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The foundation speech

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:23 pm
by AngelGuardian93
Outside the City of Nordagaat, inside Castle Russell.Second Homersday of VanchauslurkMidnightThe Angel Guardian stood in a sea of noblemen and upper-class buisnessmen. The castle's main banquet hall had been decorated in colorfull banners, and arrayed with flowers of all kinds. The main table stood to the side of the room now, allowing for the multitude of people. It had various upper-crust snacks on it, and many servents were about, offering the very oldest and finest of Yardistani Cider. Eventually, the ancient protector made his way to the elevated platform, and prepared to make his speech. The crowd cheered in praise, then quited in anticipation."My fellow Yardistani noblemen, and esteemed buisnessmen who have proven yourselves honourary noblemen, I bid you goodbye for the last time as a Yardistani, and hello for the first time as a Miriothan!" The crowd applauded, and he waited for it to die down. "I see many in the crowd that are not Miriothan though. I see many allies from So-Sara and from Amity, though our allies from Naudia'Divia find themselves occupied currently, they are here in spirit. I encourage you all to embrace your county heritage, though I suspect you don't need to be told that, hm?" He heard chuckles from the crowd, and continued."There are many trials for the united holy lands, but not tonight. Tonight is our night of celebration! May the fireworks light the sky so brightly, that our kindred in Istvanistan could see them, and let the cider flow freely! WE HAVE EARNED OUR PLACE IN HISTORY!"The crowd burst into thunderous applause and cheers, and many a clinking of glasses was heard. The blonde-haired baron descended from the platform and began shaking many hands and slapping many backs in congratulations. He had many concerns on his mind, like the search for Gman Russell, and Cerune's progress in Elywnn, but tonight he would cast his cares aside. This was a celebratory evening. A toast to all he loved. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Re: party-crashers.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:20 am
by AngelGuardian93
The night had progressed without any major incidents. A noblewoman from So-Sara had gotten too drunk and passed out, but other than that, good times were all that were to be found that night in the castle. He had made his way to the courtyard, and was staring at the old statue and fountain that had been the centerpiece of the courtyard for generations. It was of the family's ancient matriarch, D'arcy Russell. She was stuck in a dramatic pose, leaning to one side with her right hand covering part of her face. He lightly drifted his hand just below the surface of the waters, causing slight ripples. He allways enjoyed nights in the castle. Suddenly, he jumped lightly and looked upward towards the sky. He had heard a loud shriek coming from somewhere. Suddenly, he spotted a large bird drifting downward towards the courtyard. No... not a bird. A Phoenix. Guards came running from everywhere, but Aggy called them off, and told them to stand by. He wasn't getting any hostile feelings from the ancient creature.He looked up at the magnificent creature, and spoke out. "Hail, ancient bird of terrible power. Do you have a name?" The creature turned her head towards Aggy, and as she did, revealed her two passengers on her neck. She spoke, "Peletovitaraaua is my name, but I am not important. Ravius and Taaxa will explain our disrupting presence." Suddenly, the two passengers jumped off her neck and slid to the ground. AG approached the two and bowed lightly, but couldn't make out a clean view of their faces in the fleeting light. "Please, speak your mind. I am The Angel Guardian of Mirioth, and acting baron of the holy lands of Shireroth."Ravius couldn't help but stare at the blonde-haired man in front of him. He looked SO familiar, but as usual, the wall was ever present. It gnawed at him like a terrible hunger, but he ignored it and spoke up. "All apologies baron, but we are Hunters of the Stag, and we come seeking help!" Taaxa interupted and continued. "The Neligan have launched a terrible attack on our holy temple, and we can't last much longer! Please, we come asking for aid!" Angel quirked his eyebrows, then nodded, sensing truth from her cry of help. "My dear hunters, of course I will lend you aid. Russell Company is at your disposal. They can be ready to deploy in 24 hours." Taaxa and ravius bowed deeply. "Thank you, baron! But please, we must hurry, we don't know what state they are in right now, and the Neligan are terrible fighters." Angel nodded again, "I will see what I can do to speed up that time. In the meantime, allow my major-domo to show you to some rooms. You must be exhausted, among other things certainly." Taaxa and Ravius looked at each other, and then nodded back at Angel. "Many thanks, kind Baron." The major-domo of the castle appeared at the summon of his name, and extended an arm outward to show them to their room. Angel turned around and peered at the phoenix again. "Please, ancient one, you are welcome to stay as well. You have only to ask and it shall be done. Respect must allways be given to an ancient. Peletovitaraaua nodded her head. "Thank you, mighty Angel. I am a bit winded. Though I don't like all these eyes staring at me too much..." Angel nodded, and smiled lightly. "Then I shall drive away the eyes." He signaled to a servant, who disapeared back into the castle. Minutes later the area around the courtyard began to empty. As Ravius began to walk away, Aggy finally caught a full glimpse of what he looked like.He twitched in shock, and jumped back like he had been punched."GMAN! GMAN RUSSELL!? It CAN'T be you!"Ravius turned around with a puzzled look on his face. Angel ran towards him, and placed his hands on Ravius' shoulders and studied his face. It was extremely dirty, but there was no doubt in Aggy's mind as to who it was. "By Alejia's mercy, it is you! Where have you been this whole time?!" Ravius shook his head and backed away. "Gman... Russell? I don't know what your talking about! My name is Ravius Totarisi..." Aggy shook his head, and as gman stepped back, he stepped forward with him, still shocked. "You... don't remember... do you?" Ravius shook his head, and clutched it with clenched teeth. "Stop.. you... must have me confused... I... am... a... hunter..." Taaxa intervened and stepped in between them. She motioned for the major-domo to continue taking Ravius upstairs to their room, and then she turned around to face the baron. "Look, I don't care if you knew him in some past life or not, he's with the Hunters now, and you need to assemble your armies to help us! We'll settle whatever past you have with him later!" Aggy sneered at her, but knew she was right. Whatever reuinion he wanted to have would have to wait. In a stormy mood now, he turned around and walked to his office to begin mobilizing Russell Company... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.