 PI am now officially back. Yes, your loyal Duke has returned, and he has a new pet project. Two, actually.The first is Shirithian advertising. I have discussed with several other Shirithians about advertising at several webcomics. Other spots for advertising would be good too.The second is partially related to the first. It is a Shirithian webcomic entitled "Annexed! - Shirithian Tales" (thanks, Joe, for the title). I will probably start with Shyriath's "Benacian Tale/Death of a Kaiser", and then move either to "Unaimed Arrow" (with Scott's permission), or "The Siege of the Questing Stone" (depending on how much more I have written by that point).Help on either is much appreciated. The first is going to require money, unfortunately, and the second might as well, if we're going to syndicate it as a full-fledged comic.Edit 7-4-05, 11:28 PAnnexed! has now been partially scripted. Writing will begin shortly.In other news, I will begin deleting the "Unknown/Missing And Cannot Be Restored" posts tomorrow night, unless someone can think of a really really good reason why I shouldn't between now and then.Edit 7-10-05, 6:42 PDeletion of "Unknown/Missing And Cannot Be Restored" posts has begun.That is all.Edit 7-18-05, 2:30 PSummer slump is hitting hard, but let's see what we can do to start ramping up again for August, when we're scheduling release of our Shirithian advertising. Schlock Mercenary has expressed interest in our attempts to advertise (and indeed in our nation as a whole). Banners are being created and arrangements are being made.The following citizens are evicted from seats of power and from Duchal citizenship for inactivity or emigration:-SovereignVikingEmperor-Harvey The Blue-Ruhan Zarasthustra ErutirnShould they return, we will welcome them with open arms. In the meantime, we need a new Count of Goldshire and more citizens of Muad'Dib. Shyriath and I aren't gonna cut it.7-19-05, 1:46 PDoes anyone know Flash? I have come to the realization that being introduced to Shireroth can be kinda intimidating. As such, I'm working on making an introduction of sorts. Making it a flash animation would be cool, no?If not, it'll just be HTML.7-20-05, 12:09 AExhibiting wonderful timing, Zary's back! His eviction of powers and office has been retroactively restored. Welcome back.He's Count of Goldshire, Steward of Brookshire, and a citizen of Muad'Dib. And who would have thought that my fate, it would conjure this twist in the road on which I have wandered?Each vision and dream now completely dismembered, to give one's whole life and find nothing's remembered...And what good is a life that leaves nothing behind? Not a thought or a dream that might echo in timeEdited by: Fax Celestis  at: 7/20/05 0:10

Re: Notice To All Citizens Of Brookshire (Updated 7/2, 9:44

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 4:00 pm
by Kaiser Alejian I
Holy crap a bug!*smacks Fax*Oh, sorry man. just a spot on my glasses. I approve. Have a good day and as soon as I get money to burn it could be yours.