Thoughts regarding the name

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Daniel Farewell
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Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Daniel Farewell »

(ATTN SCOTT: correct me if I'm mistaken)

The name of the House is the House of Kalir.

Each member of the House is allowed to use the surname Kalirion (as the last name) without any preposition (as Kalirion means "(descendent) of Kalir".

So I could be like... "Daniel Farewell Kalirion" officially that is...

I chose to have "Farewell" in my name as it comes from Cape Farewell where my home is.

Why don't you follow the same idea?

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Oh, this is a complicated one. Feel free to ignore the rest of this post, as it's nerdy concultury stuff.

There are two Hyperborean languages in common use, Kadhamic and Kalasperelin. Kalasperelin is the older and the more commonly spoken. Kadhamic is an in-game conlang invented by prophet/reformer Kadham Ragum, who was trying to develop a language in which it was impossible to speak unclear or misleading thoughts as part of his program to create good government. For a few centuries after Kadham's death, everyone was really into Kadhamic, and everyone who was anyone spoke it as their main language. Eventually, Kalasperlin, the demotic, took back over for everyday life, and Kadhamic was relegated to a ritual language used for philosophical discussion, political debate, and proceedings of government.

The two systems have quite different naming conventions. For example, Kadham Ragum's name is usually written in Kadhamic, but in Kalasperelin it would be Kadmi Ragumion. The -ion identifies it as sort of like a last name. It's a combination of the "mac" in "mac Niall" and the "the" in Alexander the Great, in that it identifies either patronyms, nicknames, or both.

The word "kalir" means polar bear in both Kadhamic and Kalasperelin. As a family name, it identifies descendants of Authi Kalirion, supposedly descended from polar bears, but in the Kadhamic era it became "Kalir" rather than "Kalirion". It's since reverted back to "Kalirion" along with the rest of the language, but during the era of Kaiser Los I, it was "Kalir" (see for example Kalir Sethan, I don't know why the name is reversed any more than you) and that got recorded as the bloodline, so the Kaiserial line is officially "Kalir" in the Shirerithian records, but usually called "Kalirion" in Hyperborea itself.

tl;dr: Your plan to make the house name "Kalir" and let us use "Kalirion" at the end of our names sounds a whole lot better than the convoluted stuff I came up with.

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Daniel Farewell »


Cool! That sorta makes sense, and it's got a lot of history to it.

Though, in-game, we could have it such that in Elwynn proper (incl. Cimmeria and Bjorngard) they don't speak either Kalasperelin or Kadhamic, but rather other languages (Babkhi, Elw, Elfinshi stuff) so they interpreted the whole thing as Kalir as a bloodline/house name with Kalirion as the "descendant/child/whatever of Kalir". Cheers!

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Kaiser Mors VI
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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

So.. I use Kalir for imperial stuff?
Kaiser Mors VI,
Head of House Mortis.

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Daniel Farewell »

Think it of as Sweden.

"Kingdom of Sweden" - "Sweden" - "a Swede"
"House of Kalir" - "Kalir" - "a Kalirion"

I wonder how we'd adjectivize the name. Kalirian?

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Well, if the house name is Kalir, Kalirion is already adjectivey enough. If the house name were Kalirion, I think the adjective would be Kaliranyan.

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Re: Thoughts regarding the name

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Further research has discovered why the name got reversed in "Kalir Sethan" and has refined my theory about the difference between "Kalir" and "Kalirion".

According to genealogical records from the time of Kaiser Hasan, the line of Kalir actually begins with Kalir Sethan, the half-Hyperborean son of a member of the line of Raynor. His descendants, calling themselves Kalirion, are referring to but not genetically related to the earlier line of Kalirion. However, there is some evidence that Sethan may have been related to Kaye Kalirion on his mother's side. However, as far as I know the Chief Geneologist never got the money he requested to continue his researches.


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