Edict II-3392: Charter of Brookshire

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Edict II-3392: Charter of Brookshire

Post by Malliki »

As Duke of Brookshire, I hereby establish and ordain this


Chapter I - Territory and Basic Rules
Article 1 - The Duchy of Brookshire comprises the Barony of Dolor, the Barony of K'Tzuni, the Barony of Lakhesis, the Barony of Ynnraile and the Barony of Vorpmadal.

Article 2 - The name of each barony may be changed by the ruling Baron with consent from the Duke.

Chapter II - The Duke
Article 3 - The Duke is vested with supreme executive, legislative and judicial powers in the duchy.

Article 4 - The Duke is only subject to this Charter and imperial law. No person or entity in the Duchy may take any action that limits the supreme powers of the Duke.

Article 5 - The Duke may issue edicts concerning any aspect of Brookshire, be it political, cultural, social or any other matter.

Article 6 - All Barons are created by the Duke and must comply with any rules and limitations ordered at any time by the Duke.

Article 7 - The Duke promulgates all bills passed by the Kehl.

Article 8 - The Duke may veto any bill passed by the Kehl. A bill that has been vetoed may not be introduced again in the Kehl for two months. The Duke may also veto parts of any passed bill. The Duke must motivate each veto in the Kehl.

Chapter III - The Marquess of Goldshire
Article 9 - The Duke may, at any time, create a Brookshirian noble of baronial or higher rank Marquess of Goldshire.

Article 10 - Marquess of Goldshire is a non-landed title.

Article 11 - The Marquess is the designated heir to the throne of Brookshire, and shall succeed the ruling Duke upon his abdication or death.

Article 12 - The Marquess shall act as Steward of Brookshire when the Duke is on a declared leave of absence or when the Duke has not posted or replied to any normal mean of communication for 48 hours.

Article 13 - The Marquess may not repeal or amend any edict, save for edicts issued by the Marquess.

Article 14 - The Marquess shall chair the meetings of the Kehl, tally votes and keep order.

Chapter IV - The Kehl
Article 15 - Sec are granted to the Kehl.

Article 16 - All barons of Brookshire are considered Lords of the Kehl and are allowed to suffix their titles with the abbreviation LK.

Article 17 - The Kehl may pass bills and resolutions. Bills are acts that establish law within the Duchy. Resolutions are acts that communicates the opinion of the Kehl on certain issues. Resolutions do not establish law.

Article 18 - The Kehl may not take any action that violates this Charter, an edict or imperial law.

Article 19 - Every baron must have an equal voice in the Kehl.

Article 20 - The Kehl is free to make its own rules of procedure without interference from the Duke.

Chapter V - Amending the Charter
Article 21 - This Charter may be amended by the Duke at any time.

Article 22 - This Charter may be amended by a majority of all the Lords of the Kehl, and consent from the Duke.

Signed this Gahqday, the 25th of Vanchauslurk, 3392 ASC.

[Edited Article 22, majority rule and wording]
His Grace the Lord Brookshire, LK GMNS
Arbiter, Imperial Judex
Duke of Brookshire, Baron of Lakhesis
Knight of the Dragon
Fan of SOAD


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