Decree K-3

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Daniel Farewell
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Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:49 am

Decree K-3

Post by Daniel Farewell »

Decree K-3 (3903)
DANIEL, Duke Kalirion of Cape Farewell and Patron of the House of Kalir, Guardian of Elwynn's Heart, to all and sundry I bid greetings:

Some weeks ago, we discussed an emblem for the House of Kalir. With collaboration and input from most of the Kalirion, a design sprang forth. As such, by this third decree Kalirion, I order that the emblem of the House shall be as they it has been blazoned by the learned Shyriath Bukolos.

Arms: On an almondine shield of blue field, a white border; in chief a white snowflake and in base a white orchid (Notylia wullschlaegeliana).
Motto: In black Hyperborean lettering upon the border, the words Vaenion Kalirion Lirikoth upon the left, and iur mel akazadal kothal upon the right.

Done at Cape Farewell on Rasday, this second day of Agnifiero, MMMCMIII.



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