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Now that the charade is over...

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 2:29 pm
by Gryphon the Pure
and Steve has Emigrated and Eriana doesn't even -live- in Lunaris anymore...I want my Kitanus back, and you can have Lunaris back. Believe me, it will be easier for all of us. Gryphon the Pure- Shirithian Elder - Dutch of Kildare - Minister of the Interior - High Priest of Apostrophe aka Grammar Fuhrer - Director of the Shirithian Census - Imperial Advisor -q=parseInt(Math.random()*gryphSig.length);q=(isNaN(q))?0:q;document.write(gryphSig[q]);q=parseInt(Math.random()*gryphSig.length);q=(isNaN(q))?0:q;document.write(gryphSig[q]);q=parseInt(Math.random()*gryphSig.length);q=(isNaN(q))?0:q;document.write(gryphSig[q]);


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:58 am
by Unknown
(This post is missing and can not be restored)