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This summit

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:12 am
by Kaiser Malarbor I
Hello, and welcome to the Summit At The Tree, a gathering of micronationalists from all over the Small Commonwealth and several places beyond. The purpose of this summit is to discuss various subjects of interest and controversy mostly regarding the Small Commonwealth - though you're free to bring up any micronational subject that you like - and, if necessary, begin the process of drafting treaties and amendments for the Small Commonwealth to consider passing.

Note that this summit is not in any way an official Small Commonwealth conference. It's something that's held on Shirithian land, using Shirithian rules (i.e. any micronationalist can speak and open up discussions freely here), by invitation of the Kaiser of Shireroth. Any nation could hold a conference like this anywhere, the only reason it happens to be here close to the Small Commonwealth forum is that that's simply convenient.

This conference will go on for two weeks or as long as there is discussion, whichever's longer. I have opened up several threads on topics that should be of interest to Small Commonwealth member nations. Please feel free to comment and open up new discussions as necessary. :)