Style of Subdivision

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Kaiser Ometeotl I
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Style of Subdivision

Post by Kaiser Ometeotl I »

Okey.. with the compleye failure of my thought process in I had some alternate ideas.

Create the Divine Mandate of the Machine God, with people's help. Then instead of full counties, we just have cities/metropolitan areas. Then people could show how their city manifest the Mandate, and how it interacts with other cities, and other subdivisions..etc.

Counties got large and unwieldy, so I rather not have them personally. More accurately, they were isolating. People just went into their county and ignored everyone else. So if a subdivision could do away with counties, and create a unified central theme, and just explore that theme together, it might help break up that sense of isolation. At the very least, make everyone work in the same forum. Or people can just start fleshing out various parts of the "duchy" but no so much that they are completely tied to that area. Just pick a small area, a few hundred miles, not the massive counties we used to have, and describe that are, put it on the map. Explain the local culture, and how it manifests the mandate...etc.

I don't know. I'd like to break free of isolated people, and try to build up the community with this subdivision. Maybe we can become the technicians of the empire. Brookshire used to be known for its political prowess, long ago. Maybe we can be known for our technilogical prowess. Programming, maps, graphics.. etc. Then we could encourage the refounding of Goldshire as a beacon of emotional expression, art, music, etc, as a counter point to our technological skills.
Kildare was once known as the military Duchy. Most MoMAs came from Kildare for a few years, it was the strongest military oriented people... I think much of that lives on.

So yeah. I'd like to create a technological "duchy" in both fiction and reality, that came go out and help the other duchies, help be part of the fabric the binds everyone together.

//end of ramble. (I'm doing that a lot tonight. It's helping me vent stress. )

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