Control of Destiny


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Control of Destiny

Post by Bill3000 »

Yes, you heard it right. I'm actually working on Control of Destiny 1, th game that started it all. (By all, I mean both the culture of the game, Soloralism, et cetera, and stuff.)The game is being made in RM2k3. Managed to finally get good non-RTP chipsets, so the game will look better than CoD2.The story: In 360 ASC, it is the Golden Age of Jasonia. As people from the war-torn nation of Audentior immigrate to Jasonia, some of the former provinces of Audentior have chose to be annexed into Jasonia. Jason Steffke, the President of Jasonia, goes to Kajar for the Hyperborean Fair, a celebration marking the recent passage of the bill to annex Hyperboea. Meeting up with his good friend and former Demesosian, Bill Dusch, the two goes to see an exhibit by Bill's younger brother, Matt, an inventor. However, tragedy occurs and Matt is transported over 100 years earlier. Jason and Bill travel to the past to save him, but that would jus be the start of an adventure to save Micras through time and space from an event that would have destroyed all hope for humanity. The adventuring micronationalists would learn how to Control their Destiny.- Created with RM2k3- AP system for magic/techs, double tech system- Humor and nations of the past adapted from micronationalism- Manipulate time and see your effects on the world- See the beginnings of the Soloralist culture by seeing how Apollonia changed throughout the ages- 8 playable characters spread throughout six different time periods(..yeah, not exciting, but I'm not good at that type of stuff. By the way, yes, the general plot was stolen from Chrono Trigger; in fact, this was the original point of CoD. However, it's much more than that now.) Bill Dusch - Pissing off all of Shireroth, One citizen at a timeQuillan Fatebane, 65th Paladin, Lanys Tvy'l Server (EQ1)Quillan Umbarcotumo, 37th Paladin, Innothule Server (EQ2)Proud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'As for... Quil, to be honest many of us have wondered about [him] for some time now. The real question might be why he LEFT the lance there.' - Areania, on how Quillan (Bill in EQ1) let Trombonius 'sit' on his lance"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);



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