A H47 appears once more

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

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h4773r's Herald
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A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

"MY Lord Kaiser, Oh great Mors The Fifth, Your Niftyness!

As a re-immigrated citizen I humbly ask for a County, as is customary to be granted to Citizens, so that i may properly begin to exercise my powers in the name of the Mango throne.

Upon my return, as you may know, i have been appointed Sheriff of Lac Glacei, etc . . and am also anxious to get back to my previous histories and rectifying them to fit into the larger legacy of our nation.

I would also like to inquire what happened to the Upper/Lower Lunaris, Alexandretta, Elsinar . . . basically all the "1st age (i do love benkerns chronology)" of Vorpmadal's archives?

I looked through a chunk of the Archived threads as well as the subdivisions, OH! i found some of Alexandretta, thats nice . . but still cant find much of my -county- work and would like to justify it or supplant it at some point.

I await helpful replies as i KNOW they are forthcoming, your humble servant . . .
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

Well... Alexandretta is and Lunaris are in Brookshire now... I think their forums are too. I don't know about the other.

What County do you want?

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

a HA! i did locate all my old topics and the like in the appropriate barony, within the appropriate duchy . . . I will Post a topic accordingly that leads into new stories, once my new lands are setteled . . .

which brings me to my next inquiries, (hopefully jacobus takes a peak at this . .)

1. Could Lower and Upper Lunaris be joined together once more into Greater Lunaris, as per Eriana and mine own wishes, although it was once its own duchy, and then split, worked on by one of my counts and myself, we both felt that a rejoining would be Superb. Just a simple request. (see THIS POST! )

2. As Sheriff of the new territories, according to Jacobus the Imperator of said lands, I would like to assist in the redistribution and cataloging of our more distant holdings, maybe giving some areas to other Duchies. perhaps division's beyond Duchy? Truly, all this new land/historical inheritance is a momentous event and I would love to help formulate titles for such a beast.
AND, as mentioned before in the landsdraad (i beleive) we should start to reach out to other micronations and establish the boundaries in terms of land and/or histories.

3. My own County: Really, i would like to be count of Greater Lunaris, (in a perfect Micro-universe) but i feel i have asked or implied so much as it is i would TOTALLY understand if your Niftyness is disinclined to approve.
Regardless of county i am actually given i will ask that it be placed in Barony Vorpmadal within Duchy Yardistan for these are the divisions i feel most welcome and most drawn to.
(saw your note somewhere about wanting to have more cohesive and intuitive division-ing i.e. "X" county, within -Holy lands- , within Yardistan, i understand, i would probably wish to do the same)
Should Your Niftyness be loath to go forth with the Greater Lunaris idea, i would like to be appointed count of one of the New areas, one preferably with little-to no history, so that i may take up where i left off with Upper Lunaris and begin to Mold whatever i find into what i will design.

*takes a breath and waits for Kaiser to start talking before continuing further*
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

I'm not gonna merge them for reasons of I like how the baronies are balanced right now in Brookshire. If you want one of the Lunarises, you can have it. But it would be part of Brookshire. If you want a Yardistani County, ask the Duke of Yardistan what is free, and I'll grant it.

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
Duke of Brookshire
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Jacobus Loki
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Can we promote LG&C to a county?
Jacobus Loki
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

actually, we could probably leave LG as a county adn split Cognito as its mass is about the size of two of our counties . . . eh eh?

OR!!!! combine LG and the section of Cognito with Ergo Sum AND grant me the remainder as my county so i may do what i wish with it . .

ALSO, is the Duke of Yardistan Jacobus or Benkern, at this point? I R a bit confusled, but wither way i thinhk we are NEAR a solution.

i understand Jacobus is on a LOAthingy, and will patiently wait for relevant parties to post. right Oh!
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

It's Jacobus.

I can't do anything with LG&C due to it not actually being on the map...

Mortis Mercator V,
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

*small grumble* does it say anywhere what we actually have on the map and what is just "story" that we now own? or is this gonna be a hit and miss as we go, thing?

i think someone mentioned somewhere that as we acquire land we can throw the stories on them, and thats great, but id like to focus on land our nation is recognized as having, and begin contributing further to whatever area ive been given.

SO! id love to be count of any county we ACTUALLY own in the newly acquired territories, and have it dropped into Vorpmadal. thank you.
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
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Liam conToketi
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Liam conToketi »

Kaiser Mors V wrote:I can't do anything with LG&C due to it not actually being on the map...
Thanks to yours truly :p

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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

That can get you linched around here...

LG&C is the only land I know of that we claim, but don't have on the map...

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

*bump* for whoever the new Kaiser or for the steward perhaps . . . .

*holds hand over eyes and points randomly at the "mango map" * I pick . .That one!

huh . . thats not QUITE what i had in mind *finger landed on islands, how -original- Dr. Dolittle (the good one with Rex Harrison, not that inner city outreach movie they made recently, although amusing, pales in comparison to "William Shakespeare X" telling them they will "die the death of a thousand screams" damn, now i gotta go dig out my VHS tapes) ONE LONG TANGENT LATER *

how bout! we section off these areas, and i would like to be Count of the yellow/white/brown outlined area, AND, are those little islands to the east part of Jaris or the aforementioned section? AAANNDD!! where might i find info on these areas from before our annexation/liberation?

map link---- http://www.geocities.com/t3h_h4773r/reforming.PNG
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Braden Indianensis »

I don't really know how you can hold lands in fief which aren't even territory of Shireroth...
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Andreas the Wise »

You realise basically all the brown is the land we DON'T hold ...
Is the current map of the world, showing our holdings, and all the bits we can't hold.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Erik Mortis »

A sorrow to be sure.

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

SO!! how does one go about aquireing new lands with the greater approval? im in a Yardistani mood and seek to annex lands . .

The Late Kaiser Mors V wished to maintain the divisions as they are, and seeing as all the Yardistani lands are either active or claimed by friends of mine i think id like to start poking into that region to our west of mainland, or even that chunk above hyperborea, ill take an artict county, i love the cold . anywhay, what do i do?

begin edit: never mind, i went over to the mcs board, looked about, and it hurt my brain a lil, like, if someone wants to baby step me through it, sure. but never mind, ill check around a bit more on our lands . . .
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
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Kaiser Jayatar
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Jayatar »

Don't worry, I will be using the same strategy I used in Babkha to ensure that Shireroth gains all of its lands back without any reprocussions. Further more, I would like to see any unoccupied land on the map be considered Apollo Foundation lands until such a time as someone claims them. This way we don't have the silly green bits everywhere.

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Don't worry, I will be using the same strategy I used in Babkha to ensure that Shireroth gains all of its lands back without any reprocussions
Good good. One good thing to come out of Babkha at least I suppose. Will that include everywhere which used to be Shirereithan, from Lothlaria to Lac Glacei?

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Kaiser Jayatar »

Yes, its largest expansion.

Don't get me wrong, it took 6 months to get Babkha to where it was, it will take Shireroth quite a while as well. But I'm confident it can be done.

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Liam conToketi »

I'm sorry, but retaking all of Shireroth's former lands means taking 95% of Gralus, and I will never allow that.

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

I suppose we're due for an expansion anyway given our rising activity ;)

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Liam conToketi wrote:I'm sorry, but retaking all of Shireroth's former lands means taking 95% of Gralus, and I will never allow that.
Definetely agreed. Not to mention another half was Antican lands (before they de-expanded) and is now where Riponia was just moved too ...
Without even considering that the MCS would never allow Shireroth the full lands its ever held at any time. I'd suggest just taking the bits that we want that are green, small bits at a time, and seeing how much we can get away with before MCS says "Right, no more land."
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Liam conToketi
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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by Liam conToketi »

They're already saying that now. A few months ago they were calling for another bout of taking our land.

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Re: A H47 appears once more

Post by h4773r's Herald »

well, as indicated on my post, i left the expansion idea alone, because i had proclaimed in a previous post that no matter how much land we had, we would make it work.
ALSO!, see ...HERE!...

i appreciate Hesam's eager reply.

I also LOVE the idea of gross expansion and reclimation, ESPECIALLY! if a new citizen wants a "blank slate" or a more veteran wants to retouch on old haunts.

i DO disagree, however, with bullying out perfectly good small nations (who arent jerks) who are just trying to get established in Micras or are perhaps floundering due to troubles that any micronation are prone too (such as low activity for an extended amount of time, a horrid thing that we are afflicted with from time to time).

OR claiming expanses of the map that could be better served by being granted to new or small countries who DO have the population to expand.

just to clarify.
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
A.C.E and P.h.D. in M.U.K.T.A.S.E.N.

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