Veliken War - The Bay of Alcyon

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Veliken War - The Bay of Alcyon

Post by Geminidc »

The joy that overcame me as I took my place in the captain’s seat on the bridge of the Bandobras, one of Antica’s finest ships, was a feeling that I had waited a long time for. I was just appointed the Commander of the 2nd Flotilla by the Antican Dinarch Octavius Me, and I knew that I wouldn’t let him down. The early morning sunshine lit up the fleet, stationed right outside of Alcyon, making the ships look like shining gods rising out of the depths of the sea.As a new commander, I had to earn the trust of my men. We weren’t at war, but even so, it would be a long term of service for all of us. The defense of Alcyon, and with it the western border of Antica was my charge.As I sat in my new chair, reflecting over my new position, and looking out at the new fleet, an ensign ran up to me, out of breath. “What is it?” I asked. “A message from HQ, sir. A universal message, sent to everyone in the military, regardless of the branch. It’s from the General.”The General. Those words sent a shiver down the spine of every Antican, regardless of the branch of the military. General Delphi Augustus. The man who single-handedly destroyed Avalonia. The man who defied the rest of the world. That man knew no bounds. He forged his own path, and stood up for himself and his nation. Despite the quaking fear that every Antican had of him, it was because of his perseverance and determination that Antica became as great as it was today.Anyway, I was quite shocked. The last time a universal message had been sent to every commander in the military, regardless of the branch, was at the outbreak of the war with Red Antilles. I took the memo paper, opened it, and read. I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I read it again. It had 5 words: “Condition 2. War with Shireroth.”I calmly handed the paper back, and announced, “We are now in Condition 2. All hands prepare for battle. This is not a drill.”The sirens began to sound. Messages were sent to the captains of each of the ships in the Flotilla. In a brusque official voice that came to me quite naturally, I issued my first order for the fleet to move. “Take us into the Bay of Alcyon. I want a meeting of all of the captains in the lower deck of the Bandobras at 1300 hours.”3 Hours LaterI sat down at the table, with the commanders of each of the other 13 ships surrounding me. “Let me see the map,” I asked. The captain of the Tailbiter, Hendrickson, took out a map and laid it on the table. I looked over the map, and began to speak to my subordinates.x = location of 2nd Flotilla“I had a chat with Admiral Octavius Me after I heard about the war. He told me that he is confident that we will come through victorious. He told us that he wants the 2nd Flotilla to concentrate on defense. He wants to ensure that Shireroth is unable to launch an attack on Antica from the West.“Hendrickson, and Standly, I want you to take the Tailbiter and Scorpion up to full alert. I always want planes in the air. Our primary duty will be to maintain air superiority in this theater of war. I have assurances from Alcyon that they will keep us well stocked on all provisions, and can provide additional aerial support if we call. Nevertheless, it will be the duty of both of your carriers to scout for enemy ships and to ensure that any enemy plane is incinerated. If an enemy plane or ship is sighted with in 100 miles of this fleet, I want to know about it. Can you manage that?”“Yes sir, very easily.”“Ok. Next. My perimeter squadron, your primary job will be to make sure that no damned subs can get to us. You will provide naval support in the destruction of enemy ships, but the biggest risk to a Naval Flotilla are submarines, and you must set up a perimeter for the Flotilla to make sure that submarines aren’t something we have to worry about. You have my permission to sink any non-Antican submarine on sight. Understood?”“Yes sir!”“Ok. I know that we are a brand new fleet. I know that we were just thrust together. But, I know that all of you are not only qualified for your positions, but you are fantastic men as well. We will have a tough war ahead of us, but I know that I can count on each and every one of you. Except for Captain Mipurnik, you are dismissed. Let’s show them what we’ve got!”As they filed out of the room, I looked at Captain Mipurnik. He commanded the carrier Geminicus. His was rated him as ‘extraordinarily able’ by his previous commander, Commodore Foghorn. His men were well respected by the rest of the fleet, and Mipurnik was well known as being a fantastic commanding officer.“Mipurnik,” I said. “Octavius and I also talked about a special mission. He wanted to focus on aerial superiority and defense, but I got his approval for an aerial strike on Destrykara. I want you to launch a squadron of bombers. Make sure that they have appropriate fighter support. We will bomb industrial and military targets in Destrykara, and then have them pull out and return to the carrier. I want you to destroy the Destrykara airfield, their munitions plant, and their army base. There are several other targets that we must eliminate. Here is a comprehensive list of all of the targets.”I handed him a list of targets sent to me by the Admiral.“We are very close to Destrykara. They don’t have any notable defenses set up there, but even so, we must be careful. We will go in, do our damage, and get out. This is looking like it will be a long war, and we must not give them a chance to do any significant damage to our forces. Understood?”“Yes sir," he replied. "With the new laser guided bombing technology, this should be a very simple mission. When should we leave?”“We should arrive at our destination in the Bay within the hour. At that point, we will secure the area, and ensure that there are no enemy forces in the vicinity. After that, it should be getting dark. Have your forces leave at 2100 hours tonight. Given the close vicinity, they should be back by 2330. Dismissed!”“Yes sir! Thank you sir!”As I watched Mipurnik walk off, I knew it would be a long, tough war. But I was ready, and I was excited.Moved the 2nd Flotilla into the Bay of Alcyon, set up perimeter defense and aerial superiority. Launched an arial attack on Destrykara.Edit: Added bold summary. Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 5/15/05 0:04



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