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Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:09 am
by Kaiser Yarad I
How are you actually going to go anywhere?? I've walked at least four kilometres today, and that was just on campus..

Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:43 am
by Osman Shahanshah
Lazy git.

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:20 am
by Bill3000
Shrivel and die. I have flat feet, and am overweight. It's a horrible combination on my feet, even with orthotics. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothBaron of AntyaProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:24 am
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
Be happy you weren't with us Saturday. We walked to the wrong side of manhattan. ________________It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word.-Andrew Jackson

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:27 am
by Bill3000
I know, but still, my limbs are still aching today. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothBaron of AntyaProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:46 am
by AngelGuardian93
I funny decree... hehe... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:22 pm
by Osman Shahanshah
Stop whinnging I have a beer belly worthy of a pregnant cow (were pregnant cows to have beer bellies) but I used to walk into town to go to uni everyday... come to think of it, now I work and drive everywhere its piling back on but I'm not walking half way across East Anglia every day just to loose a couple of stone. Edited by: Osman Shahanshah  at: 10/17/05 14:24

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:21 pm
by Shyriath
My limbs ache as well, although I like to tell myself it's from sleeping on floors and in buses rather than being horribly out of shape myself.

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:05 pm
by Kaiser Yarad I
I'm both underweight and horribly unfit. At least I don't have to spend much money to get merrily tipsy..

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:26 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
when my dad was overweight, dying and crippled, on days when he could stand, he would walk. If you feel an icy chill...the Conglacio is amongst you

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:35 pm
by Gryphon the Pure
Quote:At least I don't have to spend much money to get merrily tipsy..I never thought of it that way, but that's a terribly good point. Scion of the Mog Kaiser

Re: Re decree 1

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:11 am
by Kaiser Yarad I
I've had a year or two to give it much dedicated thought. In Ireland we spend a good deal of time musing over alcohol and its nature. Others call it navel-gazing. Luckily most Irishmen have a pint in the way so they don't have to go down that far..