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Treaty with Universalis [3392 ASC]

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:23 pm
by Allot
Treaty of New Montauk
The Technocracy of Universalis
The Imperial Republic of Shireroth

Whereas our two nations possess a common heritage in Tapfer, Demesos, etc,

And seeing that our two nations share an interest in the pursuit of space travel,

The nations of the Technocracy of Universalis and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth hereby enter into a state of mutual friendship and cooperation under the following conditions:

1. Both signing parties recognize and support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the other.
2. Each party will support the other in their endeavors to promote space exploration as a legitimate and noble enterprise among nations.
3. Citizens of each party shall enjoy full visitor status within the territory of each party.
4. Neither party shall engage in hostile actions against the other. Furthermore, intelligence pertaining to the security of the other signing party shall be shared.
5. The Starfleet of Universalis and the space corps of Shireroth shall enter into a state of cooperation. Facilities of either organization shall be made available to vessels and personnel in the event of emergencies or otherwise approved circumstances.

Signed, for Shireroth
Kaiser Loki III

Signed, for Universalis
Chairman Ryan