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Letter to Oz

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:54 am
by RicLyon
Dear Friend,It's shocking that we are hearing this over the news networks before official channels bother to inform us but I believe that you now know that the Anticans have forced themselves into Musica. I ask that you send the dragons to attack the Anticans, while the rest of your troops rest in Shirekeep. Yours,Andelarion,Lord of Farewell and Baron of Elwynn and Lac GlaceiSummary: Asks the Halluci forces to attack the Anticans in Musica with dragons. Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti

Re: Letter to Oz

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:10 am
by Sebastien Alexandre
In a reply note:20 of Hallucinations greatest fliers now lay grounded, slain before the hands of Anticans. Beware, the Howitzer cannons of the Dinarch.Today is a sad day for Halluci

Re: Letter to Oz

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:36 am
by RicLyon
Upon hearing the news on the fate of his Halluci friends, the baron feels guilt. He didn't know that the defeat was to be that great, and that many of the brave dragons were slain. "I hate wars" he sighed for himself, making a mess of all the papers in his office. "Why do the Yardistanis have to be so evil. We must fight their terror back! Why did they bring in foreign nations into this? Why?"The endless questions of why haunted him for the rest of the day. He tried to remind himself that each side of a war always looses something. "There's never a victor" he remembered that he had learnt in Hurmu school in the middle of chilly winter by the lakes. "There's never a victor in war. War is always bad, always evil. Both sides lose."He tried to think about possible outcomes for the war. Occupation? Another genocide in Elwynn, but this time on the Ardashirian population? What about Lac Glacei? There are no defences there. Nothing. Everything the barony has is protecting Elwynn and the larger concentrations of Ardashirian people."But what if" another question in Ric's head started, "what if the Yardistanis are not after revenge on the Ardashirians, but after sadistic pleasure too? Will they kill my people? Will they go into Lac Glacei and threaten to kill the people there? The Lakeside people are peaceful - they have never had anything to do with the Elven genocide."Ric's only hopes were that should the Yardistanis occupy Elwynn, they'll only do what they come for, and nothing else, unless he could protect his people."I'm no good at this" he thought. "I can't do this. I can't coordinate a war, if Elwynn loses the responsibility will be on me. I'll be scapegoat. And I know nothign of war."He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to block his negative feelings away. "We need to win this war. It is about the life and death about my people" the baron tried to remind himself. "Don't think about the whatifs. Think about protecting the people to the uttermost."A servant entered the room, asking his master if he should bring tea and sandwiches. After receiving a nod from the baron, he turned around and walked out again. He came back after five minutes."My Lord" the servant began. "Is there anything I can do for you?"Ric shook his head. "Just send this letter to Ozarka and his troops."On the letter only the words "Sadly noted. Fare well, and fight well." was written down. Ric didn't have the mind of writing anything elaborate or emotional. He had just learnt what war really is. He needed to stop being a coward and act as a leader for his people.But how, he didn't know.

Re: Letter to Oz

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:46 pm
by osmose1000
Moose sat at his desk on the currently-landed Bakery/Gargantuan. In front of him was a letter that he had spent the last hour writing. It was a message to the Baron of Elwynn about the war. Although Moose himself was not participating, he had many Engineers and other men of his own going on to the fight. Rather, he would serve as a distant commander, the overseer of the Yardistani forces, partnered with the Republic of Anticans and the Benecians.He looked over the letter, re-read it several times, and made sure that it conveyed the message perfectly. After thirty minutes of deep thought, he finally slipped the message into an envelope, sealed it with his crest, and gave it to his personal Engineer, Grit."Make sure this gets to the Baron Ric."The contents of the letter are as follows:Quote:j00 4r3 g0i|\|g 2 g3t pwn3d They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...Edited by: osmose1000  at: 10/7/05 13:47

Re: Letter to Oz

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:45 pm
by RicLyon
It was around evening now, and Andelarion still sat in his office. He hadnÂ’t been sleeping since the war started. All his servants told him to sleep, and he appreciated that, but it was impossible. He had tried several times. And the letter from the Yardistani duke didnÂ’t help either. If Elwynn were to get pwn3d, then the Yardistanis would invade the land without any sense of honour or dignity. Massacres would be inevitable.He decided not to show his dark feelings to anybody, and made sure not to dignify the Yardistani dukeÂ’s message by a reply. Out of worry for how the Yardistanis might attack and invade the land, Andelarion decided to make sure that all the bridges over the rivers Elwynn were to be destroyed. If possible, any bridges to Shirekeep too. The Yardistanis may deface the Imperial capital too. And for Ozarka, Andelarion thought, after his sad defeat heÂ’s going to have to keep a garrison at Shirekeep (so that he can be safe for the time being) and only act on either mine or ArdashirÂ’s orders. For now.Andelarion now realized that if he had to lead this war, then he would need to be fit and healthy to do so. He went to bed and slept.Summary: Bridges over the River Elwynn are to be destroyed. Ozarka is responsible for destroying the bridges leading to Shirekeep, and to have a garrison there.

Re: Letter to Oz

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:02 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
Oz sighed.... a single tear ran down his cheek as the remaining dragons burnt the bridges to Shirekeep

New troops down

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:06 am
by RicLyon
After discussions over the telegraph with the Amir of Elwynn, Andelarion decided that Elwynn needed to toughen up its stance in this war. No longer could the baron just sit and contemplate over his pacifistic ideas and values, but actually he needed to take action. At least this was what Andelarion thought; how he actually would act in a hostile situation is a different matter.There had been reports about non-motivation among some of the soldiers of Elwynnese ethnicity in the southern regions of Elwynn. Only the Ardashirians felt really motivated in this war – as for them this war really was about life and death. Andelarion thought about this, and he didn’t like the fact there was a slight chance that some of his men would see the Yardistanis as liberators. “Xenophobia still exists…” the baron muttered for himself.To answer the non-motivation Andelarion ordered that laziness should be dealt with harshly and swiftly, giving more powers to individual commanders to exercise justice, punish non-obedient soldiers. Five hundred soldiers from the Baron’s command would have to be sent down to Shirekeep as well (stopping in Islus for the night), to help, observe and make sure that the soldiers follow orders.Summary: 500 soldiers sent down to south Elwynn by train – will probably take 1 day to get to Islus, and from there to Shirekeep another day.