Lying in State

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

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Lying in State

Post by andelarion »

The death of the Kaiser had troubled Andelarion deeply. It not only shook the Empire, but himself as well. He was the one who had stood at the podium outside the Imperial Palace at Shirekeep, telling the people of one of the greatest empires the World had seen, with tears in his eyes, that his beloved Kaiser had died. He had been forced to accept the throne of Shireroth quickly. He had announced his acceptance to comply with the late kaiser´s last will and decree, that he himself should take on and ascend the mango throne.

As he had announced this message to the crowd gathered outside the palace, the crowd seemed perplexed. Somehow, without Andelarion knowing, they had assumed that the heir would have been a person of a different character - someone older, more experienced, someone that the Gods had bya deal with the Kaiser himself declared heir.

It was all too much for him. He had been in his mansion at Cape Farewell for a long time before the time had come for Hasan to leave, cared for by doctors and nurses from all around the world. He had been ill, away, and unknowing of the affairs of the day, while keeping his thoughts and his dreams with the foundations and traditions of the Shirerithian realm.

After the death of the Kaiser, Andelarion took to the country. Everyone was hunting him down. What should he do? In a sense, what he thought, it was cowardice, just escaping like that. But it seemed right. He had to leave for a while, he needed to think.
Now Andelarion was in Shirekeep again, alone in one of the pillar halls of the palace where Hasan the First lay in state. The body was all pale and he looked peaceful, tranquil, almost at peace while the imperial republic was in turmoil.

Here was Andelarion who, by law, was proclaimed Kaiser. But he was a Kaiser without a people, without a country and without a supposed divine right to rule. In a different section of the very same palace, Jacobus could be found. That man had apparently been promised by a union of Hasan the Gods of Might that he was to rule the empire.

Andelarion was confused and sad. Confused because of all the events surrounding the death of Hasan (how had he died, why had he died, who killed him, did he kill himself?), of all the things about succession, the legality, the divinity, the... morality! Sad, because of the death of his friend, and his own feeling of despair. He didn´t know what to do.

To not acknowledge his mentor´s will would be to betray Hasan and himself, but to acknowledge Jacobus as Kaiser would in a way be just, as he had the support of the people, the dukes, and he seemed to have the rights on his own side. But why did Andelarion know nothing of this? How had he missed it? And what should he do?

"My Lord?" Andelarion spoke.

He imagined a response from the cold body next to him. He let himself imagine a whole conversation with his late friend, mentor and lord. But no answer did actually come.

He walked to the wonderful windows, facing north. It was night, and a summer´s night unknown for him, as all was dark. At Cape Farewell summer nights were bright. It granted him some sense of peace, the darkness and the stars. Beyond the north Elwynn resided, at Yaanek mount.

"May she grant you peace, my Lord. May the Sun bless you, for beyond the Sun lies Ennabruk. One day, Sire, we shall meet there and dine among the gods!"

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Kaiser Hasan I
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

"Don't worry old friend, they accused me of betraying you before this day. Let them parade in false crowns the same way they parade the laws uot;

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Loki II »

Here's some chains to rattle. You may as well get the shtick together. :kaiser
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Re: Lying in State

Post by andelarion »

Andelarion leaned over the body of Hasan. He was going to kiss the forehead of the late Kaiser as he heard the words uttered in his head. "He speaks!" Either that or Andelarion was going mad. Jacobus had several times declared Hasan mentally ill during his last few hours of life. The decree..., the situation... the killing. Was it suicide? Was it? Had the malady of Hasan spread to himself?

Yet the words of Hasan echoing in his head gave Andelarion comfort. They were sweet, warm and caring. Hasan couldn't have killed himself. Never would he have done such a thing. So, Hasan was in his head. Somehow the words... echoed... He had to do something.

He stepped out of the halls, outside of which a group of young men were standing guard. As Andelarion approached them, the guards did not rise to attention. "I seem to be no Kaiser here." He decided to talk to them, but around other issues.

"What are the arrangements regarding the kaiser´s funeral?"

"Sir," the most senior began. "A member of the Kalir clan is claim him, sir!"

And there it was. And Andelarion knew. He was going to claim the body. His ancestors had come to Hyperborerom Hurmu, when Elwynn was under Hyperborean domionion. He remembered that one of his grandfathers had married a woman of Kalir descent. So they belonged to the same family.

"I see, thank you."

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

"One last word, Vengeance is mine, and only I know where it is hidden. Without the sword, there is no Kaiser, But here friend, let me lead you to it"

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Malliki »

"Walk towards the light..."
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Erik Mortis »

He stashed the sword... crafty...

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

Was hoping you'd side with that. Loki can crown himself all he likes, but the true identifier of the Throne is the Sword of Vengeance.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Erik Mortis »

You do have a point there. Crowns come and go...But the Sword of Vengeance is the sign of the Kaisership... You did your homework on this.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Aye, But don't forget I have been hanging around this place since about 2002. I did pick somethings up.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Erik Mortis »

Shit man... that long?

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

That long. I learned about Shireroth through the independent Hyperborea (I think) and I learned about Hyperborea through the Fireball. I think I also petitioned Shireroth while a member of the PRNSE, which was an odd thing to do, because I didn't know about the Atteran connections. At some point I started trying to delve into culture, but it was interrupted by a 4 year break from the hobby.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Erik Mortis »

We had Atteran connections? I mean.. aside from knowing they existed and not caring about their conflicts with others...

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

I thought you did? Maybe I was wrong. I had assumed that everyone who supported the Free Citizens was Apollo. At the time it was not known that Shireroth did not consider itself Apollo. We also assumed anyone who supported the Free Citizens supported Zhukov who was an Atteran. Ofcourse those who posted in "Bunker #2" did not reveal their names so it was difficult to determine who was who.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

Duke Hasan Kalir wrote:That long. I learned about Shireroth through the independent Hyperborea (I think) and I learned about Hyperborea through the Fireball. I think I also petitioned Shireroth while a member of the PRNSE, which was an odd thing to do, because I didn't know about the Atteran connections. At some point I started trying to delve into culture, but it was interrupted by a 4 year break from the hobby.
You were in the PRNSE? Wowzers... I first got into this whole sphere by joining Fox's spin-off successor state (Soviet Empire) in late '02... must've just missed you.

Come to think of it, I've been piddling around Shireroth for nearly 5 years myself... surprising considering I retain a certain n00bishness.
Sir Krasniy Yastreb Ly'Piscator, KcOMI
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Yeah the Soviet Empire was technically a successor state to New Rodina which was a successor to The Soviet Republic of Bristol. William Howard and I attempted to keep the micronational side of the house alive, I was President and Howard was GenSec. I resigned after that when it was obvious the country was dead. That was when I moved to Babkha. Helped Koba and occasionally Fox with alot of projects after that though.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Erik Mortis »

I honestly don't really recall anymore. I didn't care about power play politicking between nations then.. and don't know... So half the time I don't know what is going on.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

Good old Koba... he was the only micronationalist that ever approached Ardy in sheer refined Machiavellianism.
Sir Krasniy Yastreb Ly'Piscator, KcOMI
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

He once bet me I couldn't take down Varja. He had a thing against it because of Hubert/El Dorni. I had a thing against it because of Sirithil. I won the bet and destroyed it. But didn't realize the implications, and Zarathustra was really really angry as a result.

None the less, that was during the "Yuriism" days.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Erik Mortis wrote:We had Atteran connections? I mean.. aside from knowing they existed and not caring about their conflicts with others...
Maybe he was thinking of Eoin?
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

No I was sure it was Erik. Maybe I was thinking Tymaria, When did the GUB occur? just prior to Tymaria wasn't it?

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Re: Lying in State

Post by andelarion »

Ah memories :)

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Duke Hasan Kalir wrote:No I was sure it was Erik. Maybe I was thinking Tymaria, When did the GUB occur? just prior to Tymaria wasn't it?
Nah, it's not quite *that* historical :p. The GUB went from January 2002 to April 2002, Tymaria from October 2001 to September 2002.
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Hmm I knew I had spoken to Erik on AIM by the time Tymaria came around, because I was working for SAVAK at that point trying to see what I could figure out via the Free Republic. So that must have been it.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Ayreon »

Andelarion heard yet a few words of Hasan´s in his head. Hasan spoke of the Sword of Vengeance, the true Sword of all Kaisers of the Empire since the very dawn. Legend had it that the evil dæmon of Rrakanychan was severely wounded by Raynor the first, of whom Alarion considered to be the successor.

But he was still a Kaiser without the sword, without a nation´s support. Though he was granted the support of the Imperial Judex, the Prophet of the traditional gods brought forward a paradox. On one hand we had the supreme word of law, on whose side Andelarion seemed to represent, and on the other a divine agreement.

Andelarion walked out of the imperial palace. Still the forces of Jacobus had not arrested him or subjected him to some bad treatment. He was free to roam around. "Nobody is hunting you", Jacobus had promised him. And for that, he was grateful.

In the gardens of the palace, Andelarion found himself standing on the Rainbow Bridge, a beautifully constructed stone bridge over a small stream, thinking about himself and his future, about the death of his mentor and the death which all mortals one day will reach. "After I die," he thought for himself, "will I be remembered as a Kaiser upholding law, or an anti-Kaiser hated by all, by gods and prophets throughout the land?"


Some hours later, Andelarion was in the palace again. It still felt cold and strange to be there, but if he was the Kaiser, then there he would reside, reign and rule. In a few hours, friends and supporters of Andelarion were to come.
He tried to find a quiet quarter of the palace where they wouldn´t be disturbed.

They came early, earlier than expected. Hugs and kisses, warm embraces. When they all gathered in a quiet room, where the were no windows and the only lighting was candles, Andelarion spoke.

"I, Aradas Audon Andelarion Arsalani, Baron of the Elw, Count of Eliria and Utasia, do accept the throne of Shireroth, as Ayreon, Kaiser of Shireroth."

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Loki II »

Nobody is hunting andelarion, but there is one Kaiser in Shireroth, and that's me.

Anti-Kaisers are fun when the intent is humor, not sedition. Please alter your log-in, and live in peace.

As for the Sword of Vengeance, well, the late Hasan was only a mortal, and the Sword is semidivine. The Gods will reveal where he hid it when the gods will it.
Loki II, Kaiser of Shireroth
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Your assumptions border on obscene. Kaiser Ayreon has the support of two Dukes and the rule of law. And never assume what the gods would do. Kaiser Ayreon is the legal Kaiser of Shireroth, you are merely a criminal.
Last edited by Hesam Jayatar on Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Jonas »

A criminal that get the support of three Duchies then.

Long live Kaiser Loki II!
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Lying in State

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Your criminal only has support of two Duchies. Brookshire has claimed nutrality.

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Re: Lying in State

Post by Kaiser Loki II »

The late Kaiser made promises to gain the throne, and broke them on leaving it.

Liars forfiet their legitimacy. I prefer to think him mad.
Loki II, Kaiser of Shireroth
The Awaited One, Bearer of the Sword
Traditional King of the Mala'anje
Former Vryheer of Maraguo

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